
  • Our research on the use of mobile phone screening of asylum applicants in the Netherlands and in Germany is covered in de Volkskrant (in Dutch) and in EenVandaag on NPO Radio 1. To read more, check out our paper in Forced Migration Review.
  • We have organized the 10th Int. Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science at METU, Ankara, on 1 June. The keynotes were Jeff Cohn (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Tilbe Göksun (Koç Univ.), and Metehan Çiçek (Ankara Univ.). If you are interested in hosting the next edition of ISBCS, please drop me an email.
  • The Turkey Computational Social Science Conference was organized at Koç University for the second time this year, between 2-3 May. I gave a talk on data collaboratives and big data for social good.
  • Our project 'Responsible scaling of data-driven approaches for enhancing mental health care' received funding under NWO KIC Mission call ‘Realisation, acceleration and upscaling of mission-driven innovation’ this year. We will hire one new PhD student (co-supervised with H. Kaya) and collaborate with UMC Utrecht Psychiatry Department to develop responsible (transparent, fair and privacy-aware) machine learning methods to predict treatment response for mental disorders.
  • Needs Map Europe is organizing the Needs Map Data Challenge to provide insights into rising needs and support structures after a large-scale earthquake - such as the February'23 earthquake in Kahramanmaras-Hatay in Turkey.
  • We have organized the 18th IEEE Int. Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition in Istanbul, May 27-31, 2024. FG'25 will be held in Florida, and call for proposals for FG'26 is out now.
  • I gave a keynote on "Designing Computational Tools for Behavioral and Clinical Science" at the Measuring Behavior Conference, 15-17 May 2024. Our recently established AI and Animal Welfare Lab also organized a symposium, where I presented pain detection in equines and dogs via computer vision approaches.
  • The Asia–Pacific Migration Data Report 2022 of IOM is now (freely) available. I contributed a small piece on the usage of mobile phone data.
  • Yapay zekâ politik görüşümüzü yüzümüzden anlayabilir mi? Sarkaç platformuna yazdım.
  • We are establishing the Dutch chapter of the IEEE Biometrics Council. If you are interested in biometrics, forensics, identity science, and human behavior analysis, send me an e-mail to be included in the correspondence. IEEE membership is a plus, but not required.
  • The video of my talk at II. Bilkent Computational Social Science Summit on data collaboratives and big data for social good is available on YouTube.
  • I have joined Technical Committee 12 (Multimedia and Visual Information Systems) of IAPR as an information officer. Please don't hesitate to send me an email if there is something the TC12 can do for you, or vice versa.
  • IMISCOE's Standing Committee on Methods in Migration Research (Meth@Mig) publishes a series of video interviews on "Digitization of Migration Research Methods: Promises and Pitfalls". You can watch the first one with Marzia Rango here, and in the second one, I discuss mobile phone data for migration and mobility.
  • Türkiye'de veya yurtdışında hesaplamalı sosyal bilimler, insan hareketliliği, sosyal ağ analizi, sosyal sorunlar için yapay zeka konularında çalışan araştırmacıları biraraya getirmek için yeni bir liste kurduk: Bu konularda çalışan herkesi katılmaya ve listeyi duyurmaya davet ediyoruz.
  • The closing workshop of the Data for Refugees (D4R) Challenge was held on 21 January 2019, at Bogazici University, Albert Long Hall. All project reports are available online. (If the link doesn't work, please try this one.)
  • The Turkish computer vision and pattern recognition community started an e-mail communication list, and the number of its members reached two hundred and fifty. The communication language is mainly Turkish. Look for "". Please join in and spread the word.
  • You can download the slides for the Workshop on Teaching Style and Content for the training of teaching assistants. These are partly based (with much compression and simplification) on the material from the BKO certification program (webpage in Dutch), offered by the University of Amsterdam.
  • If you are interested in hearing about cognitive science related events in Turkey, please subscribe to our mailing list (moderated)
  • The UvA-NEMO Smile database went public! See the website for details on how to obtain it, and check here the coverage in the media. Learn more about our experiment on the effect of dynamic information for facial age and expression estimation here (in Dutch) and here (in English). The public report (in Dutch) can be downloaded here.