Neutron scattering study of the two-dimensional frustrated
A. G. Schins,(a) M Nielsen,(b) A. F. M.
Arts,(a) and H. W. de Wijn(a)
(a) Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, and Debye Institute,
Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.000, 3508 TA Utrecht, The
(b) Physics Department, Risø National Laboratory, P.O.
Box 49, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Quasielastic neutron scattering is performed on a single crystal of the
two-dimensional antiferromagnet
Rb2Cu0.12Co0.88F4, whose
magnetic structure is frustrated by the admixture of ferromagnetic bonds.
From the critical scattering, the in-plane inverse correlation length is
found to decrease linearly with the temperature, with a critical exponent
\nu = 1.02 ± 0.04. At the onset of the sublattice magnetization, which
occurs at TN = 88.1 ± 0.1 K, however, the in-plane
correlations have not yet become long ranged. At TN,
the planar domain size has grown to only 14 lattice spacings. Below
TN, the planar domains size increases further, to attain
length scales beyond resolution at about 75 K. Conversely, the domains
break up into smaller ones in this temperature range upon warming up. For
the critical exponent of the susceptibility we find \gamma = 1.5 ± 0.2
after correction for the finite correlation remaining at
TN. The sublattice magnetization obeys the critical
exponent \beta = 0.16 ± 0.04. The critical exponents found compare with
the Ising values \nu = 1, \gamma= 7/4, and \beta= 1/8. Another
manifestation of the frustration is the failure to reach true equilibrium
below TN. This is reflected in a dependence of the
c-axis correlations on the cooling rate, and in a small increment
of the intralayer and in-layer correlation lengths over long