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Zhaojun Bai and James Demmel, Using the matrix sign function to compute
invariant subspaces, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 19 (1998), no. 1,
205-225 (electronic). MR 99c:65066
- 2
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13 (1992), no. 1, 176-190. MR 93c:65056
- 3
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- 4
A. Bouras and V. Fraysse, A relaxation strategy for inexact matrix-vector
products for Krylov methods, Technical Report TR/PA/00/15, CERFACS,
France, 2000.
- 5
A. Bouras, V. Fraysse, and L. Giraud, A relaxation strategy for
inner-outer linear solvers in domain decomposition methods, Technical Report
TR/PA/00/17, CERFACS, France, 2000.
- 6
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- 7
L. Giraud, J. Langou, M. Rozlozník, and J. van den Eshof,
Rounding error analysis of the classical Gram-Schmidt
orthogonalization process, Technical Report TR/PA/04/77, CERFACS,
Toulouse, France, 2004.
- 8
Luc Giraud and Lucien J. Langou, Robust selective Gram-Schmidt
reorthogonalization, Technical Report TR/PA/02/52, CERFACS, Toulouse,
France, 2002, Submitted to SISC Copper Mountain Special Issue.
- 9
to3em, When modified Gram-Schmidt generates a well-conditioned set
of vectors, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 22 (2002),
no. 4, 521-528.
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Luc Giraud, Langou Jucien, and Rozlozník Miro, On the round-off
error analysis of the Gram-Schmidt algorithm with reorthogonalization,
Technical Report TR/PA/02/33, CERFACS, Toulouse, France, 2002.
- 11
Anne Greenbaum, Vlastimil Pták, and Zdenek Strakoš, Any
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Matrix Anal. Appl. 17 (1996), no. 3, 465-469. MR 97c:65057
- 12
Anne Greenbaum, M. Rozlozník, and Zdenek Strakoš,
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- 13
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- 14
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- 18
Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld, Theory of inexact Krylov
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Comput. 25 (2003), no. 2, 454-477 (electronic) (2003).
- 19
Gerard L. G. Sleijpen, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation, Personal
notes, Januari 2000.
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Jasper van den Eshof and Gerard L. G. Sleijpen, Inexact Krylov
subspace methods for linear systems, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 26
(2004), no. 1, 125-153.
- 21
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MR 87h:65061
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Henk A. van der Vorst, Iterative methods for large linear systems,
Lecture notes on iterative methods, June 2002.
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to3em, Iterative Krylov methods for large linear systems, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 2003, Cambridge Monographs on applied and
computational mathematics, 13.