Teaching page G. Sleijpen
Fourier theory and Wavelets

Wavelet & FFT Resources

This page contains material for the final exercise. For the text for the exercise, the matlab subroutines, and test images, go to the sections 3 and 7; the other sections contain background material and references that you may want to consult. This exercise comes in place of a written examination. There are instructions (ps.gz, pdf) on preparing your report. See also Arno Swart's waveletpage.
  1. Fourier Transform

  2. Applications of the Fourier transform

  3. Exercise: JPEG Encoding with MATLAB

  4. Short term Fourier transform

  5. Wavelets

  6. Applications of wavelets

  7. Exercise:JPEG-2000 Encoding with MATLAB



Fourier Transform

The Fourier transform transforms functions (or signals in the discrete case) from the time domain to the frequency domain. The drawbacks of Fourier transform are

The transform is popular because of a fast implementiation, the fast Fourier transform (FFT).

Applications of the Fourier Transform

Exercise: JPEG Encoding with MATLAB

There is an introduction to JPEG compression using MATLAB (ps.gz, pdf)
and matlab source files (tar.gz  *,  zip) as well as example images (tar.gz  *, zip).
You can use the LaTeX source (tar.gz,  *,  zip) if you want to use a matrix or a figure from the `introduction paper'.


Short term Fourier Transform

To overcome the lack of compactness in the Fourier basisfunctions one can use windows in the time domain. A window has a certain width and is shifted over the domain, usually the windows overlap and a convolution is used with a function that falls off at the ends of the window. The short-term Fourier transform however faces the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle:
Wide window <-> Good frequency representation <-> bad time localisation.
Narrow window <-> Bad frequency representation <-> good time locatisation.


The resolution problems in the Fourier analysis techniques can be overcome by a multiresolution analysis. Essentially this means considering the function/signal at various levels in the time domain. At the smallest scale one obtains the slowly varying features while at higher scales more detail is incorporated. The wavelet transform makes this possible. The wavelet transform uses basisfunctions that are generated from a compactly supported mother wavelet by means of dilations and translations.


Applications of the wavelet transform

Exercise: JPEG-2000 Encoding with MATLAB

There is an introduction to JPEG-2000-like compression using MATLAB (ps.gz, pdf)
and matlab source files (requires matlab6, crashes under matlab7!) (tar.gz  *) as well as example images (same as for JPEG encoding with MATLAB).
You can use the LaTeX source (tar.gz,  *, zip) if you want to use a matrix or a figure from the `JPEG-2000 introduction paper'.


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