PhD supervision Remco C. Veltkamp


  1. Marten Chaillet. Marromolecular localization in cryogenic electron tomograms, UU, 5 February 2025(1st promotor Friedrich Förster).
  2. Iris Yuping Ren. Repetition sans Ennui: Human and Algorithmic Discovery of Patterns in Music, UU, 12 February 2024 (2nd promotors Gabi Keller, Anja Volk, copromotor Wouter Swierstra).
  3. Jan Dirk Fijnheer, Household energy conservation with reality-enhanced serious games: Studies on effects in the real-world, UU, 7 September 2022 (copromotor Herre van Oostendorp).
  4. Chris Ferguson, Virtually Lost in Learning, Improving Navigational Efficiency in Virtual Reality Leads to Enhanced Learning, UU, 14 March 2022 (copromotor Egon van den Broek).
  5. Nina Rosa, Supernumerary Embodiment in Multimodal Augmented Reality Games, UU, 22 November 2021 (other promotor Peter Werkhove, copromotor Wolfgang Hürst).
  6. Alexandros Stergiou, Efficient Modelling Across Time of Human Actions and Interactions, UU, 27 September 2021 (copromotor Ronald Poppe).
  7. Giorgios Kapidis, A Modular Approach for the Detection and Interconnection of Objects, Hands, Locations, and Actions for Egocentric Video Understanding, UU, 9 June 2021 (copromotor Ronald Poppe).
  8. Honglin Yuan, A 3D photo-realistic environment simulator for mobile robots, UU, 15 February 2021 (2nd promotor Alex Telea).
  9. Coert van Gemeren, Modeling Dyadic Human Interactions, UU, 5 June 2019 (copromotor Ronald Poppe).
  10. Vincent Koops, Computational Modelling of Variance in Musical Harmony, UU, 1 April 2019 (copromotor Anja Volk).
  11. Dimitrios Bountouridis, Music Information Retrieval Using Biologically-Inspired Techniques, UU, 10 April 2018 (copromotor Frans Wiering).
  12. Malte Lorbach, Automated Recognition of Rodent Social Behavior, UU, 8 November 2017 (copromotor Ronald Poppe).
  13. Anna Aljanaki, Emotion in Music: Representation and Computational Modeling, UU, 19 September 2016 (copromotor Frans Wiering).
  14. Marcelo Rodríguez López, Automatic Melody Segmentation, UU, 20 June 2016 (copromotor Anja Volk).
  15. Jan van Balen, Audio Description and Corpus Analysis of Popular Music, UU, 15 June 2016 (copromotor Frans Wiering).
  16. Zhiping Luo, Interactive Character Deformation Using Simplified Elastic Models, UU, 11 January 2016 (copromotor Arjan Egges).
  17. Zhigang Tu, Variational Optical Flow Algorithms for Motion Estimation, UU, 16 November 2015.
  18. Thomas Geijtenbeek, Animating Virtual Characters using Physics-based Simulation, UU, 17 December 2013 (copromotor F. van der Stappen).
  19. Thijs van Lankveld, Large Scale Shape Reconstruction from Urban Point Clouds, UU, 25 October 2013 (other promotor M. van Kreveld).
  20. Bas de Haas, Music information retrieval based on tonal harmony, UU, 28 February 2012 (copromotor Frans Wiering).
  21. Azizi Abdullah, Supervised Learning Algorithms for Visual Object Categorization, UU, 9 November 2010 (copromotor Marco Wiering).
  22. Peter van Kranenbrug, A Computational Approach to Content-Based Retrieval of Folk Song Melodies, UU, 4 October 2010 (2nd promotor Louis Grijp, copromotor Frans Wiering).
  23. Maarten Löffler, Data Imprecision in Computational Geometry, UU, 19 October 2009 (copromotor M. van Kreveld).
  24. Frank ter Haar, Reconstruction and Analysis of Shapes from 3D Scans, UU, 7 September 2009.
  25. Rodrigo Silveira, Optimization of Polyhedral Terrains, UU, 8 July 2009 (copromotor M. van Kreveld).
  26. Reinier van Leuken, Content-based Multimedia Retrieval: Indexing and Diversification, UU, 11 May 2009.
  27. Rainer Typke, Music Retrieval based on Melodic Similarity, UU, 19 February 2007 (promotor M. Overmars, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp, Frans Wiering).
  28. Panos Giannopoulos, Geometric Matching of Weighted Point Sets, UU, 21 September 2005 (promotor M. Overmars, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp).
  29. Mirela Tanase, Shape Decomposition and Retrieval, UU, 16 February 2005 (promotor M. Overmars, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp).
  30. Michiel Hagedoorn, Pattern Matching using Similarity Measures, UU, 18 September 2000 (promotor M. Overmars, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp).
  31. Richard Kelleners, Constraints in Object-Oriented Graphics, TU Eindhoven, 8 June 1999 (promotor D. Hammer, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp).
  32. Wieger Wesselink, Variational Modeling of Curves and Surfaces, TU Eindhoven, 12 September 1996 (promotors D. Hammer, H. Hagen, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp).


  1. Dionysis Alexandridis (2nd promotor Elise van der Putte, copromotors Sander Bakkes, Sanne Nijhof)
  2. Anton Belinskiy (1st promotor Wilfried van Sark, copromotor Jan Dirk Fijnheer, Ioannis Lampropoulos)
  3. Brunella Botte (2nd promotor Henk Aarts, copromotor Sander Bakkes)
  4. Annette Brons (2nd promotor Ben Kröse (UvA), copromotors Sander Bakkes, Bart Visser (HvA))
  5. Ilja Gubins (2nd promotor Friedrich Förster)
  6. Tao Ku
  7. Bas Michielsen (2nd promotor Joris Cromsigt, copromotors Ine Dorresteijn, Gerard Schouten (Fontys))
  8. Laurens Müter (copromotor Christof van Nimwegen)
  9. Hossein Nasrollahi (1st promotor Wilfried van Sark, copromotors Ioannis Lampropoulos, Stefan Werning)
  10. Maartje Stutvoet (2nd promotor Elise van der Putte, copromotor Sanne Nijhof)
  11. Mirjam Visscher (1st promotor Frans Wiering)
  12. Michel Wijkstra (copromotor Julian Frommel)