Ferdinand Verhulst
Name : Ferdinand Verhulst
Position : Professor
Department : Mathematisch Instituut
University of Utrecht
the Netherlands
Postal Address : PO Box 80010
3508 TA Utrecht
the Netherlands
Visiting address: Budapestlaan 6
De Uithof
room MI 6.14
Email : F.Verhulst@uu.nl
Phone : +31 30-2531526 (work)
Fax : +31 30-2518394 (work)
Research Interest
Asymptotic Analysis, in particular boundary layers and multiscale phenomena
in ODEs and PDEs
Dynamical Systems
Applications in Nonlinear Oscillations, Engineering, Astrophysics and Climate Dynamics
Book: Methods and Applications of Singular Perturbations
Book: Henri Poincare, impatient genius