
In 2024/25, I am teaching Mathematical Methods 3 (Wiskundige Technieken 3) in Blok 1, Functional Analysis (Functionaalanalyse) in Blok 2, and the Seminar Analysis: Quantization in Semester 2; see Blackboard and Osiris for the dedicated pages.

Master track "Mathematics of Physical Structures"

In our master program we have a new track on Mathematics of Physical Structures, which explores in depth the mathematical foundations of modern physical theories.

It provides the mathematical understanding and tools underpinning an extensive range of contemporary science including statistical mechanics, relativity, string theory and the quantum theory of many body systems. It is structured into two broad thematic blocks: mathematical relativity and mathematics of large-scale systems. A combination of courses from both blocks is also possible.

In 2024/25 I will be responsible for the sub-track on mathematical relativity. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to know more about it.

BSc and MSc projects

Please do not hesitate to contact me before the beginning of the semester if you are interested in a project at BSc or MSc level.

Depending on your own interests, it could be a project in pure mathematics (analysis, differential geometry) or at the interface with theoretical physics (mathematics relevant for Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory or General Relativity).

previous years:  2023/242022/232021/222020/212019/20,  2018/19,  2017/18,  2016/17,  2015/16,  2014/15