Recent preprints
Recent publications
- E Di Salvo and D Schuricht
Relaxation dynamics of integrable field theories after a global quantum quench
J Stat Mech (2025) 013103 or
- E Di Salvo, A. Moustaj, C. Xu, L. Fritz, A. K. Mitchell, C. Morais Smith and D Schuricht
Topological phases of the interacting SSH model: an analytical study
Phys Rev B 110, 165145 (2024) or arXiv:2408.01421
- C Li, V L Quito, D Schuricht and P L S Lopes
G2 integrable point characterization via isotropic spin-3 chains
Phys Rev B 108, 165123 (2023) or arXiv:2305.03072
- E Di Salvo and D Schuricht
Quantum quenches in the sinh-Gordon and Lieb-Liniger models
J Stat Mech (2023) 053107 or arXiv:2210.00316
- G Camacho, J Vahedi, D Schuricht and C Karrasch
Disorder effects in the ℤ3-Fock parafermion chain
Phys Rev B 106, 235132 (2022) or arXiv:2210.02901
Important previous publications
- J Wouters, F Hassler, H Katsura and D Schuricht
Phase diagram of an extended parafermion chain
SciPost Phys. Core 5, 008 (2022) or arXiv:2106.15823
- N M Gergs, S A Bender, R A Duine and D Schuricht
Spin switching via quantum dot spin valves
Phys Rev Lett 120, 017701 (2018) or arXiv:1707.03373
- A Faribault and D Schuricht
Integrability-based analysis of the hyperfine interaction induced decoherence in quantum dots
Phys Rev Lett 110, 040405 (2013) or arXiv:1210.7121
- D Schuricht and F H L Essler
Dynamics in the Ising field theory after a quantum quench
J. Stat. Mech. (2012) P04017 or arXiv:1203.5080
- D Schuricht, F H L Essler, A Jaefari and E Fradkin
Local density of states of one-dimentional Mott insulators and charge-density wave states with a boundary
Phys Rev Lett 101, 086403 (2008) or arXiv:0802.1544
All publications on arXiv (including updates of typos)
Complete list of publications
Profile on ORCID (0000-0002-5255-780X)
Profile on researcher ID (B-5549-2012)
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My Erdős number: 3