Homepage of Marius Crainic
Some of the master thesis that I supervised:
Master Theses:
Euler-like vector fields and normal forms, Luuk Vischer, 2021
On Hamiltonian actions of symplectic groupoids;
A classification of toric $\mathcal{T}_{\Lambda}$-spaces, Maarten Mol, 2018
Constructions of symplectic foliations; A new view on the ve-sphere, Aldo Witte, 2017
An introduction to Functional Spaces, Marcel de Reus, 2011
The Nash-Moser implicit function theorem and applications, Roy Wang, 2011
Moduli spaces of flat connections, Daan Michiels, 2013
Fibrations in symplectic and Poisson geometry, Janne Kool, 2008
Master Class Theses:
Symplectic foliations on the 5-sphere, Boris Osorno Torres, 2009
Symplectic realizations, Maria Amelia Salazar, 2008
Action-angle coordinates and generalizations, Yunjiang Jiang, 2007
Singular foliations, Josef Pozny, 2007
Serre spectral sequences for Lie algebroids, Camilo Arias Abad, 2004
Morita equivalence of noncommutative tori, A. Quintero Velez, 2004
Possible master projects (just some examples!): under construction