Martian globe first published in 1884 by the French astronomer Camille Flammarion. The nomenclature is based on Flammarions
adaptation of Proctors nomenclature (collection Museum Boerhaave)
Although the early cartography of Mars has been discussed in several popular and scholarly papers, comparatively little has been written
about the Martian globes that were commercially produced during this period. This web page attempts to present a survey of the various types of
Martian globes that were produced before the advent of the Space Age.
As with all Mars maps published before the 1960s, the Martian globes have south on the top and north at the bottom as this is the common way
in which the planet is viewed in astronomical telescopes from the northern hemisphere.
Known Types of Commercially-Produced Martian Globes
So far, I have found five different commercially-produced Martian globes mentioned in the literature:
1873 Hans Busk/Malby and Sons
A GLOBE | OF THE PLANET Mars | Scale 1 in to 450 Miles | Constructed by Captain Hans Busk, | of Trinity College
Cambridge | And presented by him to his College. | MARCH 1873.
Diameter 23 cm, height 35½ cm
Nomenclature of Proctor
Copies: Whipple Museum of the History of Science (Cambridge)
1884 Camille Flammarion
GLOBE GÉOGRAPHIQUE | de la Planète | MARS | daprès | CAMILLE FLAMMARION | E. Bertaux | Editeur | 25.
Rue Serpente | Paris. click here for an image of the cartouche
Diameter 11 cm, height 17 cm
Nomenclature of Flammarion
Copies: Museum Observatoire Camille Flammarion (Juvisy-sur-Orge); Museum Boerhaave (Leiden); Science Museum (London); Museo La Specola
(Padua); Národní technické muzeum (Prague); University Museum (Utrecht); Randy and Yulia Liebermann Lunar and Planetary
Exploration Collection
1892 Louis Niesten
GLOBE DE MARS | dressé | PAR L. NIESTEN | daprès les observations faites | À BRUXELLES & À
Copies: Science Museum (London); Museo La Specola (Padua); National Museum of American History (Washington)
1898 Camille Flammarion & Eugène Antoniadi
Globe Géographique | de la Planète | MARS | daprès | CAMILLE FLAMMARION | par E. Antoniadi | E. Bertaux,
Editeur, Paris. click here for an image of the cartouche
Diameter 15 cm, height 25 cm
Nomenclature of Flammarion
Copies: Whipple Museum of the History of Science (Cambridge); Rundetaarn (Copenhagen); Museum Observatoire Camille Flammarion (Juvisy-sur-Orge);
Collection dinstruments scientifiques UNIL EPFL (Lausanne); Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum (Linz); Science Museum (London);
Patrimoine Scientifique et Technique de lUniversité de Strasbourg (Strasbourg); Astronomisches Büro (Vienna); Globenmuseum der
Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Vienna); Sammlung Schmidt (Vienna); Randy and Yulia Liebermann Lunar and Planetary Exploration Collection .
1903 Heinrich Albrecht (Ernst Schotte & Co., Berlin)
Diameter 17 cm
Nomenclature of Schiaparelli and Leo Brenner
Copies: Globenmuseum der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Vienna)
The Martian Globes of Emmy Ingeborg Brun
Martian globe made around 1915 by Emmy Ingeborg Brun (private collection)
Although only produced in a limited number, the hand-painted Martian globes of the Danish amateur astronomer
Emmy Ingeborg Brun
(1872-1929) deserve special mention for their beauty and detailed rendering of the supposed Martian canals.
Varying inscriptions:
Mars efter | Lowells Glober | ca. 1903-1909 | FREE LAND • FREE TRADE • FREE MEN | Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven
Mars efter | Lowells Glober | ca. 1905-1909 | FREE LAND • FREE TRADE • FREE MEN | Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven
Mars efter | Lowells Glober | 1905-1909 | Free Land • Free Trade • Free Will • Free Men
MARS | efter Lowells Glober | 1894-1914
MARS | efter Lowells Glober | 1894-1914 | Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven | Free Land • Free Trade • Free Men
Diameter 20 cm; height 38-40 cm; base made of wood or bronze
Copies: Whipple Museum of the History of Science (Cambridge); Museo Specula Vaticana (Castel Gandolfo); National Museums Scotland (Edinburgh);
National Maritime Museum (Greenwich); Museum Observatoire Camille Flammarion (Juvisy-sur-Orge); Ole Rømer Museet (Taastrup); Randy and Yulia Liebermann Lunar and Planetary Exploration
Literature (chronological)
Richard Anthony Proctor, The Planet Mars: An Essay by a Whewellite, Littells Living Age, 118
[= 5th series, 3] (1873), 488-497 [nr.1524; first printed in: The Cornhill Magazine]
[Internet Archive link].
Nicolas Camille Flammarion, La planète Mars, lAstronomie: Revue dastronomie populaire, de météorologie
et de physique du globe, 1 (1882), 161-175 [ADS link].
Nicolas Camille Flammarion, La planète Mars et ses conditions dhabitabilité. Synthèse générale de toutes
les observations: Climatologie, météorologie, aréographie, continents, mers et rivages, eaux et neiges, saisons, variations
observées (Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1892) [Internet Archive link].
Jean Louis Nicolas Niesten, Aréographie: Description physique de la planète Mars, Ciel et Terre: Revue populaire
dastronomie, de météorologie et de physique du globe, 13 (1892), 195-211
[ADS link].
Jean Louis Nicolas Niesten, Observations sur laspect physique de la planète Mars pendant les oppositions de 1884
à 1894, Annales de lobservatoire royal de Belgique, Nouvelle série (Annales astronomiques), 8 (1904),
5:1-5:32 [ADS link].
Nicolas Camille Flammarion, La planète Mars et ses conditions dhabitabilité. Encyclopédie générale des
observations martiennes. Tome II: Observations faites de 1890 à 1901 (Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1909)
[Internet Archive link].
Allan Frederick Miller, A Globe of the Planet Mars, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 14 (1920),
18 [ADS link].
John Sternig, Making a Globe of Mars, Sky and Telescope, 6 (1947), nr. 10 [= 70], 6-7
[ADS link].
James A. Roth, Precision Globes of Mars, Sky and Telescope, 27 (1964), 19
[ADS link].
Gerard de Vaucouleurs, Jürgen Blunck, Merton E. Davies, Audouin Dollfus, Ivan Kirilovich Koval, Gerard P. Kuiper, Harold Masursky,
Shigeko Miyamoto, Vasilii Ivanovich Moroz, Carl Sagan & Bradford Smith, The New Martian Nomenclature of the International Astronomical
Union, Icarus, 26 (1975), 85-98 [ADS link].
Jürgen Blunck, Mars and its Satellites: A Detailed Commentary on the Nomenclature (Hicksville [NY]: Exposition Press, 1977).
Patrick Moore, The Mapping of Marsּ, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 94 (1984), 45-54
[ADS link].
Michael J. Crowe, The Extraterrestrial Life Debate 1750-1900: The Idea of a Plurality of Worlds from Kant to Lowell (Cambridge [etc.]:
Cambridge University Press, 1986), chapter 10 [The Battle over the Planet of War].
Jürgen Blunck, Heinz-Peter Jöns & Lothar Zögner, Der rote Planet im Kartenbild: 200 Jahre Marskartographie
von Herschel, Beer und Mädler bis zur CD (Gotha [etc.]: Perthes, 1993 [= Ausstellungskataloge Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Preussischer Kulturbesitz; N.F., nr. 7]) [ADS link].
Jürgen Blunck, Der rote Planet im Kartenbild, Sterne und Weltraum, 33 (1994), 360-367
[ADS link].
Jürgen Blunck, Die Geschichte der Globen des Mars und seiner Monde, Der Globusfreund: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für
Globen- und Instrumentenkunde, 43/44 (1995/96 [1995]), 257-264.
Dick, Steven J., The Biological Universe: The Twentieth-Century Extraterrestrial Life Debate and the Limits of Science (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1996), chapter 3 [Life in the Solar System: The Limits of Observation].
William Sheehan, The Planet Mars: A History of Observation and Discovery (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1996).
William Sheehan & Stephen James OMeara, Mars: The Lure of the Red Planet (Amherst [NY]: Prometheus Books, 2001).
Philip Corneille, Mapping the Moons of Mars: Phobos and Deimos, BIS Spaceflight, 47 (2005), 190-193
[pdf link].
Philip Corneille, Mapping the Planet Mars, BIS Spaceflight, 47 (2005), 270-273
[pdf link].
Kristina Maria Doyle Lane, Geographers of Mars: Cartographic Inscription and Exploration Narrative in Late Victorian Representations
of the Red Planet, Isis: An International Review devoted to the History of Science and its Cultural Influences, 96 (2005),
477-506 [JSTOR link].
Kristina Maria Doyle Lane, Mapping the Mars Canal Mania: Cartographic Projection and the Creation of a Popular Icon, Imago
Mundi: The International Journal for the History of Cartography, 58 (2006), 198-211.
Kristina Maria Doyle Lane, Imaginative Geographies of Mars: The Science and Significance of the Red Planet 1877-1910 (Austin: University
of Texas, 2006) Ph.D. dissertation [ADS link].
Guy J. Consolmagno, A Brief History of the Vatican Meteorite Collection, in: G.J.H. McCall, A.J. Bowden &
R.J. Howarth (eds.), The History of Meteoritics and Key Meteorite Collections: Fireballs, Falls and Finds (London: Geological
Society, 2006 [= Geological Society Special Publications, nr. 256]), pp. 205-217
[Geological Society link].
Franz Wawrik, The Manuscript Globes of Fritz Kerner von Marilaun, Globe Studies: The Journal of the International Coronelli
Society, 53/54 (2005/06 [2007]), 257-264 [JSTOR link].
Kristina Maria Doyle Lane, Geographies of Mars: Seeing and Knowing the Red Planet (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011).
I am grateful to Alison Boyle, Guy Consolmagno, Philip Corneille, Wolfgang Dick, Christopher Herd, James Hyslop,
Randy Liebermann, Jean-François Loude, Peter Louwman, Peter Meurer and Deborah Warner for providing additions and corrections.
I would like to learn of other types of Martian globes commercially produced before the Space Age
and in which collections they are presently kept.