- Marten Chaillet. Marromolecular localization in cryogenic electron tomograms, UU, 5 February 2025(1st promotor Friedrich Förster).
- Iris Yuping Ren. Repetition sans Ennui: Human and Algorithmic Discovery of Patterns in Music, UU, 12 February 2024 (2nd promotors Gabi Keller, Anja Volk, copromotor Wouter Swierstra).
- Jan Dirk Fijnheer,
Household energy conservation with reality-enhanced serious games: Studies on effects in the real-world, UU, 7 September 2022 (copromotor Herre van Oostendorp).
- Chris Ferguson, Virtually Lost in Learning, Improving Navigational Efficiency in Virtual Reality Leads to Enhanced Learning, UU, 14 March 2022 (copromotor Egon van den Broek).
- Nina Rosa,
Supernumerary Embodiment in Multimodal Augmented Reality Games, UU, 22 November 2021 (other promotor Peter Werkhove, copromotor Wolfgang Hürst).
- Alexandros Stergiou, Efficient Modelling Across Time of Human Actions and Interactions, UU, 27 September 2021 (copromotor Ronald Poppe).
- Giorgios Kapidis, A Modular Approach for the Detection and Interconnection of Objects, Hands, Locations, and Actions for Egocentric Video Understanding, UU, 9 June 2021 (copromotor Ronald Poppe).
- Honglin Yuan, A 3D photo-realistic environment simulator for mobile robots, UU, 15 February 2021 (2nd promotor Alex Telea).
- Coert van Gemeren, Modeling Dyadic Human Interactions, UU, 5 June 2019 (copromotor Ronald Poppe).
- Vincent Koops, Computational Modelling of Variance in Musical Harmony, UU, 1 April 2019 (copromotor Anja Volk).
- Dimitrios Bountouridis, Music Information Retrieval Using Biologically-Inspired Techniques, UU, 10 April 2018 (copromotor Frans Wiering).
- Malte Lorbach, Automated Recognition of Rodent Social Behavior, UU, 8 November 2017 (copromotor Ronald Poppe).
- Anna Aljanaki, Emotion in Music: Representation and Computational Modeling, UU, 19 September 2016 (copromotor Frans Wiering).
- Marcelo Rodríguez López, Automatic Melody Segmentation, UU, 20 June 2016 (copromotor Anja Volk).
- Jan van Balen, Audio Description and Corpus Analysis of Popular Music, UU, 15 June 2016 (copromotor Frans Wiering).
- Zhiping Luo, Interactive Character Deformation Using Simplified Elastic Models, UU, 11 January 2016 (copromotor Arjan Egges).
- Zhigang Tu, Variational Optical Flow Algorithms for Motion Estimation, UU, 16 November 2015.
- Thomas Geijtenbeek, Animating Virtual Characters using Physics-based Simulation, UU, 17 December 2013 (copromotor F. van der Stappen).
- Thijs van Lankveld, Large Scale Shape Reconstruction from Urban Point Clouds, UU, 25 October 2013 (other promotor M. van Kreveld).
- Bas de Haas, Music information retrieval based on tonal harmony, UU, 28 February 2012 (copromotor Frans Wiering).
- Azizi Abdullah, Supervised Learning Algorithms for Visual Object Categorization, UU, 9 November 2010 (copromotor Marco Wiering).
- Peter van Kranenbrug, A Computational Approach to Content-Based Retrieval of Folk Song Melodies, UU, 4 October 2010 (2nd promotor Louis Grijp, copromotor Frans Wiering).
- Maarten Löffler, Data Imprecision in Computational Geometry, UU, 19 October 2009 (copromotor M. van Kreveld).
- Frank ter Haar, Reconstruction and Analysis of Shapes from 3D Scans, UU, 7 September 2009.
- Rodrigo Silveira, Optimization of Polyhedral Terrains, UU, 8 July 2009 (copromotor M. van Kreveld).
- Reinier van Leuken, Content-based Multimedia Retrieval: Indexing and Diversification, UU, 11 May 2009.
- Rainer Typke, Music Retrieval based on Melodic Similarity, UU, 19 February 2007 (promotor M. Overmars, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp, Frans Wiering).
- Panos Giannopoulos, Geometric Matching of Weighted Point Sets, UU, 21 September 2005 (promotor M. Overmars, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp).
- Mirela Tanase, Shape Decomposition and Retrieval, UU, 16 February 2005 (promotor M. Overmars, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp).
- Michiel Hagedoorn, Pattern Matching using Similarity Measures, UU, 18 September 2000 (promotor M. Overmars, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp).
- Richard Kelleners, Constraints in Object-Oriented Graphics, TU Eindhoven, 8 June 1999 (promotor D. Hammer, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp).
- Wieger Wesselink, Variational Modeling of Curves and Surfaces, TU Eindhoven, 12 September 1996 (promotors D. Hammer, H. Hagen, copromotor R.C. Veltkamp).
- Dionysis Alexandridis (2nd promotor Elise van der Putte, copromotors Sander Bakkes, Sanne Nijhof)
- Anton Belinskiy (1st promotor Wilfried van Sark, copromotor Jan Dirk Fijnheer, Ioannis Lampropoulos)
- Brunella Botte (2nd promotor Henk Aarts, copromotor Sander Bakkes)
- Annette Brons (2nd promotor Ben Kröse (UvA), copromotors Sander Bakkes, Bart Visser (HvA))
- Ilja Gubins (2nd promotor Friedrich Förster)
- Tao Ku
- Bas Michielsen (2nd promotor Joris Cromsigt, copromotors Ine Dorresteijn, Gerard Schouten (Fontys))
- Laurens Müter (copromotor Christof van Nimwegen)
- Hossein Nasrollahi (1st promotor Wilfried van Sark, copromotors Ioannis Lampropoulos, Stefan Werning)
- Maartje Stutvoet (2nd promotor Elise van der Putte, copromotor Sanne Nijhof)
- Mirjam Visscher (1st promotor Frans Wiering)
- Michel Wijkstra (copromotor Julian Frommel)