Here is the latest version of
the main program,
as discussed in our note,
used for the recursions in the preprint
Intersection Cohomology of B×B orbits in group compactifications
by T.A. Springer.
To use it, you need case specific data. See
examples of data.
Some output
- A sample in PostScript.
- Some Poincaré polynomials of
Intersection Cohomology of orbit closures.
- Some cvw.
- Some
`inverse Kazhdan Lusztig polynomials' cinvvw.
- Lots more cvw for the group H3.
We computed them assuming they satisfy the recursion.
- Inverses of matrices made from
some cvw.
Generating ShortLex
rewrite rules in larger cases
One would proceed differently.
Wilberd van der Kallen