Supervised students
Supervised students
Paul Zegeling
purple=Phd-thesis, black=Masterthesis, orange=Bachelor-thesis
- Maarten Felix (1994): On a 1-dimensional moving mesh method based on equidistribution
- Andre Gelauf (1996): Enkele aspecten van eindige-elementen methoden
- Femius Koenderink (1997): Pseudospectrale methoden toegepast op niet-lineaire advectie-diffusieproblemen
- Arne Oostveen (1997): Roostergeneratiemethoden
- Wietske Heerebout (1998, Univ. Twente): Development and implementation of a moving grid technique in Delft3D-flow; stage bij WL|Delft Hydraulics, ism Dr.Ir. M. Borsboom
- Stefan vd Baan (1999): A domain decomposition approach for the numerical computation of sub-and supercritical flow in networks; stage bij WL/Delft Hydraulics Delft
- Casper Lans (2000): VEDYAC, steering towards safer collisions; stage bij SWOV Leidschendam
- Petra Kok (2002): Een adaptieve roostermethode voor reactie-diffusiemodellen uit de chemie en biologie
- Jelle Hettinga (2002): Derivative pricing using flux-limiters; stage bij ABN-AMRO Amsterdam
- Arthur van Dam (2002): A moving-mesh finite volume solver for macroscopic traffic flow models; stage bij TNO Inro Delft
[more information here]
- Johan Scholten (2003): Bewegende eindige elementen
- Wieke de Boer (2003): Adaptieve roosters voor 2D (magneto-)hydrodynamische problemen
- Lars Hemel (2003): (multi-)symplectische methoden voor soliton-vergelijkingen
- Eelco Nederkoorn (2005): Fourier spectrale methoden voor hogere orde PDEs
- Tijmen Collignon (2005): Wortels van niet-lineaire stelsels van vergelijkingen
- Matthijs Sypkens Smit (2005): Three-dimensional adaptive moving meshes and their visualization
- Hanno Mulder (2005): Een randwaardemethode voor het numeriek oplossen van differentiaalvergelijkingen (met toepassing op de warmtevergelijking)
- Tristan van Leeuwen (2005): Numerical simulations of alternating bars in straight channels; stage bij RIZA
- Viola van Leeuwen (2005): A matlab implementation of the edge-based face element method for forward and inverse modelling in the near-well region; stage bij TNO
- Raymond Cuenen (2005): Two-phase flow in porous media; i.s.m. faculteit geologie UU
- Fitria Santi (2005): A numerical method to study the effect of a moving climate on population persistence
- Erik Leppen (2006): Splines
- David Plomp (2006): Het numeriek oplossen van randwaardeproblemen op een niet-uniform rooster
- Robin Zeeman (2006): Sundmantransformaties van gewone differentiaalvergelijkingen
- Raymond Cuenen (2006): The expanding magnetized plasma jet; stage bij FOM Rijnhuizen
- Philip Barkhudarov (2007): Magnetic field divergence in magnetohydrodynamics, a theoretical and practical consideration
- Wijnand Suijlen (2007): Computing the pressure loss across a simple stenosis using the artificial compressibility; i.s.m. cardiologie VU-ziekenhuis A'dam
- Rob Wieggers (2007): Damage to multilayer mirrors by EUV radiation driven plasma, simulated with a particle-in-cell Monte Carlo model; stage bij FOM Rijnhuizen
- Saulius Pakenas (2007): Data fusion; stage bij PointLogic Rotterdam
- Ruben van Diggelen (2007): Het modelleren van bloedstroming in het menselijk lichaam
- Martijn Zwarts (2007): A testset for an adaptive grid PDE solver with time-dependent adaptivity parameter
- Florian Doster; Univ. of Stuttgart (2007-2009): 4-phase models from hydrology (part-time supervision; within the NUPUS-project) [PhD-thesis]
- Guanghui Hu; Hong Kong Baptist Univ. (2008): Fingering patterns in hydrology models (part-time supervision; via China-Utrecht Short Stay Fellowship) [PhD-thesis]
- Lukas van de Wiel (2008-2009): Pattern formation in the fractional Gray-Scott system
- Danielle Remmelzwaan (2008): Fractional calculus: history, definitions and applications
- Rouke Pouw (2008-2009): Phase plane analysis of travelling waves in a model from hydrology
- Marleen Kooiman (2009): Continuous Newton methods
- Arthur van Dam (2004-2009): Adaptive moving mesh methods for higher-dimensional nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws (NWO-Wiskunde Toegepast) [PhD-thesis]
- Anika Remorie (2010): Adaptive numerical solutions of two-dimensional fingering patterns
- Nathan Muyinda (2010): Patterns and travelling waves in high-dimensional PDEs
- Kenery Oron (2010-2011): R-refinement in image-processing via the PDE-approach
- Oliver Hoenig; Univ. of Stuttgart (2009-2012): Travelling waves analysis in a generalized theory for macroscopic capillarity (part-time supervision; within the NUPUS-project) [PhD-thesis]
- Panagiotis Sarridis (2010-2011): Numerical approximations for a bargaining model from game theory
- Daniel Rutten (2011): An introduction to fractional calculus
- Annemarie de Vries (2011): Three-dimensional dynamical systems in travelling wave analysis
- Inan Ates (2011-2017): Homotopy-based methods for fractional differential equations
- Choy Yaan Yeei (2012); University of Technology Malaysia (2012): Numerical approximation of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation (part-time-supervision)
- Rouke Pouw (2013-2014): Adaptive grids in 4D
- Han Zhou (2013-2017): Numerical approximations of time fractional differential equations (via CSC)
- Marco van Oort (2014-2015): Travelling waves in a space-fractional Fisher model
- Rayne Sung (2014-2015): Emission calculations uusing thermodynamic models with ICAO Data; stage bij NLR
- Alina Anisimova (2014-2015): Numerical approximation of non-monotone waves
- Maud Briels (2015): Modelling radiation induced artherosclerosis in mice; stage bij RIVM Bilthoven
- Roald Neuteboom (2015): The homotopy perturbation method
- Marcus Bannenberg (2015): Approximate solution of the Bloch equation in the frequency domain
- Hong Zhang (2015-2019): Modeling and Simulation of of non-monotone waves in two-phase flow (via CSC)
- Martijn Hidding (2015-2016): Methods for the renormalization of the top quark; a TWIN-master project
- Geert Jan den Hertog (2016): Time-dependent principal components-based dimension reduction in multi-dimensional foreign exchange option pricing; i.s.m. UvA
- Tri Juliansyah Muharam Sambas (2018): Can arid vegetation with self-organized spatial patterns control the physics of the landscape? A modelling study; stage bij NIOZ (Yerseke)
- Sehar Iqbal (2015-2019): Nonstandard and nonuniform finite differences for Bratu-type models (via Schlumberger-grant)
- Robin Verstraten (2019-2020): The fractional Langevin equation; i.s.m. Institute for Theoretical Physics (UU): Award for the Best Master thesis, Utrecht University 2021!
- Thimon van der Sluis (2020): Nonstandard finite difference methods for epidemic models
- Max van Spengler (2020-2021): Boundary-value methods for ill-posed problems
- Shashi Chotkan (2020): Standing and rotating waves in reaction-diffusion systems with circular symmetry; samen met Yuri Kuznetsov
- Maarten Droste (2020-2021): Fractional Lotka-Volterra equations using the Martin-Siggia-Rose formalism; i.s.m Institute for Theoretical Physics (UU)
- Kyra Brakkee (2020-2021): Numerical approximation of ice sheet models for paleo applications; i.s.m. Aardwetenschappen (UU)
- Sven Brouwer (2021): Method-of-Lines solutions of space fractional PDEs
- Ailbhe Mitchell (2021-2022): The fractional Laplacian: an adaptive finite difference approach in one and two dimensions, with applications
- Branco Titus (2022): Computing the fractional Laplacian via the Hilbert transform
- Royce Kraakman (2022): Exact and non-standard finite differences for fractional differential equations
- Iris Beumer (2022-2023): Wortels van eindige differentie matrices.
- Daan Knoppert (2022-2023): Quantifying general relativistic corrections to N-body-simulations (TWIN-masterproject).
- Pu Yuan (2022-2025): Adaptive moving meshes for space-time-fractional nonlinear PDE systems (via CSC).
- Marciano Verheesen (2023): A 2d epidemics PDE model on a transformed spatial domain.
- Niek Verstraaten (2023): Mechanics of tippe-tops, a mathematical-physical analysis (TWIN).
- Ismail Sarti (2023): Fractional Schrödinger Equation (TWIN).
- Sjoerd Dorrestijn (2023): Applications of neural ordinary differential equations.
- Aron Folkersma (2023): Detecting patterns in space-fractional reaction-diffusion models.
- Joep Bus (2023): Iterative schemes for finding matrix square roots.
- Lisa Pijpers (2024): A space-fractional tau-model from geo-hydrology.
- Dingding Cao (2024-2025): Blow-up in fractional DEs (via CSC).