Visualization and GraphicsInteractionDept ICSFaculty of ScienceUU



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July, 2024 Barbara Benato defended her PhD thesis Pseudo Labeling and Classification of High-Dimensional Data Using Visual Analytics with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
April, 2024 The paper Exploring Classifiers with Differentiable Decision Boundary Maps (A. Machado, M. Behrisch, A. Telea) won the Honorable Mention Paper Award at EuroVis. Congratulations!
April, 2024 Alexandru Telea holds an invited lecture on high-dimensional data visualization at the Debye ISSC Spring School
March, 2024 Angelos Chatzimparmpas has started as assistant professor in the Visualization and Graphics group. Welcome!
March, 2024 The paper Fundamental Limitations of Inverse Projections and Decision Maps (Y. Wang, A. Telea) won the Best Student Paper Award at IVAPP. Congratulations!
February, 2024 Jiamin Wang started as a PhD student co-supervised by Alexandru Telea and Jiri Kosinka (RUG). Welcome!
January, 2024 Alexandru Telea will be one of the program chairs for the SIBGRAPI 2024 conference.
November, 2023 Yalan Zhang started a postdoc at SVCG-RUG in non-Newtonian fluid simulation. She is co-advised by Alexandru Telea and Jiri Kosinka (SVCG-RUG). Welcome!
October, 2023 The VR4eVR project was granted by NWO. In this project (6 years, 3M EUR), we will investigate how VR, serious gaming, and information visualization can help hemianopsia patients better revalidate after a stroke. Alexandru Telea, co-PI of the project, will supervise a PhD and a scientific programmer
October, 2023 Zonglin Tian defended his PhD thesis Explaining Projections of High-Dimensional Data with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
October, 2023 Alexandru Telea held the keynote at the VISSOFT conference
September, 2023 Alexandru Telea held the keynote at the VizTig symposium (King's College London)
July, 2023 Youngjoo Kim defended her PhD thesis Visual exploration of high-dimensional data using dimensionality reduction with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
June, 2023 The paper Identifying Cluttering Edges in Near-Planar Graphs (S. van Wageningen, A. Telea, T. Mchedlidze) won the Best Short Paper Award at EuroVis
June, 2023 The paper ShaRP: Shape-Regularized Multidimensional Projections (A. Machado, M. Behrisch, A. Telea) won the Best Paper Award at EuroVA
June, 2023 Alexandru Telea held the capstone presentation at EuroVis 2023
April, 2023 Lucas Stankus has joined the Visualization and Graphics group as a visiting researcher for 6 months, supervised by Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
March, 2023 Yu Wang has started in the Visualization and Graphics group as PhD student supervised by Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
January, 2023 Yanrui Xu has started as PhD student co-supervised by Alexandru Telea and Jiri Kosinka (RUG). Welcome!
January, 2023 Barbara Benato has started in the Visualization and Graphics group as part of her joint PhD project. Her UU supervisor is Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
December, 2022 Alexandru Telea will hold the keynote at the 2023 VISIGRAPP conference
November, 2022 Xiaorui Zhai defended her PhD thesis Exploring and Explaining 3D Data Representations with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
November, 2022 Victor Stenvers has started his PhD project in computer graphics in the Visualization and Graphics group. He is supervised by Peter Vangorp and Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
November, 2022 Alexandru Telea held three workshops on image processing with skeletons, high-dimensional visualization, and visual analytics for XAI at ICEI, Univ. PUC Minas, Brazil
October, 2022 The proposal "Quantitatively mapping Deep Transitions in The Netherlands" was funded by the AI Labs UU. The grant will support a postdoc for a few years. Co-PI's: Alexandru Telea and dr. G. Heimeriks (UU Geosciences)
September, 2022 Jieying Wang defended her PhD thesis Dense Medial Descriptors for Image Compression and Manipulation with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
July, 2022 Alexandru Telea co-chaired the AniNex workshop on Next Generation Computer Animated Techniques (co-located with CASA 2022)
April, 2022 Alexandru Telea (together with Jiri Kosinka, RUG) obtained an ICPIT grant for six PhD students in graphics and visualization.
March, 2022 Peter Vangorp joined the Visualization and Graphics group as assistant professor in graphics. Welcome!
February, 2022 Alexandru Telea won two Pluim Awards for teaching the Multimedia Retrieval MSc course for the years 2020 and 2021.
February, 2022 Youngjoo Kim won the Best Paper Award at the IVAPP 2022 conference for her paper SDR-NNP: Sharpened Dimensionality Reduction with Neural Networks. Congratulations!
February, 2022 Mateus Espadoto won the Best Student Paper Award at the IVAPP 2022 conference for his paper SDBM: Supervised Decision Boundary Maps for Machine Learning Classifiers. Congratulations!
January, 2022 Eduardo Vernier defended his PhD thesis Visualization of Dynamic Multidimensional and Hierarchical Datasets with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!

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