
I am an universitair hoofddocent (roughly equivalent to associate professor) in the Software Technology Group of Utrecht University.

Brief bio

After studying Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Utrecht, I did my PhD under supervision of Thorsten Altenkirch at the University of Nottingham's Functional Programming Lab. I worked as a post-doc at Chalmers University of Technology, before moving back to the Netherlands to work at Vector Fabrics, a high-tech startup that used functional programming to facilitate the design of embedded systems. After this brief stint in industry, I returned to academia as a postdoc in Foundations Group at the Radboud University Nijmegen.

Recent publications

The Functional Essence of Imperative Binary Search Trees  [bib]
Anton Lorenzen, Daan Leijen, Wouter Swierstra and Sam Lindley. PLDI 2024.
FP²: Fully in-Place Functional Programming  [bib]
Anton Lorenzen, Daan Leijen and Wouter Swierstra. ICFP 2023.
Program logics for ledgers
Orestis Melkonian, Wouter Swierstra and James Chapman. Submitted.
Verified technology mapping in an Agda DSL for circuit design  [bib]
Joao Paulo Pizani Flor and Wouter Swierstra. IFL '22.
Translation certification for smart contracts  [bib]
Jacco Krijnen, Manuel Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller and Wouter Swierstra. SCP, volume 233, March 2024.
A correct-by-construction conversion to combinators (Functional Pearl)  [bib]
Wouter Swierstra. JFP, vol 33, 2023.
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Recent talks

The functional essence of imperative binary search trees
IFIP WG 2.8. Utrecht, the Netherlands.
A correct by construction conversion to combinators
IFIP WG 2.8. Utrecht, the Netherlands.
The functional essence of imperative binary search trees
IFIP WG 2.1. Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany.
A well-known representation of monoids and its application to the function “vector reverse”
ICFP. Remote presentation.
Purely functional, fully in-place programming
SWS Seminar. Nijmegen.
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