Research interests
The two central themes of my research have been the statistical
physics of nonequilibrium systems and the equilibrium
properties of surfaces. Brief summaries follow:
physics of nonequilibrium systems
During my
thesis work I have been concerned with the kinetic theory of dense
gases and liquids. For hard spheres a formally exact theory has been
formulated, which however, requires drastic simplification in
practical applications. Generalizations have been made to
square-well potentials (with G. Stell, J. Karkheck, J. Sengers and
others) as well as to more general potentials (with J.A. Leegwater).
Most used to date still is the most drastic simplification, now
known as Revised Enskog Theory.
Over the past
years I have been deeply interested in the connections between chaos
theory and nonequilibrium statistical physics. With, among others,
J.R. Dorfman, R. van Zon, H. Posch, A. de Wijn and O. Mülken I
succeeded in calculating analytically several dynamical properties,
such as Lyapunov exponents, Kolmogorov Sinai entropies and
topological pressures, for dilute physical systems like the Lorentz
gas and the hard-ball gas. For these calculations kinetic theory
methods were crucial again. My present hope is to gain with these
methods, a much better physical understanding of Sinai-Ruelle Bowen
measures, which according to G. Gallavotti and E.G.D.Cohen are the
proper generalizations of the famous Gibbs measures of equilibrium
statistical physics to stationary nonequilibrium states.
I have also
worked extensively on the dynamics of stochastic systems, e.g.
lattice gases undergoing hopping dynamics. For such systems,
together with K. Kehr and R. Kutner, I have developed methods for
calculating diffusion coefficients as well as time dependence of
various correlation functions. I also gave simple rigorous
derivations of the so-called long-time-tails, occurring in such
correlation functions. With L. Schulman I studied a simplifying
limit in a class of driven diffusive systems, where the existence
and properties of a phase transition in the stationary state could
be demonstrated explicitly. With H. Spohn and R. Kutner I showed
that one-dimensional driven diffusive systems exhibit quite
anomalous collective diffusion, identified later as belonging to the
KPZ universality class.
Presently I am working, with G. Barkema and J. Kuipers, on nucleation phenomena in
lattice gases with stochastic dynamics. We found that the classical
Becker-Döring equations for the nucleation dynamics work very well,
at least for two-dimensional systems with non-conserving dynamics.
However, for a good quantitative agreement between theory and
simulation results one has to refine the expressions for the free
energy of a growing nucleus and for the jump rates between nuclei of
different sizes. We are now considering systems with conserving
dynamics and three-dimensional systems and in the near future we
also plan to study continuum systems. Another point of great
interest is the dynamics for very short times, which is especially
important in systems where the first nucleation has a dramatic
effect, like an explosion. For systems prepared by a quench into a
metastable state, the first nucleation event is strongly delayed,
because initially there are only very small nuclei present. These
require a minimal time for reaching the critical size, beyond which
growth proceeds unimpeded. We found the Becker-Döring equations are
successful in describing this phenomenon too.
properties of surfaces
My interest in
this subject was raised already during my thesis work in Nijmegen.
There G. Gallavotti reported on a conjecture by R. Dobrushin: he had
noticed that at low temperatures the formation of large mounds or
pits on a flat interface in a three-dimensional Ising model should
be virtually impossible for energetic reasons. With increasing
importance of entropy, this occurrence might well become feasible at
higher temperatures, still below the critical one. This then ought
to give rise to a phase transition, which later has been baptized
the roughening transition. At about the same time I heard P.
Bennema, in a talk on crystal growth, explain the theory of Burton,
Cabrera and Frank. They argued that on crystal facets there ought to
be a phase transition, where the growth mode in the normal direction
changes from a slow, nucleation driven, layer-by-layer growth to a
fast, continuous accumulation of matter. I immediately was convinced
these two observations were closely related and the subject kept
drifting in my mind.
As a first
result I showed, by very simple means that, in the three-dimensional
Ising model, the critical temperature of the corresponding
two-dimensional model provides a rigorous lower bound for the
roughening temperature, the temperature where the roughening
transition occurs. Later, it was found numerically that this is only
10% below the actual roughening temperature for this system.
A few years
later I discovered that the six-vertex model, which had been
solved exactly by Lieb, extended by Sutherland, Yang and Yang, may
be reinterpreted as a model for a crystal surface. As a consequence
of this, the phase transitions found by Lieb could be reinterpreted
as roughening transitions in the corresponding surface models. This
was the first rigorous proof that roughening transitions indeed may
exist. In addition it followed that the transition is not at all of
the Ising-type, as anticipated by Burton, Cabrera and Frank, but
rather it is a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. Chui and Weeks, on
the basis of an approximate mapping of another surface model to a
two-dimensional Coulomb gas, in fact, had anticipated this a little
By now the
roughening transition has also been found in several experimental
systems. Most convincingly by S. Lipson et al. and by S. Balibar et
al. in solid helium, but also in various metals, e.g. lead and
indium, by the groups of J. C. Heyraud and J.J. Métois and of A.
Pavlovska and E. Bauer, and already before that (but with smaller
accuracy) in plastic crystals by A. Pavlovska and Ch. Nenov.
More recently,
with E. Luijten, G. Mazzeo and E. Carlon, I have been looking at
staggered six-vertex models, for which quite remarkable phase
diagrams do emerge. We found inverse roughening transitions
in certain variants of the model, where the surface is rough below
and smooth above the roughening temperature, and phase diagrams with
a rough phase confined between two roughening temperatures plus an
Ising-type transition at still lower temperature. For certain
combinations of coupling constants mean-field methods are very
accurate. These predict very complex equilibrium surface structures,
with several phase boundaries and exotic features like conical
The theory of
equilibrium states of crystal surfaces by now has reached some stage
of maturity, but the dynamics of these surfaces is still very much
under investigation.