
In the course on Technologies for learning you have to work on a project. This page documents some practical matters surrounding these projects.


  1. Choose a team. Teams may consist of 2 to 4 people
  2. Choose a problem to work on. Suggestions can be found below. Deadline: 18/9.
  3. Present your research statement to the teacher. Deadline: 3/10.
  4. Meet weekly with the teacher.
  5. Discuss & research this topic.
  6. Present your results. We will hold a workshop in the last lecture slot of the course.
  7. Submit a report. Submit a link to a repo with the code. Submit your final presentation. See below.


The main focus of the project report and presentation should be the following: A brief report is expected at the end of the course (around 5-6 pages, but no more than 10), as well as the software (in a repo), and a short presentation (around 15 minutes).

Research Projects

The projects taken in the course need to have a close relationship with the contents of the lectures. Here are a number of possibilities. Feel free to get in touch with the teachers for more information.

Project Groups

# Group Members Project Topic Teacher
1 Merle Delen,
Bertine van Deyzen
Design Bayesian Network (BN) models of several math tasks that would help diagnose skills responsible for incorrect solution SS
2 Andrey Krupskiy,
Abdel Aberkane,
Xiuyu Qiao
Use domain reasoners to analyse step-wise solutions of math exercises JJ
3 Irena Cirkovic,
Ward Bannink,
Kelly Griffioen,
Ivar Troost
Implement an interactive service that will test how well students understand JavaScript programs SS
4 Marc Valkenier,
Laurens Müter
Implement an Elo ratings system on math practice data to track student and test item development SS
5 Jeroen Pol,
Jasper van Noordenburg,
Teun Kooijman
Implement an Elo ratings system on math practice data to track student and test item development SS
6 Reinier Maas,
Arian van Putten
Construct a strategy for constructing Haskell programs in Ask-Elle that also uses the property a program should satisfy to give hints JJ