
Research interests
- Numerical methods for time-dependent ordinary and partial differential equations, in particular geometric integration and (multi-)symplectic discretizations of Hamiltonian PDEs, mimetic and structure preserving methods. Application to atmosphere and ocean science.
- Data assimilation and parameter estimation: synchronization and tangent space decomposition methods, minimax optimal control approach, and particle methods. Geophysical fluid dynamics context.
- Stochastic-dynamic methods for control/correction of invariant densities and modelling of underresolved processes.
- Complex systems science: dynamics on networks, synchronization, transitions. Applications in economics and finance, biology, technology.
- CWI Amsterdam Svetlana Dubinkina (CWI) and I have a one-day-per-week exchange between our respective institutes.
- IBM Research Dublin Since 2016, Sergiy Zhuk (IBM) and I have an ongoing joint collaboration agreement to develop minimax data assimilation/state estimation methods
- UU Within the UU we collaborate in the form of joint PhD supervision with the Physics Department, and the School of Economics.
current and former PhD students
- Liu Xin, PhD (starting November 2016). Numerical methods for complex economic models.
- Thomas Gomez, PhD (starting September 2016), co-supervised with Giulia Piccillo and Utz Weitzel. The role of banks in economic crises: a behavioral approach.
- Felix Beckebanze, PhD (since July 2015), co-supervision Leo Maas. Transport due to internal wave focusing.
- Sangeetika Ruchi, PhD (since August 2015), co-supervision Svetlana Dubinkina. Data assimilation in reservoir applications.
- Bart de Leeuw, PhD (since March 2015), co-supervision Svetlana Dubinkina. Data assimilation in atmosphere/ocean applications.
- Wander Wadman, PhD 2015 U. Amsterdam, co-supervision Daan Crommelin. Rare event sampling with application to electric power grid integrity with decentralized generation and storage.
- Keith Myerscough, PhD 2015 Utrecht U. Thermostat subgrid scale modelling of atmospheric fluids.
- Janis Bajars, PhD 2012 U. Amsterdam. Geometric integrators for wave equations; thermostat methods.
- Svetlana Dubinkina, PhD 2009 U. Amsterdam. Statistical mechanics of symplectic and energy-conserving discretizations for geophysical fluid models.
master students
- Alejandro Alarcon-Gonzalez, Utrecht, co-supervision with Jacco Wallinga and Don Klinkenberg (RIVM), Inference of dynamics from rota virus data.
- Gaia Martorana, Utrecht, co-supervision with Roeland Merks (Leiden). Computational modelling of continuum mechanics of anisotropic cells.
- Kilian Bakker, Utrecht, co-supervision with Maurice Schmeitz, Kirien Whan and Wouter Knap (KNMI). Learning methods for improving solar radiation forecasts.
- Emily Seager, Utrecht, co-supervision with Hidde Leijnse (KNMI), Inference of raindrop size distribution from cellular phone data.
- Kaj-Ivar van der Wijst, Utrecht, co-supervision with Detlef van Vuuren and Andries Hof (PBL - Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving). Optimal Carbon pricing, sensitivities and uncertainty quantification.
- Sem Mulder, Utrecht, co-supervision with Esteban Aguilera (Sensar, BV). Satellite inference of ground deformations.
- Koen Helwegen, Utrecht, co-supervision with Henk Dijkstra (IMAU). Geoengineering and stochastic control.
- Swinda Falkena, Utrecht, co-supervision with Henk Dijkstra (IMAU). Delay modelling of ocean oscillations.
- Lisanne Hogeveen, Utrecht, co-supervision with Heleen Wortelboer (TNO Zeist). Network dynamics of stress in organizations.
- Rens de Haas, Utrecht, co-supervision René van Roij. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of self-propelled particles.
- Jesper de Groot, Utrecht, supervision Diederik Fokkema (Ernst & Young). Stochastic gradient methods for SVM.
- Stefan Korenberg, Utrecht, co-supervision Henk Stoof. Stochastic modelling of evolutionary processes.
- Alje van Dam, Utrecht, co-supervision Koen Frenken. Percolation modelling of technological transitions.
- Eveline Visee, Utrecht, supervision Frank Platzek (Deltares). Second order accurate advection discretization for shallow water flow on unstructured meshes.
- Francine Schevenhoven, Utrecht, supervision Frank Selten (KNMI). Data assimilation, parameter estimation in atmospheric models.
- Bart de Leeuw, Utrecht, 2015, co-supervision Lars Frits. Numerical solution of electron transport in crystalline insulator.
- Anna Kruseman, Utrecht, 2014, co-supervision Leo Maas. Spectral method for 2D vorticity flow.
- Stefan Kopecz, Kassel University, Dec 2005, co-supervised with Leo Maas. Wave attractors for a stratified fluid in a tilted square domain.
- Halldóra Þórsdóttir U. Amsterdam, 2011. Hamiltonian particle-mesh method for the quasi-geostrophic equation on a sphere. Thesis.
- Sergiy Zhuk - ERCIM Fellow, 2011–2012. Data assimilation for energy applications. Currently, IBM Research Dublin, where he works on state estimation/data assimilation methodology for societal applications: energy, geophysical modelling (ground and ocean), tracers and pollutants, traffic, etc.