Teaching page G. Sleijpen
Fourier theory and Wavelets


Note: in order to obtain a master certificate, the grade of any courses in the master program should be 6 or more (it is not possible to compensate a 5.5 for one course by an 8, say, for another course).

The grade for this course is determined by

Your grade should be at least 6 for each of the parts. These partly grades are weighted in the final grade with the weights as indicated.

o The final grade for the weekly homework assignments is used to measure the quality of your participation in class. This grade is equal to the average of your grades for the weekly assigments. The average is taken over all assigments but two. The exception of two allows you to miss two assignments or to discard the two with lowest grade.
o Participation in class also requires doing some computer exercises: you have to do experiments (using precoded Matlab routines; you do not have to do the coding yourself), to interpret the results, and to make notes of your observations and interpretations. Be prepared to have discussions with your teacher. The discussions may refer to your notes. The notes are also useful for exercises later on.

If your participation is not sufficient then you have to do an oral exam.

Reports. You may consult the teacher and other students as well as textbooks and internet in the preparation of your report. However, you have to turn in a personal report and you have to be prepared to discuss the report with the teacher. The grade for the report also depends on this final discussion.
    The report should be readable for anyone who is familiar with Fourier and wavelet theory but did not consult your sources (i.e., the reader did not read the text of the exercises nor the lecture notes and the hand-outs). In particular, repeat results, notions, terminolgy in your report that are crusial for understanding, but be as brief as possible and refer to the lecture notes for details (with exact crossreferences, that is, with subsection number, page number; try to folow in your report the notation as used in the course). If, in your report, you use texts from books or from internet, then cite your sources and, in case you quote, also clearly indicate what part of your text has been quoted. Without proper reference, the quote is considered to be plagiarism. Note that we will follow the university's policy concerning fraud and plagiarism. Obviously, quotes and citations should fit in the report (i.e., they should support your arguments and should be understandable from the text in your report preceding the citation).
    Try to provide insight. In particular, explain your line of arguments and try to include instructive examples (not just theorems and proofs). Focus as much as possible on the issues that are central in this course.
    Do not hesitate to consult your teacher: discussions with your teacher are part of the learning process.
    A report can be on

In all cases, contact the teacher before you start working on the report. You may be provided with alternative questions, etc..
    You will have at most one opportunity to improve the report in case your report is insufficient. Do not turn in your report if you do not feel comfortable with it hoping it will be graded with a 6 or more: consult your teacher first.

  © Gerard L. G. Sleijpen   <G.L.G.Sleijpen@uu.nl>
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