Tokens of appreciation
Best paper award nominations
- HC@AIxIA 2024: Best short paper nominee (top 4 paper): Bayesian Networks in Medicine: Presenting Query Response Uncertainty for Decision Support
- ICAIL 2015: Best Student Paper Award for A Structure-guided Approach to Capturing Bayesian Reasoning about Legal Evidence in Argumentation (co-authored).
- BNAIC 2010: Best paper nominee (top 5 paper): Probability Assessments from Multiple Experts: Qualitative Information is More Robust.
- BNAIC 2002: Best Paper Award for Using kappas as indicators of strength in QPNs.
- BNAIC 2001: Best Paper Award for Evaluation scores for probabilistic networks.
Best conference papers
The following papers were selected for (extended) publication, after peer-review, in a special issue of a journal or a book.
- PGM 2022: Relevance for robust Bayesian network MAP-explanations selected for publication in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
- PGM 2020: Building causal interaction models by recursive unfolding selected for publication in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
- BNAIC 2017: Refining a Heuristic for Constructing Bayesian Networks from Structured Arguments. selected for publication in Springer's Communications in Computer and Information Science (postproceedings).
- ECSQARU 2015: Explaining Bayesian networks using Argumentation selected for publication in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
- PGM 2012: Generalised co-variation for sensitivity analysis in Bayesian networks selected for publication in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
- PGM 2010: Efficient sensitivity analysis in Hidden Markov models selected for publication in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
- PGM 2006: Evidence and scenario sensitivities in naive Bayesian classifiers selected for publication in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
- IPMU 2004: On the sensitivity of probabilistic networks to test reliability selected for publication in Modern Information Processing: From Theory to Applications.
- ECSQARU 2003: Introducing situational influences in QPNs selected for publication in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
- IJCAI 2001: Context-specific sign-propagation in qualitative probabilistic networks selected for publication in the Artificial Intelligence journal.
Reviewer awards
- 2013/2014: Pluim nominee for teaching the Computer Science master course on Probabilistic Reasoning
- 2012/2013: Pluim for teaching the Computer Science master course on Probabilistic Reasoning   
- 2010/2011: Pluim for teaching the Information Science bachelor course on Usability Engineering
- 2010/2011: Pluim for teaching the Computer Science master course on Probabilistic Reasoning
- 2009/2010: Pluim for teaching the Computer Science master course on Probabilistic Reasoning
- 2022: NWO Perspectief, PersOn: Explainable, Maintainable, and Trustworthy Decision Support Systems for Personalised Care in Oncology, ''Robust and trustworthy advice'' (co-applicant workpackage)
- 2022: NWO KIC-LTP programme, ROBUST-RAIL (Responsible Decision Support for Efficient and Dynamic Railway Systems) lab, ''Cooperation between human and AI planners'' (co-applicant subproject)
- 2016: UU departmental 'liaison' project ''Probabilistic decision-making based on Arguments and Scenarios'' (co-applicant)
- 2013: Grants from NWO, KNAW, AI Journal, and other sponsors for organising the European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2013)
- 2011: NWO Forensic Science project ''Designing and Understanding Forensic Bayesian Networks with Arguments and Scenarios'' (co-applicant)
- 2000: UAI Student Travel Grant
- 1998: Shell Travel Grant