- J.A. Sanders and F. Verhulst, Averaging Methods in Nonlinear Dy- namical systems, Springer-Verlag, 1985, 248 pp. (revised ed. 2007).
- Jan A. Sanders, Ferdinand Verhulst and James Murdock, Averag- ing Methods in Nonlinear Dynamical systems 2d ed., Springer-Verlag, Appl. Math. Sciences vol. 59, 2007, 451 pp. (revised ed. of 1985 version).
- Verhulst, F. - Nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systems, Springer-Verlag, 1993, Berlin-Heidelberg, 288 pag., 3d printing. revised and extended edition 1997, 2000 Universitext, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
- A. Tondl, M. Ruijgrok, F. Verhulst and R. Nabergoj, Autoparametric Resonance in Mechanical Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2000, 196 pp.
- Henk Broer, Jan van de Craats, Ferdinand Verhulst, Chaostheorie, het einde van de voorspelbaarheid?, 2e herziene druk, Epsilon Uitgaven, 2003, 160 pp. In Dutch.
- Ferdinand Verhulst, Chaos en Orde, Zebra 16, Epsilon Uitgaven, 2003, 64 pp. In Dutch.
- Ferdinand Verhulst, Methods and Applications of Singular Perturba- tions, boundary layers and multiple timescale dynamics, Texts in Applied Mathematics 50, 340 pp. Springer, 2005, New York.
- Ferdinand Verhulst, Een koele blik op waarheid, bewijzen en redeneren in de wiskunde, Zebra 26, Epsilon Uitgaven, 2007, 64 pp. (In Dutch).
- Ferdinand Verhulst, Henri Poincar ́e, impatient genius, Springer, New York, 2012, 260 pp.
Lecture Notes
- Lecture Notes in Mathematics 711, Springer-Verlag, 1979, Asymptotic Analysis I (Editor)
- Lecture Notes in Mathematics 985, Springer-Verlag,1985, Asymptotic Analysis II (Editor)
- Dynamische Systemen en Chaos, Epsilon Uitgaven, 1990 (Editor, co- editor H.W. Broer), in Dutch.
- Ferdinand Verhulst, Sebastian Walcher (eds.), Das Zebra-Buch zur Geometrie , Springer, Heidelberg etc, 2010, 304 pp. (in German).
- 2011, Jiri Naprstek, Jaromir Horacek, Miloshav Okrouhlik, Bohdana Marvalova,
Ferdinand Verhulst, Jerzy T. Sawicki, eds. -Vibration Problems, ICOVP 2011,
Springer Proceedings in Physics 139, The 10th International Conference on Vibration Problems.