Willem Jan van de Berg


Speaking is silver, laughing is gold

This website is in an everlasting construction.

Contact information

Willem Jan van de Berg
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU)
Utrecht University

Post address:
P.O. Box 80005
3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands

Street address:
Princetonplein 5
3584 CC Utrecht
The Netherlands

Room BBL 663

tel: +31 30 253 3273
fax: +31 30 254 3163

Public transport to the Buijs Ballot Laboratorium (BBL) is by city bus line 11 from the Central Station of Utrecht. Get off at the bus stop "Botanische Tuinen". An itinerary from any place in the Netherlands to the BBL can be obtained through www.9292.nl and entering "Princetonplein" in Utrecht as destination street address.