Presentatie Methods XII
Datum: Donderdag 11 augustus @ 18:23:09 GMT+1
Onderwerp: Onderzoek

Methods XII talk Op de conferentie Methods XII: Twelfth International Conference on Methods in Dialectology in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, heb ik mijn onderzoek (zie ook de handout) gepresenteerd aan ruim 30 dialectologen, waaronder alle bekende dialectometrische experts zoals Hans Goebl, William Kretzschmar en John Nerbonne, alsook befaamde dialectologen zoals Jack Chambers. Ik heb er veel positieve reacties op gekregen, en bovendien hoop ik ooit de opname te kunnen zien die Franz Manni van mijn optreden heeft gemaakt!

Bovendien heb ik voor het eerst een sessie van vier presentaties voorgezeten; aangezien ik het publiek met enige stemverheffingen binnen anderhalve zin stil kon krijgen en de sprekers liever hun verhaal afbraken dan dat ze het risico liepen om door mij te worden afgebroken, heb ik wel de indruk dat ik me hier wel goed doorheen heb geslagen...

Tenslotte ben ik tijdens deze driejaarlijkse conferentie bij de volgende presentaties geweest:

  • Application of GIS technology to the studies in Japanese dialectology - Takuichiro Onishi
  • Two histories helping one another through modern methods: the regional French of Normandy - Damien Hall
  • Superimposing linguistic maps to trace linguistic changes - Chitsuko Fukushima
  • Moebius bands and discontinuities in a vast speech community - J. K. Chambers
  • Rhoticity in Australian English - Elizabeth Gordon and Peter Trudgill
  • Dialect change among Ameland dialect speakers and the "island mentality" - Mathilde Jansen
  • What dialectology can do for historical linguistics: dialect atlas data and the development of Galego from Galician - Tara Sanchez, Jeff Conn and Dave Schueler
  • Dialect contact and linguistic performance - Natalie Schilling-Estes
  • Measuring contact effects on syntax: the English of Finnish immigrants to Australia - Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen, Pekka Hirvonen, Timo Lauttamus, John Nerbonne and Wybo Wiersema
  • “Happen I not talking good English”: the progressive aspect in the English of Finnish Australians - Pekka Hirvonen, Timo Lauttamus and Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen
  • Language in space: an alternative approach for the cartographic representation of dialects - Monika Wegmann
  • Data capture and presentation in the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas - Sheila Embleton, Dorin Uritescu and Eric Wheeler
  • Perceptual free classification of dialect variation - Cynthia G. Clopper and David B. Pisoni
  • Variation in spoken Yiddish: statistical methods for discovering regional, social and stylistic features. (Harvesting Uriel Weinreich's Yiddish Atlas archive) - Ulrike Kiefer and Robert Neumann
  • The geographical expansion of the vocalization of /l/ in Standard Dutch - Anke Jongkind, Pieter van Reenen and Evert Wattel
  • Two techniques for measuring the velocity of dialect diffusion - Fumio Inoue
  • Factors influencing polite language usage - Akemi Yamashita
  • French schwa: empirical and methodological issues - Jacques Durand
  • Art and science in computational dialectology - William A. Kretzschmar Jr.
  • On the symmetry of interlingual reading comprehension. Attitudinal and linguistic explanations - Charlotte Gooskens and Renée van Bezooijen
  • Putting the profile-based comparison of regional and register varieties to the test - Dirk Speelman, Stefan Grondelaers and Dirk Geeraerts
  • /R/ variation in Acadian French: what can correspondence analysis contribute toward explanation - Wladyslaw Cichocki
  • Comparing the geographic patterns of surname and dialect variation in the Netherlands - Franz Manni
  • The relative contribution of lexical and pronunciation differences to perceived distances between Norwegian dialects - Wilbert Heeringa and Charlotte Gooskens
  • North American English vowels: a factor analytic approach - Cynthia Clopper and John Paolillo
  • Linguistic Regularity in Language Variation - John Nerbonne
  • Database design and technical solutions for the management, calculation and visualization of mass dialect data - Edgar Haimerl
  • Dialectometry: theoretical prerequisites, practical problems, and concrete applications - Hans Goebl

Dit artikel komt van marco@work

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