Marc van Kreveld

Professor; computational geometry and its application
Head of the Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University

Geometric Computing group
Department of Information and Computing Sciences
Utrecht University
P.O. Box 80.089
3508 TB  Utrecht
The Netherlands

Phone: +31-30-253 4119
E-mail: m.j.vankreveld [curly symbol] uu [point] nl

Research interests: computational geometry, GIScience, graph drawing, puzzle games analysis and generation.

YouTube movie: Connect-the-Dots puzzles, based on a paper presented at SIGGRAPH 2014.

Spiroplots generative art: Spiroplot, with an explanantion and an app for generating them. Bridges 2020 and CG Week Media 2020.

Program Committees

Earlier PC memberships are not listed.


Editor-in-Chief of: Editorial board member of: Scientific advisory board member of:

PhD students


Computational Geometry - Algorithms and Applications.
Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Marc van Kreveld, and Mark Overmars, Springer-Verlag, third edition, 2008.

Computational Geometry

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