Geometric Puzzles

My designs of puzzles, using shape, hinges, and magnets. The ones in aluminum were constructed by a professional. The other ones are made of wood.

Three designs are for sale at, and a fourth, jointly designed puzzle (with Theo Geerinck) as well.

Nationale Wiskunde Dagen

Click here for downloadable documents

Presentations and papers

Design of Geometric Puzzles. PowerPoint Presentation given at the Dutch Computational Geometry Day in Eindhoven, March 2004.

The search for a cube puzzle. Paper that appeared in Cubism For Fun 65, 2004.

Some Tetraform Puzzles. Paper that appeared in Cubism For Fun, 2005.

Wooden Geometric Puzzles: Design and Hardness Proofs. Paper by Helmut Alt, Hans Bodlaender, Guenter Rote, Gerard Tel, and myself which appeared in the journal Theory of Computing Systems, 2009.

Information and contact

All ideas, designs, and constructions are by Marc van Kreveld.

E-mail: m.j.vankreveld [curly symbol] uu [point] nl

Last modified: Marc van Kreveld, August 29, 2012