Visualization and GraphicsInteractionDept ICSFaculty of ScienceUU

Grading and Rules

Visual analytics and information visualization is a practical hands-on discipline by excellence. As such, this course is graded not by means of a classical in-class exam, but by means of two assignments - a theoretical and a practical one.


The assignments are to be executed by the students in the form of self-study (self-work) during the course weeks. Feedback is to be provided weekly by the course lecturer, in the form of individual discussions with each student based on his/her progress.


At the end of the course, the students are to hand in the deliverables of both assignments, as described in their specific web pages.

Final presentation

Besides handing in the deliverables, students will also need to prepare a short (10..15 minutes) oral presentation of the results of their practical assignment. This is done in a global session where all students attend (and comment on) the presentations of their peers.


Each assignment is graded separately on a scale from 1 to 10. For the practical assignment, the grade also includes the assessment of the final presentation (see above). The final course-grade is the average of the two above grades. However, in order to pass the course, you need to have a passing grade for each of the two assignments.