Utrecht University
Spring 2025
- Introduction to Groups and Rings (Intro Groepen en Ringen) - Lecturer
Autumn 2024
- Bachelor's thesis common part (Bachelorscriptie gezamenlijk deel) - Lecturer
Spring 2024
- Modules and Representations (Modulen en Voorstellingen) - Lecturer
- Seminar "Curves over finite fields" - Organiser
Spring 2023
- Modules and Representations (Modulen en Voorstellingen) - Lecturer
- Seminar "Drinfeld Modules" - Co-organiser
Spring 2022
- Groups, Modules, and Representations (Groepen, Modulen en Voorstellingen) - Lecturer
- Elliptic Curves (Mastermath) - Lecturer
Spring 2021
- Seminar “Arithmetic dynamics” - Co-organiser
Autumn 2020
- Groups, Modules, and Representations (Groepen, Modulen en Voorstellingen) - Lecturer
Other teaching
- March 2024, "Geometry and arithmetic of moduli spaces of abelian varieties in characteristic p" at Arizona Winter School on "Abelian Varieties", Tucson - 4 day course with lectures and project/study group sessions (website)
- August 2023, "Modular Forms" course at UGC Summer School, Utrecht - 1 day course with lectures and exercise classes
- January 2023, "Modular Forms" course in CIMPA school "Introduction to Galois representations and modular forms and their computational aspects", University of the Philippines Diliman, Manila - 6 lectures, co-lecturer with Laura Geatti (website)
Previous teaching experience
Stockholm University (2019-2020)
Autumn 2019
- MM8019 (Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry) - Assistant
- Student library
As an assistant, I was responsible for grading homework and exams. In the student library I tutored individual undergraduate students.
University of Pennsylvania (2016-2019)
Spring 2019
- Math 114 (Calculus)
Spring 2018
- Math 350 (Elementary Number Theory)
Spring 2017
- Math 371 (Abstract Algebra II)
For these courses, I was responsible for preparing a syllabus, lecturing two or three classes a week, designing homework sets and exams, and tutoring students individually during weekly office hours.
Utrecht University (2012-2016)
Spring 2016
- Rings and Galois theory classes (Ringen en Galois)
- Seminar Number Theory
Spring 2015
- Rings and Galois theory classes (Ringen en Galois)
- Seminar "Arithmetic of curves"
Autumn 2014
Calculus classes (Wiskundige Technieken 1)
Spring 2014
Rings and Galois theory classes (Ringen en Galois)
Autumn 2013
Topology classes (Inleiding Topologie)
Group theory classes (Groepentheorie)
Seminar “Fourier analysis on number fields”
Spring 2013
Seminar “Galois groups and fundamental groups”
Undergraduate seminar “Cours d’arithmétique”
Rings and Galois theory classes (Ringen en Galois)
- Topology classes (Inleiding Topologie)
Autumn 2012
Calculus classes (Infinitesimaalrekening A)
When teaching classes, I was responsible for teaching weekly exercise classes, grading homework and marking exams. When teaching seminars, I was co-responsible for choosing the material and the program for the seminar as well as for evaluating the weekly seminar talks.