- Numerical Linear Algebra,
WISL 601, WISM 458
- Laboratory Class Scientific Computing,
WISM 454
- Numerieke Wiskunde,
WISB 251 (dutch)
- Wavelets and Fourier Transforms,
WISM 453
- Modellen en Simulatie,
WISB 134 (dutch)
- Caleidoscoop 2
- Introduction Scientific Computing,
WISB 356
- Numerieke Wiskunde, WISB 251 (dutch)
Practisch deel (2008)
- Caleidoscoop
- Numerieke Gewone Differentiaalvergelijkingen,
WISB 352 (dutch)
- Practicum Computational Science,
WISB 354, WIPRCS105, NS-P2TW (dutch)
- Seminars
- Approximatie theorie (dutch),
- Master Class Scientific Computing 2001-2002:
Iterative methods
for large linear systems of equations and eigenvalue problems,
fall 2001