Games and simulations frequently model scenarios where obstacles move, appear, and disappear in an environment. A city environment changes as new buildings and roads are constructed, and routes can become partially blocked by small obstacles many times in a typical day. This paper studies the effect of using local updates to repair only the affected regions of a navigation mesh in response to a change in the environment. The techniques are inspired by incremental methods for Voronoi diagrams. Experiments show that local updates are fast enough to permit real-time updates of the navigation mesh. The main novelty of this paper is that we show how to maintain a 2D or 2.5D navigation mesh in an environment that contains dynamic polygonal obstacles.
Wouter G. van Toll, Atlas F. Cook IV and Roland Geraerts. A Navigation Mesh for Dynamic Environments. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW), 23(6):535-546, 2012.
Wouter G. van Toll, Atlas F. Cook IV and Roland Geraerts. Game-Changing: Fast Dynamic Updates in a Flexible Navigation Mesh. ICT.OPEN 2013 (ICT.OPEN 2013).
The method is demonstrated in the following movie.