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- Rostami, Seyyed Ghasem, The Modeling Error in Crescent Visibility Criteria, pp. 37-44.
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- Stamm, Jim, Techniques and Problems Associated With Telescopic Observations of Thin Lunar Crescents, pp. 53-58.
- Elsässer, Martin, Observing the Lunar Crescent Through Electronic Cameras, pp. 59-65.
- Uddin, Qamar, The Use of Technology to Live Webcast Crescent Moon Observations, pp. 67-75.
- Qamardeen, Muhammad Yasin, A Telecommunications Instrument for Data Collection and Dissemination of Hilal Sighting
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- Durrani, Mohibullah N., Challenges and Research Issues in Crescent Sighting and Related Moon Matters, pp. 81-89.
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- Muztaba, Robiatul; Malasan, Hakim L. & Djamal, Mitra, Deep Learning for Crescent Detection and Recognition: Implementation of Mask
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Similar diagrams predicting the visibility of the young lunar crescent can also be obtained from the following websites:
- Moon Watch website of HM Nautical Almanac Office which provides global maps for the first visibility of the young lunar crescent. The
predictions of previous new moon crescents are compared with sightings reported by various observers around the world. The predictions
are based on the Yallop visibility criterion.
- Mondsichtung: Die Jagd nach der jüngsten Mondsichel
German-language website with predictions and reports of sighting. The predictions are based on the Yallop visibility criterion.
- Islamic Crescents Observation Project (ICOP) website
which collects observations of young lunar crescent sightings and gives monthly predictions for the visibility of the lunar crescent.
These predictions are based on the lunar visibility criterion of Mohammad Odeh, which is slightly more optimistic than the Yallop
- HilalMap: Crescent
Moon Visibility Map website hosted by Alhabib Islamic Web Service
which generates maps of the visibility of the lunar crescent based on the lunar visibility criterion of Mohammad Odeh.
- Moonsighting website hosted by Khalid Shaukat with
predictions and reports of sightings. The predictions are based on the lunar visibility criterion of Khalid Shaukat, which is more
optimistic than the Yallop criterion.
- Lettre dinformation de lIMCCE The
newsletter of the LInstitut de Mécanique céleste et de calcul des
éphémérides (IMCCE) annually provides astronomical predictions of the visibility of the lunar crescent at the begin
and the end of the Islamic month of Ramaḍān.
- MoonCalc 6.0 MS-DOS program developed by Monzur Ahmed for
calculating the visibility of the lunar crescent according to various modern and historical visibility criteria with many other useful
Useful websites for determining the actual location of the moon (and other celestial objects) in the sky at any time from any terrestrial
- Sky View Café Online astronomy applet for determining the
times of sunset, moonset and the visual appearance of the lunar crescent from any terrestrial location.
I am grateful to Qamar Uddin (York, UK) for suggesting several improvements to the lunar crescent visibility maps. The world maps
are based on the ETOPO1 Global Relief Model.