Rob Bisseling
Name : Rob Bisseling
Function : Professor in Scientific Computing
Department : Mathematics
Utrecht University
the Netherlands
Postal Address: PO Box 80010
3508 TA Utrecht
the Netherlands
For visiting : Budapestlaan 6
De Uithof
room MI 517
Email (note the spam prevention) : R. H. Bisseling "AT" uu. nl
Phone : +31 30-2531481
Fax : +31 30-2518394
The fastest Fourier transform in Utrecht
And probably elsewhere as well. Our paper on the multidimensional
parallel Fast Fourier transform and its implementation FFTU has appeared
on December 8, 2023:
Thomas Koopman and Rob H. Bisseling,
Minimizing communication in the multidimensional FFT,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
45, No. 6 (2023) pp. C330-C347.
Postprint version.
The paper is accompanied by two videos,
Parallel 3D Fast Fourier Transform
which explains the basic idea, and
Proof of Parallel 3D Fast Fourier Transform, which presents the underlying proof (for the diehards).
The software is available at FFTU.
Parallel Scientific Computation: A Structured Approach using BSP (Second edition)
by Rob H. Bisseling,
Oxford University Press,
September 2020. 416 pages. ISBN 9780198788348 (hardback), ISBN 9780198788355 (paperback).
Invited lecture at SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computation /
SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computation,
Seattle, USA, February 12, 2020
Parallel Tomographic Reconstruction - Where Combinatorics Meets Geometry
by Rob H. Bisseling.
(46 MB. The PDF file contains a movie in mp4 format. It works best with Acrobat Reader,
and you have to enable reading of the mp4 file.)
Bug fix release of Mondriaan 4.2.1 (August 8, 2019)
Information on the Mondriaan package.
Download the latest version of the
Mondriaan software, version 4.2.1 (tar gzipped).
Bulk: a Modern C++ Interface for Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Programs (August 20, 2018)
Bulk: a Modern C++ Interface for Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Programs by Jan-Willem Buurlage, Tom Bannink, and Rob H. Bisseling,
in Proceedings Euro-Par 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11014, Springer, 2018, pp. 519-532.
Published version.
Software available from Bulk repository on Github.
Release of Mondriaan 4.2 (September 17, 2017)
Version 4.2 contains several improvements compared to version 4.1.
These are:
- A zero-volume search based on finding connected components is performed before every bipartitioning, to perform easy splits quickly if they exist.
- Improved load balance by moving free nonzeros (in a row and column that are both cut) after every bipartitioning.
- Overall speed improvements.
- A separate MondriaanStats program which is able to quickly determine the communication volume and other information about a computed partitioning.
Right: linocut "Dr. Mondrian" by Henk van der Vorst (August 2010).
Henk's web gallery.
New: release of SAWdoubler version 2.0 (March 28, 2017)
SAWdoubler software.
SAWdoubler is a software package for counting the number
of self-avoiding walks on a regular lattice, based on
the length-doubling method described in:
Exact enumeration of self-avoiding walks
by Raoul D. Schram, Gerard T. Barkema, and Rob H. Bisseling,
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2011)
The aim of the package is to enable counting self-avoiding walks on a variety
of lattices, and stimulate research into this topic.
Please feel free to explore the possibilities of modifying this program.
Have fun!
New features of version 2.0:
- The number of walks Z_N can now be determined for every integer N,
in particular odd N. The length-doubling method computes Z_(N+M) for every
pair of integers N, M >= 1.
- The squared end-to-end distance P_N is also computed, defined as the sum
of the squared Euclidean distances of the endpoints of all the
self-avoiding walks.
- New lattices have been added to the simple cubic (SC) lattice:
Body-Centred Cubic (BCC), Face-Centred Cubic (FCC).
- A parallel version is included based on the
MulticoreBSP library for
easy shared memory parallel programming.
Results on the BCC and FCC lattice are obtained and analysed in
Exact enumeration of self-avoiding walks on BCC and FCC lattices
by Raoul D. Schram, Gerard T. Barkema, Rob H. Bisseling, and Nathan Clisby",
arXiv:1703.09340 [cond-mat.stat-mech] March 27, 2017.
Accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment.
New: Slides (in Dutch) Lunchlezing tentoonstelling Imaginary, February 8, 2017, Stadskantoor Utrecht
Slides of the lecture Wiskunde in Stijl; van Mondriaan tot matrix
Download of the embedded movies:
Matrix LNS_3937
Matrix pi
Hot Topic in ACM Computing Reviews (June 2016)
Thinking in Sync: The Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Approach to Large-Scale Computing
by Rob H. Bisseling and Albert-Jan N. Yzelman,
ACM Computing reviews, Vol. 57, No. 6 (2016), pp. 322-327.
Essay on state-of-the-art in bulk-synchronous parallel computing,
with related web resources.
Oratie (Inaugural lecture)
Tuesday December 8, 2009 16.15 hour: Oratie Rob Bisseling,
"Parallel, groen en snel" (in Dutch),
Aula Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht.
What's new?
Reports by science writer Anouck Vrouwe of the Study Week Mathematics with Industry 2015
organised in Utrecht, January 26-30, 2015.
Efficient matching for column intersection graphs by
B. O. Fagginger Auer and R. H. Bisseling,
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 19 (2014), Article 1.3.
Improves the coarsening of a multilevel sparse matrix partitioning
by exploiting better graph matching methods for the graph corresponding to A^TA.
Big graphs for big data: parallel matching and
clustering on billion-vertex graphs
by Rob Bisseling, talk at AMLaGAP 2014 workshop, Orleans, France,
May 19, 2014.
Shorter version
presented during study trip to Asia with student union
A-Eskwadraat, July 2014.
Nieuw wiskundig record zelfmijdende wandelingen
Press release (in Dutch) July 6, 2011.
Exact enumeration of self-avoiding walks by R. D. Schram, G. T. Barkema,
and R. H. Bisseling. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
(2011) p06019.
(Final preprint.) Publisher's final version.
Presents a new method for counting
self-avoiding walks based on the inclusion-exclusion principle from combinatorics.
This length-doubling counts walks of length 2N by combining pairs of walks of length N.
The method is used to move the current record in 3D on the simple cubic lattice from N=30 to N=36.
- March 8, 2011.
MulticoreBSP released. An object-oriented version of BSPlib
in Java aimed at multicore architectures, developed by Albert-Jan Yzelman and
Rob Bisseling.
Paper: An Object-oriented BSP Library for Multicore Programming
by Albert-Jan Yzelman and Rob Bisseling,
Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, 2011.
Geometric Approach to Matrix Ordering
by B. O. Fagginger Auer and Rob H. Bisseling,
Technical Report. Submitted to arXiv:1105.4490v1" May 23, 2011.
Presents a recursive way to partition hypergraphs which creates and exploits
hypergraph geometry and is suitable for many-core parallel architectures. Such partitionings are then
used to bring sparse matrices in a recursive Bordered Block Diagonal form (for processor-oblivious
parallel LU decomposition) or recursive Separated Block Diagonal form (for cache-oblivious sparse
matrix–vector multiplication). The partitioning is based on a geometric
representation in d dimensions, with d=4 a good choice for implementation on a GPU.
A cache-oblivious sparse matrix--vector multiplication scheme based on the Hilbe
rt curve
by Albert-Jan N. Yzelman and Rob H. Bisseling,
submitted, October 15, 2010. To appear in Proceedings
European Conference on Mathematics for Industry 2010.
Uses the Hilbert curve in 2D to achieve a cache-oblivious SpMV
and proposes the Bi-directional Incremental Compressed Row Storage (BICRS)
data structure. Speedups of up to a factor two are attained for the SpMV multiplication y = Ax on sufficiently large, unstructured matrices.
Two-dimensional cache-oblivious sparse matrix-vector multiplication
by Albert-Jan N. Yzelman and Rob H. Bisseling,
Parallel Computing, 2011.
Extends our previous 1D cache-oblivious method for SpMV to 2D.
Introduces the Doubly Separated Block Diagonal (DSBD) sparse matrix form,
and also a family of recursive sparse blocking schemes for
matrices in DSBD form. The new method obtains
speedups of up to a factor of 3 compared
to the natural ordering with the CRS datastructure.
Parallel Greedy Graph Matching using an Edge Partitioning Approach"
by Md.~Mostofa Ali Patwary, Rob H. Bisseling, and Fredrik Manne.
Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on High-level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP 2010), pp. 45-54, September, 2010.
Sparse matrix partitioning, ordering, and visualisation by Mondriaan 3.0
by Rob Bisseling, Albert-Jan Yzelman, Bas Fagginger Auer.
Slides of lecture presented at the Workshop Scheduling in Aussois, France,
June 4, 2010.
Combinatorial problems in High-Performance Computing
by Rob Bisseling.
Slides of lecture presented on March 24, 2010 at the EIDMA seminar Combinatorial Theory,
Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.
Teaching parallelism in an interdisciplinary scientific computing programme
by Rob Bisseling.
Slides of lecture presented on February 24, 2010 at the SIAM Conference
on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing in Seattle, USA.
A. N. Yzelman and Rob H. Bisseling
Cache-oblivious sparse matrix-vector multiplication by using sparse matrix partitioning methods by Albert-Jan N. Yzelman and Rob H. Bisseling,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
31, No. 4 (2009) pp. 3128-3154.
Original version of August 20, 2008.
Describes a cache-oblivious method for sparse matrix-vector multiplication,
which attempts to permute the rows and columns of the input
matrix using a hypergraph-based sparse matrix partitioning scheme
so that the resulting matrix induces cache-friendly behaviour during sparse matrix-vector multiplication.
In the numerical experiments, an adapted version of
the Mondriaan sparse matrix partitioner is used.
"Increasing Detection Performance of Surveillance Sensor Networks"
Nelly Litvak,
Muhammad Umer Altaf,
Alina Barbu,
Sudhir Jain,
Denis Miretskiy,
Leila Mohammadi,
Ertan Onur,
Jos in 't panhuis,
Julius Harry Sumihar,
Michel Vellekoop,
Sandra van Wijk, and
Rob Bisseling,
in Proceedings Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2008, University of Twente,
pp. 95-115. Published December 2008.
A Parallel Approximation Algorithm for the Weighted Maximum
Matching Problem, by Fredrik Manne and Rob H. Bisseling.
In proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Parallel Processing
and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2007), Springer LNCS, Vol. 4967 (2008)
pp. 708-717.
preprint version. Picture right: authors at Dagstuhl Castle, Germany,
participating in the workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing, February 2009.
Computational e-Science: Studying complex systems in silico. A National Coordinated Initiative. White paper by P. M. A. Sloot, D. Frenkel, H. A. van der Vorst,
A. van Kampen, H. E. Bal, P. Klint, R. M. M. Mattheij, J. van Wijk, J. Schaye,
H.-J. Langevelde, R. H. Bisseling, B. Smit, E. Valenteyn, H. Sips,
J. B. T. M. Roerdink, and K. G. Langedoen (February 2007).
Presents the vision of the Dutch national initiative
'Computational e-Science', which is to advance innovative,
interdisciplinary research where complex multi-scale, multi-domain problems
in science and engineering are solved on distributed systems,
integrating sophisticated numerical methods,
computation, data, networks, and novel devices.
sparse matrix partitioning for attacking cryptosystems
by a parallel block Lanczos algorithm - a case study,
by Rob H. Bisseling and Ildiko Flesch,
Parallel Computing
32 Nr. 7/8 (2006) pp. 551-567.
Final preprint version.
Brainstormen voor bruikbare wiskunde,
Rob Bisseling, Alistair Vardy,
Mark Peletier, and Natacha Severens
(corresponding authors)
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde
Vol. 5/7, Nr. 1 (March 2006), pp. 44 - 51.
Presents three problems from the
Study Group Mathematics and Industry 2005.
Includes shorter Dutch version of
Partitioning a Call Graph.
Computing Approximate Weighted Matchings in Parallel by Fredrik Manne,
Rob Bisseling, and Alicia Permell.
Lecture at
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
San Francisco. February 22-24, 2006.
(13 transparancies, 64kB, PDF format)
Parallel Hypergraph Partitioning
for Scientific Computing
by K. D. Devine, E. G. Boman, R.T. Heaphy, R. H. Bisseling, and U. V. Catalyurek,
in Proceedings IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium 2006, IEEE Press.
balancing in parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication
by Rob H. Bisseling and Wouter Meesen,
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
21 (2005) pp. 47-65
(special issue on Combinatorial Scientific Computing).
Describes improved algorithms for vector partitioning in sparse matrix-vector
multiplication, which will be included in Mondriaan version 2.
Parallel Scientific Computation, April 1, 2004, Utrecht University.
On the occasion of the publication of my book.
Gerard Tel took
at the symposium. Watch the special pie!
BSPedupack and MPIedupack version 1.01
. Official release v1.0: January 30, 2004.
Latest release v1.01: August 30, 2012. Software packages with all program texts
from the book Parallel
Scientific Computation: A Structured Approach using BSP and MPI,
together with test programs. Released under the GNU General Public License.
Available in BSPedupack: dense LU decomposition; one-dimensional FFT;
a simple how to get started bulk synchronous parallel program
that shows 12 of the 20 BSPlib
primitives in action computing an inner product of two vectors;
a sparse matrix-vector multiplication program that
shows the 5 bulk synchronous message passing
primitives in action;
and a BSP benchmark program that measures
the computation, communication, and synchronisation performance
of your parallel computer.
Available in MPIedupack: MPI versions of all BSPedupack programs.
Demonstrates the use of the collective communications from MPI-1 and
the one-sided communications from MPI-2.
Opgave en
Oplossing parallel rekenen Kaleidoscoop (10 maart 2003) en Voorlichtingsdag
20 maart 2004
(in Dutch).
"Partitioning 3D space for parallel many-particle simulations" by
M. A. Stijnman, R. H. Bisseling, and G. T. Barkema,
Computer Physics Communications
149, No. 3 (2003) pp. 121-134.
Final preprint version.
Partitioning 3D space based on the BCC, FCC, and HCP
sphere packings
reduces communication by up to 16 percent,
compared to simple-cubic partitioning.
Particles in space are assigned to the nearest sphere centre,
which represents a processor.
The new partitioning approach can be used for
a wide range of numbers of processors, and is particularly
advantageous for powers of two.
Your greengrocer knows how to stack oranges,
and this paper tells you how to use this in molecular dynamics
and other many-particle simulations.
My research interests are
- parallel algorithms
- sparse matrix computations
- bioinformatics
- computational science
Courses in 2020/2021
Some of my work
The final version of the BSPlib report has appeared in
Parallel Computing
24 (1998) pp. 1947-1980.
This paper is the
definitive description of the BSP programming library
and includes a handy quick reference chart.
An older version (without the chart) is online available:
BSPlib: the BSP Programming Library, by Jonathan Hill, Bill McColl,
Dan Stefanescu, Mark Goudreau, Kevin Lang,
Satish Rao, Torsten Suel, Thanasis Tsantilas,
and Rob Bisseling,
version with C examples or with
Fortran 77 examples.
Een parallel buffet (in Dutch).
Parallel rekenen uitgelegd aan de hand van gebeurtenissen
bij een lopend buffet.
A story explaining parallel computing
in BSP style through events at a dinner party.
Published in the student magazine Vakidioot, Utrecht University, March 1998.
Interesting links
Meet me at
Deltares, Delft, lunch seminar, November 8, 2010.
Partitioning for applications:
using Mondriaan in mesh-based computations,
by Rob Bisseling,
Albert-Jan Yzelman and Bas Fagginger Auer.
CERFACS, Toulouse, visit May-July 2010.
Partitioning for applications,
CERFACS Seminar, July 13, 2010 by Rob Bisseling,
Albert-Jan Yzelman and Bas Fagginger Auer.
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
Seattle, USA, February 24-26, 2010.
Teaching parallelism in an interdisciplinary scientific computing programme
Slides of lecture presented at the SIAM Conference.
Fast Fourier Transform: de wiskunde van MP3 en CT-scan
(In Dutch) Masterclass voor 5-VWO en 6 VWO leerlingen,
24 en 25 oktober 2008, op de Universiteit Utrecht.
Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2007,
Universiteit Utrecht,
January 29 - February 2, 2007
Computing by the Numbers: Algorithms, Precision, and Complexity,
Workshop in honor of the 60th birthday of Richard Brent,
Berlin 20-21 July, 2006.
My lecture: Mondriaan
partitioning for faster parallel integer factorisation
by Rob Bisseling and Ildikó Flesch
(42 transparancies, 2MB, PDF format )
IBM Israel Research Seminar,
PageRank Computation Using the Bulk Synchronous Parallel Model,
Haifa, May 8, 2006.
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
San Francisco, February 22-24, 2006.
My lecture:
A hybrid 2D method for sparse matrix partitioning
by Rob Bisseling,
Tristan van Leeuwen,
and Umit Catalyurek
(29 transparancies, 612kB, PDF format )
Last update of this page: December 18, 2023