Exercises Lie groups and Lie algebras
(Mastermath, WISL 535, 2018)

See also: theory

Spring semester:

Only a small selection of home work exercises will have to be handed in. Such exercises will be indicated by a star.
You are allowed to hand in either at the beginning of an exercise class, or by sending a pdf by email. In you chose for the latter option, use the following format:
  • mention HW n in the subject header, with n = 1,2,3, etc = number of the Homework exercise
  • use fontsize 12 pt in your pdf
  • give the file the following title: lastname_HWn, Example: Weyl_HW6
  • If you want to do the exam, please register with MasterMath. If you fail to do so, you will not be admitted to the exam.

    1. Week 6 (Feb 9)
    Exercises: 1,2,3.

    2. Week 7 (Feb 16)
    Exercises: 4,5,8.
    Exercise 6*=HW1: hand in at the beginning of the exercise class on Feb 23.

    3. Week 8 (Feb 23)
    Exercises: 9, 12, 10
    Exercise 11*=HW2: hand in at the beginning of the exercise class on March 2.

    4. Week 9 (Mar 2)
    Exercises: 13, 14, 15, 17. This week no hand in exercise.

    5. Week 10 (Mar 9)
    Exercises: 16, 20
    Exercise 18*=HW3: hand in at the beginning of the exercise class on March 16.

    6. Week 11 (Mar 16)
    Exercises: 21, 22, 23.

    7. Week 12 (Mar 23)
    Exercises: 25, 26, 27, 28
    Exercise 29*=HW4: Hand in at the beginning of the exercise class on April 6.

    xx. Week 13 (Mar 30): Goede vrijdag, no class

    8. Week 14 (Apr 6)
    Exercises: 30, 32, 33.

    9. Week 15 (Apr 13)
    Exercise: 49, Extra exercise 52.
    Exercise 31*=HW5: Hand in at the beginning of the exercise class on April 20.

    10. Week 16 (Apr 20)
    Exercises: Extra exercises 50, 53, 34, 35 , 36.
    Exercise 39*=HW6: in at the beginning of the exercise class on May 4.

    xx. Week 17 (Apr 27): King's day, no class

    11. Week 18 (May 4)
    Exercises: 37, 38.

    xx. Week 19 (May 11): Hemelvaart, no class

    12. Week 20 (May 18)
    Exercise: 40.

    13. Week 21 (May 25)


    Last update: 24/10-2017