Peter Kuipers Munneke
Assistant professor in Glaciology

About me

I am an assistant professor in the field of glaciology and polar meteorology at the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), part of Utrecht University, The Netherlands. I'm active on Mastodon.

Featured paper: NAO and Greenland firn

The large-scale weather pattern over the North Atlantic is variable, and it impacts Greenland surface mass balance, and firn mass. We find that a more positive phase of NAO (i.e., more zonal flow) since 2012 has slowed down the loss of firn over most of the ice sheet.

Blue ice in Antarctica

Using a spectral unmixing technique, we map daily fractions of blue-ice area over Antarctica for the 22-year period since 2000, using the full available MODIS archive. This FABIAN product is published in Remote Sensing of Environment.

Contact information

Dr. P. (Peter) Kuipers Munneke
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research
Utrecht (IMAU)
Utrecht University
P.O. Box 80000
3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands

Street address:
Princetonplein 5
3584 CC Utrecht
The Netherlands

email: p.kuipersmunneke [[at]]
tel: +31 30 2533275 (secretariat)
fax: +31 30 2543163

Public transport

Public transport to the Buijs Ballot Gebouw (BBG) is by city bus lines 12, 28 and 128 from the Central Station of Utrecht, direction De Uithof. Get off at the bus stop "Padualaan" (12) or "Botanische Tuinen" (28/128) and walk 5 more minutes to the BBG. An itinerary from any place in the Netherlands to the BBL can be obtained through and entering "Princetonplein" in Utrecht as destination street address.

Bicycle or car

  • From Amersfoort (A28): Take exit 2 "De Uithof" and turn left. Follow the road and turn right at Leuvenlaan. After about 350 metres, cross the bus lanes and park at the parking place directly on the left-hand side.

  • From Den Haag, Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Breda, Amsterdam (A27): Follow signs to Amersfoort/A28 and take the first exit on the A28 (exit no. 2 "De Uithof"), and turn left. Follow the road and turn right at Leuvenlaan. After about 350 metres, cross the bus lanes and part at the parking place directly on the left-hand side.

  • From Bunnik: Take the "Weg tot de Wetenschap", cross under the viaduct and turn left at the traffic lights (Sorbonnelaan). Turn right at the next traffic lights (100m, Leuvenlaan), and park at the parking place on your right-hand side.

  • From the city centre: Drive to either the "Weg tot de Wetenschap" or to the "Archimedeslaan" (Rijnsweerd). If you take the Weg tot de Wetenschap, follow the direction under "Bunnik" (above). The Archimedeslaan changes into Leuvenlaan as you cross the viaduct. About 200 metres past the viaduct, park at the parking place on your right-hand side.

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