
Sheaves are versatile objects in topology and geometry. Cohomology of a constant sheaf recovers classical notions of cohomology (singular, cellular, de Rham, ...), while locally constant sheaves correspond to representations of the fundamental group. I will discuss the foundations of sheaf theory, and highlight some recent advances in the classification of sheaves on topological spaces and their counterparts in algebraic geometry.


Click the titles below for (handwritten) notes.

  1. Sheaves and cohomology in topology.
  2. Why étale cohomology?
  3. Constructible sheaves in topology: from monodromy to exodromy.
  4. Monodromy and exodromy for étale sheaves.


Here are some sources I used for writing the lecture notes, plus some introductory texts (where available).

Sheaves, sheaf cohomology, and Čech cohomology:

G. E. Bredon, Sheaf theory.
B. R. Tennison, Sheaf theory.
M. Kashiwara, P. Schapira, Sheaves on manifolds.
S. Mac Lane, I. Moerdijk, Sheaves in geometry and logic.
The Stacks project, sheaves and cohomology of sheaves.

Étale fundamental groups and étale cohomology:

M. Artin, A. Grothendieck, J.-L. Verdier (eds), Théorie des topos et cohomologie étale des schémas (SGA 4). Part I, Part II, and Part III.
J. S. Milne, Étale cohomology.

Exodromy in topology:

J. Lurie, Higher algebra, Appendix A.
M. Porta, J.-B. Teyssier, Topological exodromy with coefficients.

Étale exodromy:

C. Barwick, S. Glasman, P. Haine, Exodromy.
R. van Dobben de Bruyn, S. Wolf, work in progress.

A seminar picture