Documentation for the Code¶
The SPIEPy library has two package-modules: spiepy and spiepy.demo.
Package-module spiepy¶
SPIEPy (Scanning Probe Image Enchanter using Python) is a Python library to improve automatic processing of SPM images.
- class spiepy.Im¶
The attribute data is mandatory and contains the 2D array of image data.
- spiepy.flatten_by_iterate_mask(im_in, mask_method='mean', fit_type='poly1', max_change=10, max_iterations=100, mask_options=[1, 'a', 5], master_mask=None)¶
Iteratively improves flattening using masking.
Repeats the masking and flattening in a loop until the change in the mask is withing an acceptable number of pixels.
- Args:
- im_inSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Contains the 2D array of image data.
- Kwargs:
- mask_methodstr
‘peaks’ for masking method mask_by_troughs_and_peaks, ‘mean’ for masking method mask_by_mean.
- fit_typestr
‘xy’ for fit method flatten_xy, ‘poly1’ and ‘poly2’ for fit method flatten_poly_xy with respectively order 1 and 2.
- max_changeint
Convergence conditions. Specifies the maximum number of pixels allowed to change in a mask between iterations. If the number of pixels is above this the mask is not considered converged, and another iteration is performed.
- max_iterationsint
Specifies the maximum number of iterations to be performed.
- mask_optionslist
List of 3 items which dependents on the masking method. Item 1 is mult (mask_by_troughs_and_peaks) or mult (mask_by_mean). Item 2 is sigma (mask_by_troughs_and_peaks) or mode (mask_by_mean). Item 3 is a multiplier in minimum size (mask_by_troughs_and_peaks) or the minimum size (mask_by_mean) in the mask_tidy method.
- master_maskndarray or None
Should be a 2D logical array the shape of the image data. Pixels in the image which match TRUE pixels in the mask, are considered “masked out” and will always be in the the mask used for flattening.
- Returns:
- im_outSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Final flattened image.
- maskndarray
The mask used to generate the final flattened image.
- nint
The number of iterations used to generate mask. If mask did not converge n is set to zero.
- spiepy.flatten_by_peaks(im_in, mask=None, deg=2, sigma=1)¶
Polynomial plane flattening only on peaks in image.
- Args:
- im_inSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Contains the 2D array of image data.
- Kwargs:
- maskndarray or None
Should be a 2D logical array the shape of the image data. Pixels in the image which match TRUE pixels in the mask, are considered “masked out” and will not be used for flattening.
- degint
Order of the polynomial, should be 1 or 2.
- sigmafloat
Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. For noise filtering of the image.
- Returns:
- im_outSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Is input image minus fitted plane.
- im_planendarray
Is the plane which has been subtracted from the image.
- spiepy.flatten_poly_xy(im_in, mask=None, deg=2)¶
Performs a polynomial plane fit of order ‘deg’ using the method of least squares.
- Args:
- im_inSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Image to be flattened.
- Kwargs:
- maskndarray or None
Should be a 2D logical array the shape of the image data. Pixels in the image which match TRUE pixels in the mask, are considered “masked out” and will not be used for flattening.
- degint
Order of the polynomial, should be 1 or 2.
- Returns:
- im_outSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Is input image minus fitted plane.
- im_planendarray
Is the plane which has been subtracted from the image.
- spiepy.flatten_xy(im_in, mask=None)¶
Flattens image with first order polynomial plane.
Performs a first order polynomial plane fit using an algorithm of average line fits. This method is less susceptible to localised image anomalies, than true plane fitting, but is only applicable for first order planes.
- Args:
- im_inSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Image to be flattened.
- Kwargs:
- maskndarray or None
Should be a 2D logical array the shape of the image data. Pixels in the image which match TRUE pixels in the mask, are considered “masked out” and will not be used for flattening.
- Returns:
- im_outSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Is input image minus fitted plane.
- im_planendarray
Is the plane which has been subtracted from the image.
- spiepy.locate_masked_points_and_remove(p, mask)¶
Removes points from a list if they are found in a mask.
- Args:
- plist
Vectors for troughs and peaks of all of the x and y coordinates.
- maskndarray
Should be a 2D logical array the shape of the image data. Any listed points in a TRUE area of the mask are removed from the list.
- Returns:
- plist
Vectors for troughs and peaks of all of the x and y coordinates that are not masked.
- spiepy.locate_regions(im_in, sigma=1, mask=None)¶
Increases terrace contrast on atomic resolution images.
An image is produced where the contrast of the atoms is being reduced so that the terrace contrast becomes more clearer.
- Args:
- im_inSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Contains the 2D array of image data.
- Kwargs:
- sigmafloat
Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. For noise filtering of the image.
- maskndarray
Should be a 2D logical array the shape of the image data. All contrast will be removed from the masked areas.
- Returns:
- im_outSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Is input image with adjusted contrast.
- peakstuple
Vectors for peaks (atoms) of all of the x and y coordinates that are not masked.
- spiepy.locate_steps(im, sigma=2, low_threshold=0.1, high_threshold=0.2)¶
Locates step edges in an image.
Uses the Canny edge finding routine, DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.1986.4767851, to locate step edges in an image. The image should be flattened before input for best results. For images with atomic resolution consider using locate_regions to create the input image.
- Args:
- imSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Contains the 2D array of image data.
- Kwargs:
- sigmafloat
Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. Very important parameter.
- low_thresholdfloat
The low threshold for the thresholding with hysteresis method.
- high_thresholdfloat
The high threshold for the thresholding with hysteresis method.
- Returns:
- maskndarray
The output is a 2D logical array with the shape of the image data.
- spiepy.locate_troughs_and_peaks(im, sigma=1)¶
Locates troughs and peaks in the image.
Similar to the Python module (scipy.ndimage.filters) functions maximum_filter and minimum_filter except the image is first filtered to remove noise. Also anything located touching the edge of the image is not returned as it is probably not a true maxima/minima of the surface.
- Args:
- imSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Contains the 2D array of image data.
- Kwargs:
- sigmafloat
Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. For noise filtering of the image.
- Returns:
- plist
Vectors for troughs and peaks of all of the x and y coordinates.
- spiepy.mask_by_mean(im, master_mask=None, mult=1, mode='a')¶
Generates a mask of high and low areas defined by the mean.
- Args:
- imSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Contains the 2D array of image data.
- Kwargs:
- master_maskndarray or None
Logical array with the shape of image data. Any TRUE areas in the master_mask are not used by any parts of the function. Allows the function to effectively be run on a section of an image.
- multfloat
The number of standard deviations from the average is masked.
- modestr
3 possible modes selected by strings. “a” is all high and low areas are masked, “l” only low areas are masked, “h” only high areas are masked.
- Returns:
- maskndarray
The output is a 2D logical array with the shape of the image data.
- spiepy.mask_by_troughs_and_peaks(im, master_mask=None, mult=(0.3, 0.3), sigma=1)¶
Generates a mask of high and low areas of an image.
The function uses troughs and peaks in the image to find the mean trough and peak height. The difference between these gives the surfaces corrugation. Any pixel more than 0.3 the surface corrugation above the mean peak height or 0.3 the surface corrugation below the mean trough height is masked TRUE.
- Args:
- imSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray
Contains the 2D array of image data.
- Kwargs:
- master_maskndarray or None
Logical array with the shape of image data. Any TRUE areas in the master_mask are not used by any parts of the function. Allows the function to effectively be run on a section of an image.
- multtuple of two floats
Modifies the multiple of the corrugation height used. For example if mult[1] = 0.7, high areas are now defined as 0.7 times the corrugation height above the mean peak height. Same for low areas using mult[0].
- sigmafloat
The filter parameter used to locate the troughs and peaks, explained in detail in the help for locate_troughs_and_peaks.
- Returns:
- maskndarray
The output is a 2D logical array with the shape of the image data.
- plist
Vectors for troughs and peaks of all of the x and y coordinates that are not masked.
- spiepy.mask_tidy(mask, min_size=5)¶
Cleans up masks.
Holes in masked areas and small masked areas are removed.
- Args:
- maskndarray
Should be a 2D logical array the shape of the image data.
- Kwargs:
- min_size: int
Minimal area size of object in mask.
- Returns:
- maskndarray
The output is a 2D logical array with the shape of the image data.
- spiepy.measure_feature_properties(im, p, thresh_frac=0.8, box_mult=10.0)¶
Analyses surface features such as atoms or molecules.
Feature and minimum coordinates can be generated with locate_troughs_and_peaks. Features are masked and then analysed.
- Args:
- imSPIEPy_image_structure or ndarray or MaskedArray
Contains the 2D array of image data.
- plist
Vectors for troughs and peaks.
- Kwargs:
- thresh_fracfloat
Specifies the masking threshold as a fraction of the height difference between the feature and its nearest local minimum.
- box_multfloat
Features are analysed in a box centred on the feature, of width box_mult * 2 * d, where d is the distance from the feature to its nearest local minimum. Set higher for features known to be highly non-circular. Any feature which has a mask which touches the edge of its analysis box is deemed to be poorly resolved and is not included in the statistics.
- Returns:
- propertiesdictionary
- eccentricityfloat
The average eccentricity (0 is circular, < 1 is elliptic).
- areafloat
The average area.
- count_goodint
The number of features used for statistics.
- mask_goodndarray
The output is a 2D logical array with the shape of the image data. Masks all features used for statistics.
- mask_allndarray
The output is a 2D logical array with the shape of the image data. Masks all features.
- spiepy.NANOMAP = standard orange colormap used by SPM software¶
Colormap objects based on lookup tables using linear segments.
The lookup table is generated using linear interpolation for each primary color, with the 0-1 domain divided into any number of segments.
Package-module spiepy.demo¶
Demonstration image files for SPIEPy.
- spiepy.demo.list_demo_files()¶
List filenames of demo images.
- Returns:
- demosdict
Dictionary of enumerated filenames for the filename argument in the function load_demo_file.
- spiepy.demo.load_demo_file(f_name)¶
Loads the demo file into an image.
- Args:
- f_namestr
The filename of the demo file.
- Returns:
- imndarray
The image.