Simple Stack Machine

Tue, 16 June, 2015
atze at uu dot nl
Download, Installation, Running & Recent Changes


Machine model


User Interface
All topics from SSM
Example Code



Atze Dijkstra.


Current version is 2.2.0, change history since version 1.0

Download version 2.2.0, June 3, 2015

  • Jar file + batchfile startup, tgz
  • Documentation currently on this site only


The development repo is under github:

Installation and running

SSM has been tested on MacOSX with Java 1.6.x. It will probably run on other versions as long as Swing is available.
  • Make sure the jar file ssm.jar is on the classpath or explicitly pass it as a parameter to java: java -cp ssm.jar ...
  • If necessary, specify to start with main class nl.uu.cs.ssmui.Runner

Or: use (and adapt if necessary) the ssm (UNIX) or ssm.bat (WinXX) scripts, included in the release.

Or (if starting a jar file directly is supported)

  • either: double click on the jar file
  • or (from the commandline): java -jar ssm.jar

Passing parameters

With version 2.2.0 commandline arguments are supported:

usage: [--clisteps <steps>] [--cli] [--file <path> OR --stdin]
 --help             : Print this help
 --version          : Print version
 --clisteps <steps> : The amount of steps to run. -1 for infinite(default). Only in cli mode
 --stdin            : Read code from stdin
 --file <path>      : Read code from path
 --cli              : No GUI, runs code and exits on halt
 --guidelay         : Amount of time to sleep in milliseconds between steps in the GUI. Default: 50