366. Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Images (SIBGRAPI 2024), IEEE (A. Telea C. M. Dal Sasso Freitas, J. Almeida, N. Sebe)
365. Visual simulation of bone cement blending and dynamic flow L. Shen, Y. Zhang, S. Frey, A. Telea, J. Kosinka, X. Wang, X. Ban. Proc. IEEE BIBM (to appear)
364. Pseudo Labeling and Classification of High-Dimensional Data using Visual Analytics B. Benato, A. Telea, A. Falcao. Proc. SIBGRAPI WTD (PhD thesis honorable mention award)
363. Controlling the Scatterplot Shapes of 2D and 3D Multidimensional Projections A. Machado, A. Telea, M. Behrisch. Computers & Graphics 124
362. Supervised star, galaxy, and QSO classification with sharpened dimensionality reduction M. Lourens, S. Trager, Y. Kim, A. Telea, J. Roerdink. Astronomy & Astrophysics 690(224)
361. Investigating Desirable Properties of Inverse Projections and Decision Maps Y. Wang, A. Telea. Springer CCIS (to appear)
360. Human-in-the-loop: Using classifier decision boundary maps to improve pseudo labels B. Benato, C. Grosu, A. Falcao, A. Telea. Computers & Graphics 124
359. Measuring and Interpreting the Quality of 3D Projections of High-Dimensional Data Z. Tian, W. Castelein, T. Mchedlidze, A. Telea. Springer CCIS 2103, 348-373
358. Linking Data Separation, Visual Separation, Classifier Performance Using Multidimensional Projections B. Benato, A. Falcao, A. Telea. Springer CCIS 2103, 229-255
357. Multiphase Viscoelastic Non-Newtonian Fluid Simulation Y. Zhang, S. Long, Y. Xu, X. Wang, C. Yao, J. Kosinka, S. Frey, A. Telea, X. Ban. Computers and Graphics 43(4)
356. Interactive Tools for Explaining Multidimensional Projections for High-Dimensional Tabular Data J. Thijssen, Z. Tian, A. Telea. Computers & Graphics 122
355. Information Visualization: Designing for Usability, User Experience, Sustainability and Inclusion C. Hurter, A. Telea, B. Rogowitz. Human Computer Interaction: Designing for Usability, Inclusion and Sustainability. Ch. 6 (eds. C. Stephanidis, G. Salvendy). CRC Press
354. Computing Fast and Accurate Decision Boundary Maps. C. Grosu, Y. Wang, A. Telea. Proc. EuroVA
353. Inverting Multidimensional Scaling Projections Using Data Point Multilateration. D. Blumberg, Y. Wang, A. Telea, F. Dennig, D. Keim. Proc. EuroVA
352. Interpreting Mineral Deposit Genesis Classification with Decision Maps: A Case Study Using Pyrite Trace Elements. Y. Wang, KF Qiu, A. Telea, Z. Hou, T. Zhou, Y Cai, Z. Ding, H. Yu, J. Deng. American Mineralogist 109, 2116-2126
351. Exploring Classifiers with Differentiable Decision Boundary Maps. A. Machado, M. Behrisch, A. Telea. Computer Graphics Forum 43(3) (Honorable mention award)
350. An Experimental Evaluation of Viewpoint-Based 3D Graph Drawing. S. van Wageningen, T. Mchedlidze, A. Telea. Computer Graphics Forum 43(3)
349. Monte Carlo Vortical Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Simulating Turbulent Flows. X. Ye, X. Wang, Y. Xu, J. Kosinka, A. Telea, L. You, J. Zhang, J. Chang. Computer Graphics Forum 43(2)
348. DeforestVis: Behavior Analysis of Machine Learning Models with Surrogate Decision Stumps. A. Chatzimparmpas, R. Martins, A. Telea, A. Kerren. Computer Graphics Forum 43(6)
347. Seeing is Learning in High Dimensions: The Synergy Between Dimensionality Reduction and Machine Learning.. A. Telea, A. Machado, Y. Wang. SN Computer Science 5:279
346. Decoupling Judgment and Decision Making: A Tale of Two Tails. B. Oral, P. Dragicevic, A. Telea, E. Dimara. IEEE TVCG 30(10) 6928-6940
345. Fundamental Limitations of Inverse Projections and Decision Maps. Y. Wang, A. Telea. Proc. IVAPP (Best student paper award)
344. Physics-based fluid simulation in computer graphics: Survey, research trends, and challenges X. Wang, Y. Xu, S. Liu, B. Ren, J. Kosinka, A. Telea, J. Wang, C. Song, J. Chang, C. Li, J. Zhang, X. Ban. Computational Visual Media 10 803–858
343. In Varietate Concordia: How Software Visualization and Information Visualization Have Evolved From, Around, and Along Each Other. A. Telea. Proc. VISSOFT (Keynote address)
342. Perception-Based Framework for Measuring Quality of Graph Visualizations. T. Mchedlidze, A. Telea, M. Raab, C. Hurter, N. Melnik, M. Nöllenburg, B. Rogowitz. Proc. Dagstuhl Seminar 23051
341. Machine Learning—Basic Unsupervised Methods (Cluster Analysis Methods, t-SNE) M. Espadoto, S. Martins, W. Branderhorst, A. Telea. Clinical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Real-World Data (Ch. 9). Springer
340. An Implicitly Stable Mixture Model for Dynamic Multi-fluid Simulations Y. Xu, X. Wang, J. Wang, C. Song, T. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Chang, J. Zhang, J. Kosinka, A. Telea, X. Ban. Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia (6)
339. Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of Decision Map Techniques for Explaining Classification Models Y. Wang, A. Machado, A. Telea. Algorithms 16(9):438
338. Beyond Planarity: A Spring-Based Approach S. van Wageningen, T. Mchedlidze, A. Telea. Proc. Graph Drawing (posters)
337. Measuring the quality of labeled projections of high-dimensional data B. Benato, A. Telea, A. Falcao. Computers & Graphics (116) 287-297
336. PCCNet: A Few-Shot Patch-wise Contrastive Colorization Network X. Liu, P. Yang, A. Telea, J. Kosinka, Z. Wu. Proc CGI
335. Foreword to AniNex Workshop 2022 J. Chang, X. Wang, A. Telea, J. Kosinka, F. Tian, X. Ban, J. Zhang. Computers & Graphics
334. Deep Feature Annotation by Iterative Meta-Pseudo-Labeling on 2D Projection B. Benato, A. Telea, A. Falcao. Pattern Recognition 141
333. ShaRP: Shape-Regularized Multidimensional Projections A. Machado, A. Telea, M. Behrisch. Proc. EuroVA (Best paper award)
332. Scaling Up the Explanation of Multidimensional Projections J. Thijssen, Z. Tian, A. Telea. Proc. EuroVA
331. Identifying Cluttering Edges in Near-Planar Graphs S. van Wageningen, T. Mchedlidze, A. Telea. Proc. EuroVis (short papers) (Best short paper award)
330. DeforestVis: Behavior Analysis of Machine Learning Models with Surrogate Decision Stumps A. Chatzimparmpas, R. Martins, A. Telea, A. Kerren. arXiv:2304.00133
329. Improving Self-Supervised Dimensionality Reduction: Exploring Hyperparameters and Pseudo-labeling Strategies A. Oliveira, M. Espadoto, R. Hirata, N. Hirata, A. Telea. Springer CCIS 1691, 135-161
328. UnProjection: Leveraging Inverse-Projections for Visual Analytics of High-Dimensional Data M. Espadoto, G. Appleby, A. Suh, D. Cashman, M. Li, C. Scheidegger, E. Anderson, R. Chang, A. Telea. IEEE TVCG 29(2), 1559-1572
327. Spline-Based Dense Medial Descriptors for Image Simplification Using Saliency Maps J. Wang, L. de Melo, A. Falcao, J. Kosinka, A. Telea. Springer CCIS (1691), 1-24
326. The Flow of Trust: A Visualization Framework for Externalizing, Exploring and Explaining Trust in ML Applications S. van den Elzen, G. Andrienko, N. Andrienko, B. Fisher, R. Martins, J. Peltonen, A. Telea, M. Verleysen. IEEE CG&A 43(2), 78-88
325. Linking data separation, visual separation, and classifier performance using pseudo-labeling by contrastive learning B. Benato, A. Falcao, A. Telea. Proc. VISAPP
324. Visualizing High-Dimensional Functions with Dense Maps M. Espadoto, F. C. M. Rodrigues, N. Hirata, A. Telea. SN Computer Science 4:230
323. Stability Analysis of Supervised Decision Boundary Maps A. Oliveira, M. Espadoto, R. Hirata Jr, A. Telea. SN Computer Science 4:226
322. Stabilizing and Simplifying Sharpened Dimensionality Reduction using Deep Learning M. Espadoto, Y. Kim, S. C. Trager, J. Roerdink, A. Telea. SN Computer Science 4:244
321. Beyond the Third Dimension: How Multidimensional Projections and Machine Learning Can Help Each Other A. Telea. Proc. VISIGRAPP (Keynote paper)
320. Viewpoint-Based Quality for Analyzing and Exploring 3D Multidimensional Projections W. Castelein, Z. Tian, T. Mchedlidze, A. Telea. Proc. IVAPP (Best paper award runner-up)
319. Interactive image manipulation using morphological trees and spline-based skeletons J. Wang, D. da Silva, J. Kosinka, A. Telea, R. Hashimoto, J. Roerdink. Computers & Graphics (108), 61-73
318. USTNet: Unsupervised Shape-to-Shape Translation via Disentangled Representations H. Wang, Z. Li, A. Telea, J. Kosinka, Z. Wu. CGF 41(7) 141-152
317. Visual Exploration of Neural Network Projection Stability C. Bredius, Z. Tian, A. Telea. Proc. MLVis
316. Visual Exploration of Large Multidimensional Trajectory Data A. Telea, M. Behrisch. Data Science for Migration and Mobility Studies (A. Salah, E. Korkmaz, T. Bircan (eds.)). Oxford Univ. Press
315. HyperNP: Interactive Visual Exploration of Multidimensional Projection Hyperparameters G. Appleby, M. Espadoto, R. Chen, S. Goree, A. Telea, E. Anderson, R. Chang. CGF 41(3), 169-181
314. Visual Cluster Separation Using High-Dimensional Sharpened Dimensionality Reduction Y. Kim, A. Telea, S. Trager, J. Roerdink. Information Visualization 21(3), 197-219
313. SDBM: Supervised Decision Boundary Maps for Machine Learning Classifiers A. A. M. Oliveira, M. Espadoto, R. Hirata, A. Telea. Proc. IVAPP (Best student paper award)
312. SDR-NNP: Sharpened Dimensionality Reduction with Neural Networks Y. Kim, M. Espadoto, S. Trager, J. Roerdink, A. Telea. Proc. IVAPP (Best paper award)
311. Skeleton-and-Trackball Interactive Rotation Specification for 3D Scenes X. Zhai, L. Yu, X. Chen, A. Telea. Communication in Computer and Information Sciences (1474), Springer, 26-52
310. Unsupervised Brain Anomaly Detection in MR Images S. Martins, A. Telea, A. Falcao. Proc. SIBGRAPI WTD (Best PhD thesis award)
309. Visual Cluster Separation Using High-Dimensional Sharpened Dimensionality Reduction Y. Kim, A. Telea, S. Trager, J. Roerdink. arXiv:2110.00317
308. The next move in movement disorders (NEMO): developing a computer aided classification tool for hyperkinetic movement disorders A. van der Stouwe, I. Tuitert, I. Giotis, J. Calon, R. Gannamani, J. Dalenberg, S. van der Veen, M. Klamer, A. Telea, M. Tijssen. BMJ Open (11)10
307. Special issue on Computer Graphics Theory, Information Visualization Theory and Applications J. Braz, D. Bechmann, L. Linsen, A. Telea, A. Claudio (eds). Graphical Models
306. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT) L. Merino, J. P. Sandoval Alcocer, A. Telea (eds.)
305. Iterative Pseudo-Labeling with Deep Feature Annotation and Confidence-Based Sampling B. Benato, A. Telea, A. Falcao. Proc. SIBGRAPI
304. Spline-Based Dense Medial Descriptors for Lossy Image Compression J. Wang, J. Kosinka, A. Telea. J Imaging 7(8), 153, MDPI
303. Using bundling to visualize multivariate urban mobility structure patterns in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area T. Martins, N. Lago, E. Santana, A. Telea, F. Kon, H. de Souza. J. Internet Services and Applications 12(6), Springer
302. HyperNP: Interactive Visual Exploration of Multidimensional Projection Hyperparameters G. Appleby, M. Espadoto, R. Chen, S. Goree, A. Telea, E. Anderson, R. Chang. arXiv:2106.13777 [cs.LG]
301. Spline-based medial axis transform representation of binary images J. Wang, J. Kosinka, A. Telea. Computers & Graphics (98), 165-176
300. Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of 2D and 3D Projection Techniques for High-Dimensional Data Z. Tian, X. Zhai, G. van Steenpaal, L. Yu, E. Dimara, M. Espadoto, A. Telea. Information (12), 239
299. Combining Registration Errors and Supervoxel Classification for Unsupervised Brain Anomaly Detection S. Martins, A. Falcao, A. Telea. Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020). Communications in Computer and Information Science (1400), Springer
298. Does face restoration improve face verification? A. Sobiecki, J. van Dijk, H. Folkertsma, A. Telea. Multimedia Tools and Applications (80), 32863–32883
297. Using Multiple Attribute-Based Explanations of Multidimensional Projections to Explore High-Dimensional Data Z. Tian, X. Zhai, D. van Driel, G. van Steenpaal, M. Espadoto, A. Telea. Computers & Graphics (98), 93-104
296. Special Issue: Graph Drawing and Information Visualization A. Telea, D. Auber (eds.) Algorithms (13)
295. Guided Stable Dynamic Projections E. Vernier, J. Comba, A. Telea. Computer Graphics Forum 40(3), 87-98
294. Semi-supervised deep learning based on label propagation in a 2D embedded space B. Benato, J. Gomes, A. Telea, A. Falcao. Proc. CIARP
293. Scalable Visual Exploration of 3D Shape Databases via Feature Synthesis and Selection X. Chen, G. Zeng, J. Kosinka, A. Telea. Communication in Computer and Information, Springer
292. Improving Deep Learning Projections by Neighborhood Analysis T. Modrakowski, M. Espadoto, A. Falcao, N. Hirata, A. Telea. Communication in Computer and Information, Springer
291. Interpreting the Effect of Embellishment on Chart Visualizations T. Andry, C. Hurter, F. Lambotte, P. Fastrez, A. Telea. Proc. ACM CHI
290. OptMap: Using Dense Maps for Visualizing Multidimensional Optimization Problems M. Espadoto, F. C. M. Rodrigues, N. Hirata, A. Telea. Proc. IVAPP (Best student paper award)
289. Focus-and-Context Skeleton-Based Image Simplification Using Saliency Maps J. Wang, L. de Melo Joao, A. Falcao, J. Kosinka, A. Telea. Proc. VISAPP
288. Self-Supervised Dimensionality Reduction with Neural Networks and Pseudo-labeling M. Espadoto, N. Hirata, A. Telea. Proc. IVAPP
287. Turbulent Details Simulation for SPH Fluids via Vorticity Refinement S. Liu, X. Wang, X. Ban, Y. Xu, J. Zhou, J. Kosinka, A. Telea. Computer Graphics Forum 40(1), 54-67
286. Structure-Aware Trail Bundling for Large DTI Datasets S. Bouma, C. Hurter, A. Telea. Algorithms 13(12), 216-241
285. Semi-supervised deep learning based on label propagation in a 2D embedded space B. Benato, J. Gomes, A. Telea, A. Falcao. arXiv:2008.00558 [cs.CV]
284. Semi-Automatic Data Annotation guided by Feature Space Projection B. Benato, J. Gomes, A. Telea, A. Falcao. Pattern Recognition 109, article 107612
283. Investigating the impact of supervoxel segmentation for unsupervised abnormal brain asymmetry detection S. Martins, A. Telea, A. Falcao. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 85, article 101770
282. Supporting Optimal Phase Space Reconstructions using Neural Network Architecture for Time Series Modeling L. Pagliosa, A Telea, R. Mello. arXiv:2006.11381 [cs.LG]
281. Quantitative Evaluation of Dense Skeletons for Image Compression J. Wang, M. Terpstra, J. Kosinka, A. Telea. Information 11(5), 274-290
280. Visualizing the structure of urban mobility with bundling: A case study of the city of Sao Paulo T. Martins, N. Lago, H. de Souza, E. Santana, A. Telea, F. Kon. Proc. SBRC (CoUrb Workshop), 178-191 (Best paper award)
279. Co-skeletons: Consistent Curve Skeletons for Shape Families Z. Wu, X. Chen, L. Yu, A. Telea, J. Kosinka. Computers and Graphics (90), 62-72
278. Enhanced Attribute-Based Explanations of Multidimensional Projections D. van Driel, X. Zhai, Z. Tian, A. Telea. Proc. EuroVA. Eurographics
277. Selecting and Sharing Multidimensional Projection Algorithms: A Practical View M. Espadoto. E. Vernier, A. Telea. Proc. VisGap. Eurographics
276. Feature Driven Combination of Animated Vector Field Visualizations M.J. Lobo, A. Telea, C. Hurter. Computer Graphics Forum 39(3), 429-441
275. Quantitative Comparison of Time-Dependent Treemaps E. Vernier, M. Sondag, J. Comba, B. Speckmann, A. Telea, K. Verbeek. Computer Graphics Forum 39(3), 393-404
274. Quantitative Evaluation of Time-Dependent Multidimensional Projection Techniques E. Vernier, R. Garcia, I. da Silva, J. Comba, A. Telea. Computer Graphics Forum 39(3), 241-252
273. Deep Learning Multidimensional Projections M. Espadoto, N. Hirata, A. Telea. Information Visualization 9(3), 247-269
272. Feature preserving noise removal for binary voxel volumes using 3D surface skeletons H. Schubert, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Computers and Graphics (87), 32-40
271. Interactive Axis-Based 3D Rotation Specification Using Image Skeletons X. Zhai, X. Chen, L. Yu, A. Telea. Proc. GRAPP
270. BADRESC: Brain Anomaly Detection based on Registration Errors and Supervoxel Classification S. Martins, A. Telea, A. Falcao. Proc. BIOIMAGING (Best paper award)
269. Improving Neural Network-based Multidimensional Projections M. Espadoto, A. Falcao, N. Hirata, A. Telea. Proc. IVAPP
268. Visual Exploration of 3D Shape Databases via Feature Selection X. Chen, G. Zeng, J. Kosinka, A. Telea. Proc. IVAPP
267. Visualizing High-dimensional Chemical Abundance Space in GALAH DR2 Y. Kim, S. Trager, A. Telea, J. Roerdink. Proc. ADASS'19 (poster)
266. Toward a Quantitative Survey of Dimension Reduction Techniques M. Espadoto, R. Martins, A. Kerren, N. Hirata, A. Telea. IEEE TVCG 27(3) 2153-2173
265. How neurophysiological measures can be used to enhance the evaluation of remote tower solutions P. Arico, M. Reynal, G. Di Fiumeri, G. Borghini, N. Sciaraffa, J. Imbert, C. Hurter, M. Terenzi, A. Ferreira, S. Pozzi, V. Betti, M. Marucci, A. Telea, F. Babiloni. Front. Hum. Neurosci 13(303)
264. Constructing and Visualizing High-Quality Classifier Decision Boundary Maps F. C. M. Rodrigues, M. Espadoto, R. Hirata Jr, A. Telea. Information 10(9), 280-297
263. Quantitative Comparison of Time-Dependent Treemaps E Vernier, M Sondag, J Comba, B Speckmann, A Telea, K Verbeek. arXiv: 1906.06014 [cs.CG]
262. Deep Learning Multidimensional Projections M. Espadoto, N. Hirata, A. Telea. arXiv: 1902.07958 [cs.LG]
261. RadViz++: Improvements on Radial-Based Visualizations L. Pagliosa, A. Telea. Informatics 6(16), 1-23
260. Extending Supervoxel-based Abnormal Brain Asymmetry Detection to the Native Image Space S. B. Martins, A. Telea, A. X. Falcao. Proc. IEEE Conf. Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC)
259. Deep Learning Inverse Multidimensional Projections M. Espadoto, F. C. M. Rodrigues, N. S. T. Hirata, R. Hirata Jr, A. Telea. Proc. EuroVA
258. Route-Aware Edge Bundling for Visualizing Origin-Destination Trails in Urban Traffic W. Zeng, Q. Shen, Y. Jiang, A. Telea. Computer Graphics Forum 38(3), 581-593
257. A Methodology for Neural Network Architectural Tuning Using Activation Occurrence Maps R. Garcia, A. Falcao, A. Telea, B. da Silva, J. Torresen, J. Comba. Proc. IJCNN
256. Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications (Revised Selected Papers from VISIGRAPP 2018) D. Bechmann, M. Chesa, A. P. Claudio, F. Imai, A. Kerren, P. Richard, A. Telea, A. Tremeau (eds.), Springer
255. Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications (Revised Selected Papers from VISIGRAPP 2017) A. Claudio, D. Bechmann, P. Richard, T. Yamaguchi, L. Linsen, A. Telea, F. Imai, A. Tremeau (eds.), Springer
254. Special Section on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR 2018) A. Telea, T. Theoharis (eds.) Computers and Graphics, Elsevier
253. Scatterplot Summarization by Constructing Fast and Robust Principal Graphs from Skeletons J. Matute, M. Fischer, A. Telea, L. Linsen. Proc. IEEE PacificVis
252. Towards a Single Solution for Polyp Detection, Localization, and Segmentation in Colonoscopy Images W. Dijkstra, A. Sobiecki, J. Bernal del Nozal, A. Telea. Proc. GIANA
251. Visual Analytics of Multidimensional Projections for Constructing Classifier Decision Boundary Maps M. Espadoto, F. C. M. Rodrigues, A. Telea. Proc. IVAPP (Best paper award)
250. A Task-and-Technique Centered Survey on Visual Analytics for Deep Learning Model Engineering R. Garcia, A. Telea, B. da Silva, J. Torresen, J. Comba, Computers and Graphics (77) 30-49
249. Image-Based Graph Visualization: Advances and Challenges A. Telea. Proc. Graph Drawing 2018 (Keynote paper)
248. The Shape of the Game D. Coimbra, T. A. T. Neves, A. Telea, F. V. Paulovich. Proc. SIBGRAPI
247.Quantitative Comparison of Dynamic Treemaps for Software Evolution Visualization E. F. Vernier, J. Comba, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT (Distinguished paper award)
246. Image-based Visualization of Classifier Decision Boundaries F. C. M. Rodrigues, R. Hirata Jr., A. Telea. Proc. SIBGRAPI
245. A Stable Greedy Insertion Treemap Algorithm for Software Evolution Visualization E. F. Vernier, J. Comba, A. Telea. Proc. SIBGRAPI
244. Semi-Supervised Learning with Interactive Label Propagation guided by Feature Space Projections B. Benato, A. Telea, A. Falcao. Proc. SIBGRAPI
243. Interactive obstruction-free lensing for volumetric data visualization M. Traoré, C. Hurter, A. Telea. IEEE TVCG 25(1) 1029-1039
242. Editorial for Special Issue on IVAPP 2018 selected papers A. Telea, A. Kerren (eds.) Informatics 9(7)
241. Visual Analytics for Classifier Construction and Evaluation for Medical Data J. Kustra, A. Telea. Data Science for Healthcare, Springer
240. Special Section on Visual Analytics in Software Engineering M. Staron, H. Sahraoui, A. Telea (eds.) Information and Software Technology (98), 117
239. Human-Machine Interaction Assessment by Neurophysiological Measures: A Study on Professional Air Traffic Controllers P. Arico, M. Reynal, J. Imbert, C. Hurter, G. Borghini, G. Di Flumeri, N. Sciaraffa, A. Di Florio, M. Terenzi, A. Ferreira, S. Pozzi, V. Betti, M. Marucci, E. Pavone, A. Telea, F. Babiloni. Proc. IEEE Conf. Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC)
238. Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR) A. Telea, T. Theoharis (eds.) Eurographics
237. Proceedings of Eurographics Tutorials 2018 T. Ritschel, A. Telea, (eds.) Eurographics
236. Data visualization methods A. Telea; SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation (ed. B. Frey), SAGE Publ., 461-464
235. Software metrics for policy-driven software development life cycle automation L. Borodaev, R. Smedinga, A. Telea, R. Groenboom. Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 169-174
234. Image-based information visualization: (or how to unify SciVis and InfoVis) A. Telea, Proc. WSCG (Keynote paper)
233. Virtual Reality Platform To Assess Air Traffic Controllers Performance In Control Tower Operations R. De Piano, A. Ferreira, S. Pozzi, M. Terenzi, V. Betti, E. Pavone, M. Marucci, P. Arico, G. Borghini, G. Di Flumeri, N. Sciaraffa, F. Babiloni, S. Aglioti, C. Hurter, R. Benhacene, C. Clercq, M. Reynal, A. Telea, J. Kruiger. Proc. VSMM (posters)
232. Virtual Reality Platform to Assess Air Traffic Controllers Performance in Control Tower Operations R. De Piano, A. Ferreira, S. Pozzi, M. Terenzi, V. Betti, E. Pavone, M. Marucci, P. Arico, G. Borghini, G. Di Flumeri, N. Sciaraffa, F. Babiloni, S. Aglioti, C. Hurter, R. Benhacene, C. Clercq, M. Reynal, A. Telea, J. Kruiger. Proc. VSMM
231. Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (3) A. Telea, A. Kerren, J. Braz (eds.) SCITEPRESS
230. Joint Brightness and Tone Stabilization of Capsule Endoscopy Videos S. van Vliet, A. Sobiecki, A. Telea. Proc. IVAPP
229. Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - VISIGRAPP 2016 Revised Selected Papers J. Braz, N, Magnenat-Thalmann, P. Richard, L. Linsen, A. Telea, S. Battiato, F. Imai (eds.) Springer
228. Multidimensional Data Exploration by Explicitly Controlled Animation J. F. Kruiger, A. Hassoumi, H. J. Schulz, A. Telea, C. Hurter. Informatics 4(3), article 26
227. Skeleton-based Scagnostics J. A. Matute Flores, L. Linsen, A. Telea. IEEE TVCG 24(1), 542-552
226. Functional Decomposition for Bundled Simplification of Trail Sets C. Hurter, S. Puechmorel, F. Nicol, A. Telea. IEEE TVCG 24(1), 500-510
225. Multiscale 2D medial axes and 3D surface skeletons by the image foresting transform A. Falcao, C. Feng, J. Kustra, A. Telea. Skeletonization - Theory, Methods, and Applications (Ch. 2) (eds. P. Saha, G. Borgefors, G. S. di Baja), Elsevier
224. Unified part-patch segmentation of mesh shapes using surface skeletons J. Koehoorn, C. Feng, J. Kustra, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Skeletonization - Theory, Methods, and Applications (Ch. 4) (eds. P. Saha, G. Borgefors, G. S. di Baja), Elsevier
223. Projections as Visual Aids for Classification System Design P. Rauber, A. Falcao, A. Telea. Information Visualization 17(4), 282-305
222. State of the Art in Edge and Trail Bundling Techniques A. Lhuillier, C. Hurter, A. Telea, Comp. Graphics Forum 36(3), 619-645
221. Proceedings of the 17th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV) J. Bennett, A. Telea (eds.) Eurographics
220. Quantitative Comparison of Treemap Techniques for Time-Dependent Hierarchies E. Vernier, J. Comba, A. Telea. Proc. EuroVis - posters (Best poster award)
219. Projection Navigation In Extremely Large Datasets (PNIELD) J. Kruiger, A. Telea, C. Hurter. Proc. EuroVis - posters
218. MVN-Reduce: Dimensionality Reduction for the Visual Analysis of Multivariate Networks R. Martins, J. Kruiger, R. Minghim, A. Telea, A. Kerren. Proc. EuroVis - short papers
217. Graph Layouts by t-SNE J. Kruiger, R. Martins, P. Rauber, A. Kerren, S. Kobourov, A. Telea. Computer Graphics Forum 36(3), 283-294
216. Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP'17) J. Braz, A. Claudio, P. Richard, T. Yamaguchi, L. Linsen, A. Telea, F. Imai, A. Tremeau (eds.) SCITEPRESS
215.FFTEB: Edge Bundling of Huge Graphs by the Fast Fourier Transform A. Lhuillier, C. Hurter, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE PacificVis
214. Exploring Multidimensional Projections Through Explanatory Maps R. da Silva, P. Rauber, R. Martins, R. Minghim, A. Telea. Proc. ICT-OPEN
213. Structuring 3D Medial Skeletons: A Comparative Study T. Delame, J. Kustra, A. Telea. Proc. VMV, Eurographics
212. Metric Evolution Maps: Multidimensional Attribute-driven Exploration of Software Repositories R. da Silva, E. Vernier, P. Rauber, J. Comba, R. Minghim, A. Telea. Proc. VMV, Eurographics
211. Beyond the Third Dimension: Visualizing High-dimensional Data with Projections R. da Silva, P. Rauber, A. Telea. IEEE Computing in Science & Engineering 18(5), 98-107
210. Proc. Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2016), Groningen, The Netherlands J. Roerdink, K.-L. Ma, G. Santucci, J. van Wijk, R. Maciejewski, T. Ropinski, A. Vilanova, E. Bertini, N. Elmqvist, F. Sadlo, A. Telea (eds.) CGF/Eurographics
209. Visualizing the Hidden Activity of Artificial Neural Networks P. Rauber, S. Fadel, A. Falcao, A. Telea. IEEE TVCG 23(1), 101-110
208. 3D Skeletons: A State-of-the-Art Report A. Tagliasacchi, T. Delame, M. Spagnuolo, N. Amenta, A. Telea. Computer Graphics Forum 35(2), 573-597
207. A descriptor for voxel shapes based on the skeleton cut space C. Feng, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. 3DOR, Eurographics
206. Visualizing Time-Dependent Data Using Dynamic t-SNE P. Rauber, A. Falcao, A. Telea. Proc. EuroVis (short papers) (Honorable Mention Paper Award)
205. Efficient and Effective Automated Digital Hair Removal from Dermoscopy Images J. Koehoorn, A. Sobiecki, P. Rauber, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Math. Morphol. Theory Appl (1), De Gruyter
204. Improved Part-Based Segmentation of Voxel Shapes by Skeleton Cut Spaces C. Feng, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Math. Morphol. Theory Appl (1), De Gruyter
203. Robust Gap Removal from Binary Volumes A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. Eurographics (short papers)
202. Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP'16) J. Braz, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, P. Richard, L. Linsen, A. Telea, S. Battiato, F. Imai (eds.) SCITEPRESS
201. CUBu: Universal real-time bundling for large graphs M. van der Zwan, V. Codreanu, A. Telea. IEEE TVCG 22(12), 2550-2563
200. Explaining three-dimensional dimensionality reduction plots D. Coimbra, R. Martins, T. Neves, A. Telea, F. Paulovich. Information Visualization 15(2), 154-172
199. Explaining Neighborhood Preservation for Multidimensional Projections R. Martins, R. Minghim, A. Telea. Proc. CGVC, Eurographics (Best Paper Award)
198. A 3D Shape Descriptor based on Depth Complexity and Thickness Histograms W. Schmidt, J. Sotomayor, A. Telea, C. Silva, J. Comba. Proc. SIBGRAPI
197. Computing Refined Skeletal Features from Medial Point Clouds J. Kustra, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Pattern Recognition Letters 76(C), 13-21
196. Interactive Image Feature Selection Aided by Dimensionality Reduction P. Rauber, R. da Silva, S. Feringa, M. Celebi, A. Falcao, A. Telea. Proc. EuroVA
195. Attribute-based Visual Explanation of Multidimensional Projections R. da Silva, P. Rauber, R. Martins, R. Minghim, A. Telea. Proc. EuroVA
194. An Unified Multiscale Framework for Planar, Surface, and Curve Skeletonization A. Jalba, A. Sobiecki, A. Telea. IEEE TPAMI, 38(1), 38-55
193. Part-Based Segmentation by Skeleton Cut Space Analysis C. Feng, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. ISMM
192. Automated Digital Hair Removal by Threshold Decomposition and Morphological Analysis J. Koehoorn, A. Sobiecki, D. Boda, A. Diaconeasa, S. Doshi, S. Paisey, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. ISMM
191. Attribute-Driven Edge Bundling for General Graphs with Applications in Trail Analysis V. Peysakhovich, C. Hurter, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE PacificVis
190. A New Efficient Method for Digital Hair Removal by Dense Threshold Analysis A. Sobiecki, J. Koehoorn, D. Boda, C. Solovan, A. Diaconeasa, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. 4th World Congress of Dermoscopy (poster and extended abstract)
189. Robust and Fast Teat Detection and Tracking in Low-Resolution Videos for Automatic Milking Devices M. van der Zwan, A. Telea. Proc. VISAPP
188. Data Visualization: Principles and Practice (2nd edition) A. Telea, CRC Press
187. Interactive Exploration and Selection in Volumetric Datasets with Color Tunneling C. Hurter, A. Taylor, S. Carpendale, A. Telea. Proc. UIST Demos
186. Visual Clone Analysis with SolidSDD L. Voinea, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT; see also the poster
185. Gap-Sensitive Segmentation and Restoration of Digital Images A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba, D. Boda, A. Diaconeasa, A. Telea. Proc. CGVC
184. Interactive image-based information visualization for aircraft trajectory analysis C. Hurter, S. Conversy, D. Gianazza, A. Telea. Transportation Research C (47 part 2), 207-227
183. Parallel Centerline Extraction on the GPU B. Liu, A. Telea, J. Roerdink, G. Clapworthy, D. Williams, P. Yang, F. Dong, V. Codreanu, A. Chiarini. Computers and Graphics 41, 72-83
182. Temporal Multivariate Networks D. Archambault, J. Abello, J. Kennedy, S. Kobourov, K.-L. Ma, S. Miksch, C. Muelder, A. Telea. Multivariate Network Visualization (Proc. Dagstuhl Seminar 13201), Springer LNCS 8380, 151-173
181. Multivariate Networks in Software Engineering S. Diehl, A. Telea. Multivariate Network Visualization (Proc. Dagstuhl Seminar 13201), Springer LNCS 8380, 13-36
180. Comparison of Curve and Surface Skeletonization Methods for Voxel Shapes A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Pattern Recognition Letters 47, 47-156
179. Visual Analysis of Dimensionality Reduction Quality for Parameterized Projections R. Martins, D. Coimbra, R. Minghim, A. Telea. Computers and Graphics 41, 26-42
178. Color Tunneling: Interactive Exploration and Selection in Volumetric Datasets C. Hurter, A. R. Taylor, S. Carpendale, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE PacificVis
177. Dynamic Multiscale Visualization of Flight Data T. Klein, M. van der Zwan, A. Telea. Proc. VISAPP
176. Shape Segmentation Using Medial Point Clouds with Applications to Dental Cast Analysis J. Kustra, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. VISAPP
175. A Medial Point Cloud based Algorithm for Dental Cast Segmentation J. Kustra, M. de Jager, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE ICCE
174. Teeth Shape Modeling Pipeline for Oral Healthcare Appliances Development J. Kustra, M. de Jager, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE ICCE
173. Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT) A. Marcus, A. Kerren, A. Telea (eds.)
172. Teat Detection - Low Resolution Robust Shape Tracking M. van der Zwan, A. Telea. Proc. ICT.OPEN (poster)
171. Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Curve and Surface Skeletons - A State of the Art Review] A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. ICT.OPEN (poster)
170. Bundled Visualization of Dynamic Graph and Trail Data C. Hurter, O. Ersoy, S. Fabrikant, T. Klein, A. Telea, IEEE TVCG 20(8), 1141-1157
169. Robust Segmentation of Multiple Manifolds from Unoriented Noisy Point Clouds J. Kustra, A. Jalba, A. Telea, Computer Graphics Forum 33(1), 73-87
168. Decision Exploration Lab: A visual analytics solution for Decision Management B. Broeksema, T. Baudel, A. Telea, IEEE TVCG (Proc. VAST)
167. Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Categorical Datasets B. Broeksema, T. Baudel, A. Telea, Computer Graphics Forum 32(8) 158-169
166. Multiscale Visual Comparison of Execution Traces J. Trümper, J. Doellner, A. Telea. Proc. ICPC
165. Qualitative Comparison of Multiscale Skin Tumor Segmentation Methods D. Boda, A. Diaconeasa, M. Neagu, C. Solovan, A. Telea, R. Voinescu, S. Zurac. Proc. 4th Intl. Conf. of the Romanian Society of Dermato-Oncology, 27-29 June 2013, Cluj, Romania; extended abstract and poster
164. Qualitative Comparison of Contraction-based Curve Skeletonization Methods A. Sobiecki, H. Yasan, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. ISMM
163. Introduction to the special issue of selected papers from ACM SOFTVIS 2010 A. Telea, C. Goerg, S. Reiss (eds.) Information Visualization, SAGE Publ.
162. Smooth Bundling of Large Streaming and Sequence Graphs C. Hurter, O. Ersoy, A. Telea. Proc. PacificVis, 2013 (Honorable Mention Paper Award)
161. Low-Cost Automatic Inpainting for Artifact Suppression in Facial Images A. Sobiecki, L. A. Neves, A. Telea, C. E. Thomaz, G. Giraldi. Proc. VISAPP
160. A Dense Medial Descriptor for Image Analysis M. van der Zwan, Y. Meiburg, A. Telea. Proc. VISAPP
159. Probabilistic View-based Curve Skeleton Computation on the GPU J. Kustra, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. VISAPP
158. Automatic Segmentation of Skin Lesions Using Multiscale Skeletons D. Boda, A. Diaconeasa, S. Zurac, A. Telea, M. Neagu, C. Constantin, C. Solovan, R. Voinescu. Proc. 8th EADO Congress, 2012, ext. abstract & poster
157. Surface and Curve Skeletons from Large Meshes on the GPU A. Jalba, J. Kustra, A. Telea, IEEE TPAMI 35(6), 1495-1508
156. Mean shift for graph bundling O. Ersoy, C. Hurter, A. Telea. Proc. ASCI/IPA/SIKS
155. Continuous Navigation of Nested Abstraction Levels M. van der Zwan, A. Telea, T. Isenberg. Proc. ASCI/IPA/SIKS
154. ViewFusion: Correlating Structure and Activity Views for Execution Traces J. Trümper, A. Telea, J. Doellner. Proc. Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (TPCG), Eurographics (Best Application Paper Award)
153. Computing Curve Skeletons from Medial Surfaces of 3D Shapes A. Telea, A. Jalba Proc. Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (TPCG), Eurographics (Best Paper Award)
152. The Solid* Toolset for Software Visual Analytics of Program Structure and Metrics Comprehension: From Research Prototype to Product D. Reniers, L. Voinea, O. Ersoy, A. Telea, Science of Computer Programming 79, 224-240
151. Continuous Navigation of Nested Abstraction Levels M. van der Zwan, A. Telea, T. Isenberg. Proc. EuroVis (short papers)
150. Graph Bundling by Kernel Density Estimation C. Hurter, O. Ersoy, A. Telea, Comp. Graph. Forum 31(3), 865-874 (cover image on Proc. EuroVis 2012)
149. Reverse Engineering: Recent Advances and Applications A. Telea (ed.), InTech Publishing, ISBN 978-953-51-0158-1
148. PortAssist: Visual Analysis for Porting Large Code Bases B. Broeksema, A. Telea. Proc. InfoVis, extended abstract and poster
147. MoleView: An Attribute and Structure-based Semantic Lens for Large Element-based Plots C. Hurter, O. Ersoy, A. Telea, IEEE TVCG 17(12), 2600-2609
146. Generalizing Semantic Lenses for Large Element-based Plots C. Hurter, O. Ersoy, A. Telea. Proc. ASCI/IPA/SIKS
145. Graph Edge Bundling by Medial Axes O. Ersoy, A. Telea. Proc. ASCI/IPA/SIKS
144. Skeleton-based edge bundling for graph visualization O. Ersoy, C. Hurter, F. Paulovich, G. Cantareira, A. Telea, IEEE TVCG 17(12), 2364-2373
143. Visual exploration of program structure, dependencies and metrics with SolidSX D. Reniers, L. Voinea, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT
142. Visual Support for Porting Large Code Bases B. Broeksema, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT
141. Voxel-based assessment of printability of 3D shapes A. Telea, A. Jalba. Proc. ISMM
140. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Symposium on Software Visualization (SOFTVIS 10) A. Telea, C. Goerg, S. P. Reiss (eds.), ACM Press
139. Evaluation - Mastering The Information Age: Solving Problems with Visual Analytics J. J. van Wijk, T. Isenberg, J. B. T. M. Roerdink, A. Telea, M. Westenberg, Mastering the Information Age: Solving Problems with Visual Analytics, Eurographics, 2010, 131–143
138. A Visual Analytics Toolset for Program Structure, Metrics, and Evolution Comprehension D. Reniers, L. Voinea, O. Ersoy, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE WASDeTT 10
137. Visual Tools for Software Architecture Understanding: A Stakeholder Perspective A. Telea, L. Voinea, H. Sassenburg, IEEE Software, 27(6), 46–53
136. Bundle-Centric Visualization of Compound Digraphs A. Telea, O. Ersoy. Proc. ASCI
135. Feature Preserving Smoothing of Shapes using Saliency Skeletons A. Telea. Visualization and Mathematics (Proc. VMLS'09)
134. SolidSX: A Visual Analysis Tool for Software Maintenance D. Reniers, A. Telea, L. Voinea. Proc. EuroVis -- short papers and posters
133. Visual Analytics in Software Maintenance: Challenges and Opportunities A. Telea, L. Voinea, O. Ersoy. Proc. EuroVA, see also the poster
132. Image-Based Edge Bundles: Simplified Visualization of Large Graphs A. Telea, O. Ersoy, Comp. Graphics Forum 29(3), 843-852 (2nd Best Paper Award, EuroVis'10)
131. Visual Software Analytics for the Build Optimization of Large-Scale Software Systems A. Telea, L. Voinea, Computational Statistics 26(4), 635-654
130. Comparison of Node-Link and Hierarchical Edge Bundling Layouts: A User Study A. Telea, O. Ersoy, H. Hoogendorp, D. Reniers. Proc. Dagstuhl Seminar 09211 Visualization and Monitoring of Network Traffic
129. The visualization of the evolution of software project structures and metrics A. Gonzalez, R. Theron, A. Telea, F. Garcia. Proc. IWPSE, IEEE
128. Ontology-Driven Visualization of Architectural Design Decisions R. de Boer, P. Lago, A. Telea, H. van Vliet. Proc. WICSA, IEEE
127. Case Study: Visual Analytics in Software Product Assessments L. Voinea, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT
126. Evaluation of Software Visualization Tools: Lessons Learned M. Sensalire, P. Ogao, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT
125. Extraction and Visualization of Call Dependencies for Large C/C++ Code Bases: A Comparative Study H. Hoogendorp, O. Ersoy, D. Reniers, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT
124. Texture-Based Metrics Visualization on Software Architecture Diagrams H. Byelas, A. Telea. Proc. ASCI
123. Special Section on Selected Papers from ACM SOFTVIS 08 A. Telea (ed.), Information Visualization 8(2), 85-86
122. Visualizing Multivariate Attributes on Software Diagrams H. Byelas, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE CSMR (Doctoral Symp.), 335-338
121. Visualizing Metrics on Areas of Interest in Software Architecture Diagrams H. Byelas, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE PacificVis, 33-40
120. Data Visualization: Principles and Practice A. Telea. A. K. Peters / CRC Press
119. Robust segmentation of voxel shapes using medial surfaces D. Reniers, A. Telea. Proc. Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI), 273-274
118. Visual Analytics for Understanding the Evolution of Large Software Projects A. Telea, L. Voinea. Proc. BENEVOL, TU Eindhoven, 24-27
117. Architecting an Open System for Querying Large C and C++ Code Bases A. Telea, H. Byelas, L. Voinea, South African J. Comp. 41, 46-60
116. Visual Software Analytics for Assessing the Maintainability of Object-Oriented Software Systems H. Byelas, A. Telea, J. Information, Interaction, and Intelligence 8(1)
115. Robust Classification and Analysis of Anatomical Surfaces Using 3D Skeletons D. Reniers, A. Jalba, A. Telea. Proc. VCBM'08
114. The Metric Lens: Visualizing Metrics and Structure on Software Diagrams H. Byelas, A. Telea. Proc. WCRE 08 (tool demo paper)
113. Patch-type Segmentation of Voxel Shapes using Simplified Surface Skeletons D. Reniers, A. Telea, Computer Graphics Forum 27(7), 1837-1844
112. Part-type Segmentation of Articulated Voxel-Shapes using the Junction Rule D. Reniers, A. Telea, Computer Graphics Forum 27(7), 1845-1852
111. Proceedings of the 4th ACM Symposium on Software Visualization (SOFTVIS 08) R.Koschke, A. Telea, C. Hundhausen (eds.) (cover image on conference proceedings)
110. Texture-Based Visualization of Metrics on Software Architectures H. Byelas, A. Telea, poster. Proc. ACM SoftVis
109. Classifying Desirable Features of Software Visualization Tools for Corrective Maintenance M. Sensalire, P. Ogao, A. Telea. Proc. ACM SoftVis
108. An Interactive Reverse-Engineering Environment for Large-Scale C++ Code A. Telea, L. Voinea. Proc. ACM SoftVis
107. Proceedings of the 10th Eurographics/IEEE Symposium on Data Visualization (EuroVis 08) A. Vilanova, A. Telea, G. Scheuermann, T. Möller (editors), Computer Graphics Forum 27(3)
106. Code Flows: Visualizing Structural Evolution of Source Code A. Telea, D. Auber, Computer Graphics Forum 27(3), 831-938
105. A Framework for Reverse Engineering Large C++ Code Bases A. Telea, H. Byelas, L. Voinea, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (233), 143-159
104. Evaluating Visual Realism in Drawing Areas of Interest on UML Diagrams H. Byelas, A. Telea. Proc. ASCI
103. Automatic Warning for Abnormal Vital Parameters Evolution in Tele- and Home-Care Applications. V. Valeanu, A. Telea, M. Marin, P. de Hillerin, A. Vizitiu. Proc. SpaceAppli
102. Hierarchical Part-type Segmentation using Voxel-based Curve Skeletons D. Reniers, A. Telea. Visual Computer 24, article 383
101. A Tool for Optimizing the Build Performance of Large Software Code Bases A. Telea, L. Voinea. Proc. IEEE CSMR
100. SolidFX: An Interactive Reverse Engineering Environment for C++ A. Telea, L. Voinea. Proc. IEEE CSMR
99. Towards Visual Realism in Drawing Areas of Interest on Software Architecture Diagrams H. Byelas, A. Telea, J. Visual Languages and Computing 20(2), 110-128
98. Visual Querying and Analysis of Large Software Repositories L. Voinea, A. Telea, Empirical Software Engineering 14(3), 316-340
97. Segmented Simplified Surface Skeletons D.Reniers, A. Telea. Proc. DGCI
96. Structural Analysis and Visualization of C++ Code Evolution using Syntax Trees F. Chevalier, D. Auber, A.Telea. Proc. IWPSE, ACM
95. Proceedings of the 4th Intl. Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis (Vissoft) A. Marcus, J.Maletic, A.Telea (eds.) IEEE
94. Visualization of Quality Attributes on Software Architectures H. Byelas, A. Telea. Proc. SIREN, TU Delft
93. Visualization of Multivariate Athlete Performance Data A. Telea, P. de Hillerin, V. Valeanu. Proc. VIIP, ACTA Press
92. SQuAVisiT: A Software Quality Assessment and Visualisation Toolset S. Roubtsov, A. Telea, D. Holten. Proc. IEEE SCAM (tool demo paper)
91. Visualizing Dynamic Memory Allocations S. Moreta, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT
90. Visualizing Debugging Activity in Source Code Repositories L. Voinea, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT
89. Skeleton-based Hierarchical Shape Segmentation D. Reniers, A. Telea. Proc. Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI), IEEE
88. Multiscale Visualization of Dynamic Software Logs S. Moreta, A. Telea. Proc. EuroVis
87. A phase field method for joint denoising, edge detection and motion estimation T. Preusser, M. Droske, C. Garbe, A. Telea, M. Rumpf, SIAM J Applied Math 68(3), 599-618
86. Point-Based Visualization of Metaballs on a GPU K. van Kooten, G. van den Bergen, A. Telea, GPU Gems 3
85. Tolerance-Based Feature Transforms D. Reniers, A. Telea, Advances in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision, Comm. in Computer and Information Science 4(6), 187-200
84. Computing Multiscale Curve and Surface Skeletons of Genus 0 Shapes Using a Global Importance Measure D. Reniers, J. van Wijk, A. Telea, IEEE TVCG 14(2), 355-368
83. Visual Data Mining and Analysis of Software Repositories L. Voinea, A. Telea, Computers & Graphics 31(3), 410-428
82. Preserving Sharp Edges With Volume Clipping M. Termeer, J. Olivan Bescos, A. Telea. Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV)
81. How Do Changes in Buggy Mozilla Files Propagate? L. Voinea, A. Telea. Proc. ACM SOFTVIS (challenge report)
80. Tolerance-Based Feature Transforms: A Quantitative Comparison D. Reniers, A. Telea. Proc. ASCI
79. Flow Field Post-Processing via Partial Differential Methods T. Preusser, M. Rumpf, A. Telea, Mathematical Foundations of Scientific Visualization, Computer Graphics, and Massive Data Exploration, ed. T. Möller, Springer
78. A File-Based Visualization of Software Evolution L. Voinea, A. Telea. Proc. ASCI
77. Visualization of Areas of Interest in Software Architecture Diagrams H. Byelas, A. Telea. Proc. ACM SOFTVIS (Best paper award and cover image on Proc. SOFTVIS)
76. Multiscale and Multivariate Visualizations of Software Evolution L. Voinea, A. Telea. Proc. ACM SOFTVIS (Cover image on Proc. SOFTVIS 06)
75. Canonical Skeletons for Shape Matching M. van Eede, D. Macrini, A. Telea, C. Sminchisescu, S. Dickinson. Proc. IEEE ICPR
74. A Variational Approach to Joint Denoising, Edge Detection and Motion Estimation A. Telea, T. Preusser, C. Garbe, M. Droske, M. Rumpf. Proc. DAGM
73. Skeletonization and Distance Transforms of 3D Volumes using Graphics Hardware M. van Dortmont, H. van de Wetering, A. Telea. Proc. DGCI
72. Visualization of Areas of Interest in Component-Based System Architectures H. Byelas, E. Bondarev, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE EUROMICRO-SEAA – Component-Based Software Engineering Track
71. Mining Software Repositories with CVSgrab A. Telea, L. Voinea. Proc. ACM MSR (Second prize MSR Challenge)
70. An Open Framework for CVS Repository Querying, Analysis and Visualization A. Telea, L. Voinea. Proc. ACM MSR
69. Combining Extended Table Lens and Treemap Techniques for Visualizing Tabular Data A. Telea. Proc. EuroVis
68. CVSgrab: Mining the History of Large Software Projects L. Voinea, A.Telea. Proc. EuroVis
67. Visual Assessment of Software Evolution L. Voinea, J. J. Lukkien, A.Telea, Science of Computer Programming 65(3), 222-248
66. Quantitative Comparison of Tolerance-Based Feature Transforms D. Reniers, A.Telea. Proc. VISAPP, 107-114
65. Multiscale Image Based Flow Visualization A.Telea, R. Strzodka. Proc. VDA, SPIE IS&T Press, 1-11
64. CVSscan: Visualization of Software Evolution L. Voinea, A. Telea. Proc. BENEVOL (Belgium-Netherlands Workshop on Software Evolution); also as CS Tech. Report 06-01, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands, 101-109
63. Visual Exploration of Combined Architectural and Metric Information M. Termeer, C.F.J. Lange, A. Telea, M.R.V. Chaudron. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT
62. Interactive Visual Mechanisms for Exploring Source Code Evolution A. Telea, L. Voinea. Proc. IEEE VISSOFT
61. The Visual Code Navigator: An Interactive Toolset for Source Code Investigation G. Lommerse, F. Nossin, L. Voinea, A. Telea . Proc. IEEE InfoVis cover image on Proc. InfoVis 05
60. Visual Assessment Techniques for Component-Based Framework Evolution L. Voinea, A. Telea . Proc. EUROMICRO, IEEE
59. Quantitative Comparison of Complete Distance Transforms for Skeletons D. Reniers, A. Telea. Proc. SIREN, TU Delft
58. Software Evolution Visualization L. Voinea, A. Telea, J. J. van Wijk. Proc. SIREN (poster), TU Delft
57. Extreme Simplification and Rendering of Point Sets using Algebraic Multigrid D. Reniers, A. Telea, Computing and Visualization in Science 12, 9-22
56. A Line-Based Visualization of Code Evolution L. Voinea, A. Telea, J. J. van Wijk. Proc. ASCI
55. Extreme Simplification and Rendering of Point Sets using Algebraic Multigrid D. Reniers, A. Telea. Proc. ASCI
54. An Architectural Pattern for Designing Component-Based Application Frameworks D. Parsons, A. Rashid, A. Telea, A. Speck, Software: Practice & Experience 36(2), 157-190
53. Version-Centric Visualization of Code Evolution L. Voinea, A. Telea, M. R. V. Chaudron. Proc. EuroVis
52. CVSScan: Visualization of Code Evolution L. Voinea, A. Telea, J. J. van Wijk. Proc. ACM SOFTVIS
51. Adapting Graph Visualization Techniques for the Visualization of RDF Data F. Frasincar, A. Telea, G. J. Houben, "Visualizing the Semantic Web", chapter 9, 2nd edition, ed. V. Geroimenko, C. Chen, Springer
50. The NumLab Numerical Laboratory for Computation and Visualisation J. Maubach, A. Telea, Computing and Visualisation in Science 8(1), 1-17 ( Most viewed article (2005))
49. Demonstration of the SoftVision Software Visualization Framework M. Sillanpaa, A. Telea, in "Tools for Software Maintenance and Reengineering", eds. M. di Penta, M. Harsu, RCOST/Software Technology Series, Franco Angeli, 88-108
48. Surface Processing Methods for Point Sets using Finite Elements U. Clarenz, M. Rumpf, A. Telea, Computers & Graphics 28(6)
47. A Framework for Interactive Visualization of Component-Based Software L. Voinea, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE EUROMICRO, 567-574
46. EZEL: A Visual Assessment Tool for P2P File Sharing Networks L. Voinea, A. Telea, J. J. van Wijk. Proc. IEEE InfoVis cover image on Proc. InfoVis 04
45. Flow Field Clustering via Algebraic Multigrid M. Griebel, M. Rumpf, T. Preusser, M. A. Schweitzer, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE Visualization
44. Finite Elements on Point Based Surfaces U. Clarenz, M. Rumpf, A. Telea. Proc. Symp. on Point Based Graphics (PBG)
43. Optimal Inference for Hierarchical Skeleton Abstractions A. Telea, C. Sminchisescu, S. Dickinson. Proc. IEEE ICPR; also as Tech. Report CSRG-480, Comp. Sci. Dept., U. Toronto, Canada, Jan. 2004
42. Shading in a Distributed Environment N. Goga, F. Moldoveanu, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE Information Visualisation
41. Fairing of Point Based Surfaces U. Clarenz, M. Rumpf, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE Computer Graphics International (CGI)
40. Robust Feature Detection and Local Classification for Surfaces based on Moment Analysis U. Clarenz, M. Rumpf, A. Telea, IEEE TVCG 10(5), 516-524
39. Feature Sensitive Multiscale Editing on Surfaces U. Clarenz, M. Griebel, M. Rumpf, M. A. Schweitzer, A. Telea. Visual Computer 20(5); also as Preprint 89, SFB 611, Inst. of Numerical Analysis, U. Bonn, Germany
38. Generalized Distance Transforms and Skeletons in Graphics Hardware R. Strzodka, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE VisSym
37. An Open Architecture for Visual Reverse Engineering A. Telea, Managing Corporate Information Systems Evolution and Maintenance (ed. K. Khan), ISBN 1-59140-366-9, Idea Group Inc.
36. An Image Inpainting Technique based on the Fast Marching Method A. Telea. J. Graphics Tools 9(1), 25-36
35. 3D IBFV: Hardware Accelerated 3D Flow Visualization A. Telea, J. J. van Wijk. Proc. IEEE Visualization
34. Visualizing RDF(S)-based Information A. Telea, F. Frasincar, G.-J. Houben. Proc. IEEE Information Visualisation
33. Texture Mapping in a Distributed Environment N. Goga, Z. Racovita, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE Information Visualisation
32. A Robust Level-Set Algorithm for Centerline Extraction A. Telea, A. Vilanova. Proc. EG/IEEE VisSym
31. Human Pose Estimation From Sillhouettes - A Consistent Approach using Distance Level Sets C. Sminchisescu, A. Telea. Proc. WSCG 10(2)
30. An Open Visualisation Toolkit for Reverse Architecting C. Riva, A. Maccari, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE IWPC
29. Computation and Visualisation in the NumLab Numerical Laboratory J. Maubach, A. Telea, "Visualization and Mathematics" (Proc. VisMath), Springer
28. A Continuous Skeletonization Method based on Level Sets M. Rumpf, A. Telea. Proc. EG/IEEE VisSym
27. An Augmented Fast Marching Method for Computing Skeletons and Centerlines A. Telea, J. J. van Wijk. Proc. EG/IEEE VisSym
26. An Open Toolkit for Prototyping Reverse Engineering Visualizations A. Telea, A. Maccari, C. Riva. Proc. EG/IEEE VisSym
25. An Open Toolkit for Reverse Engineering Data Visualisation and Exploration A. Telea, A. Maccari, C. Riva. Proc. IEEE TOOLSEE, Kluwer Academic
24. Enridged Contour Maps J.J. van Wijk, A. Telea. Proc. IEEE Visualization
23. A Phase Field Model for Continuous Clustering on Vector Fields H. Garcke, T. Preusser, M. Rumpf, A. Telea, U. Weikard, J.J. van Wijk. IEEE TVCG 7(3), 230-241
22. A Framework for Generic State Estimation in Computer Vision Applications C. Sminchisescu, A. Telea. Proc. ACM ICVS
21. An Interactive Visualisation Tool Applied to the Simulation of Glass Pressing K. Laevsky, A. Telea, R. M. M. Mattheij, Computing and Visualisation in Science 4(1); also as Research Report RANA 99-41, TU Eindhoven
20. Visualization of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams A. Telea, J.J. van Wijk. Proc. VisSym
19. Visualisation and Simulation with Object-Oriented Networks A. Telea, PhD thesis, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Sci., Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, Oct. 2000
18. A Continuous Clustering Method for Vector Fields H. Garcke, T. Preusser, M. Rumpf, A. Telea, U. Weikard, J.J. van Wijk. Proc. IEEE Visualization
17. SmartLink: An Agent for Supporting Dataflow Application Construction A. Telea, J.J. van Wijk. Proc. VisSym
16. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop for PhD Students in Object-Oriented Systems. M. A. Rashid, D. Parsons, A. Telea (eds.) ISBN 90-386-1471-3, TU Eindhoven
15. A "Framework" for Object-Oriented Frameworks Design D. Parsons, M. A. Rashid, A. Speck, A. Telea. Proc. ACM TOOLS; also as Research Report RANA 99-37, TU Eindhoven
14. Workshop Report: The 9th Workshop for PhD Students in Object Oriented Systems A. Rashid, D. Parsons, A. Telea, ECOOP 99 Workshop Reader, Springer LNCS 1743, 116-135
13. Simplified Representation of Vector Fields A. Telea, J.J. van Wijk. Proc. IEEE Visualization; also as Research Report RANA 99-32, TU Eindhoven
12. VISSION: An Object-Oriented System For Visualization and Simulation A. Telea, J.J. van Wijk. Proc. VisSym; also as Research Report RANA 99-36, TU Eindhoven
11. Combining Object Orientation and Dataflow Modelling in the VISSION Simulation System A. Telea. Proc. ACM TOOLS; also as Research Report RANA 99-34, TU Eindhoven
10. Simulation and Visualization in the VISSION Object Oriented Dataflow System A. Telea, J. J. van Wijk. Proc. ASCI; also as Research Report RANA 99-33, TU Eindhoven
9. A Component-Based Dataflow Framework for Simulation and Visualization A. Telea. Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP); also as Research Report 17/99, Univ. Karlskrona/Ronneby, Sweden; Research Report RANA 99-35, TU Eindhoven
8. Combining OO and Dataflow Modelling in the VISSION Simulation System A. Telea, C. Sminchisescu. Proc. PhDOOS, 9th Intl. Workshop of PhD Students in Object-Oriented Systems
7. An OO Approach to C++ Compiler Technology A. Telea, C. Sminchisescu. Proc. PhDOOS, 9th Intl. Workshop of PhD Students in Object-Oriented Systems
6. Design and Implementation of an Object-Oriented, Interactive Simulation System A. Telea, C. W. A. M. van Overveld, Visualization and Mathematics, H. C. Hege, K. Polthier (eds.), Springer
5. Design of an Object-Oriented Computational Steering System A. Telea, Object-Oriented Technology: ECOOP 98 Workshop Reader, S. Demeyer and J. Bosch (eds.), LNCS 1543, 20-21;26-27, Springer
4. Real Time Numerical Simulation and Visualization of Electrochemical Drilling M. J. Noot, A. Telea, J. K. M. Jansen, R. M. M. Mattheij. Computing and Visualization in Science, no. 2, 105-111, Springer
3. The Close Objects Buffer: A Sharp Shadow Detection Technique for Radiosity Methods A. Telea, C. van Overveld. J. Graphics Tools 2(2), 1-8
2. VISSION: An Interactive Scientific Simulation and Visualization Environment A. Telea, poster, 2nd Engineering Mechanics Symp., Rolduc, Kerkrade, Netherlands
1. A Scientific Visualization and Computational Steering Environment A. Telea, poster, 1st Engineering Mechanics Symp., Rolduc, Kerkrade, Netherlands
14. Interpreting Machine Learning Models for Geochemistry Data Classification using Decision Boundary Maps Y. Wang, K. Qiu, A. Telea, Z. Hou, H. Yu. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly
13. How Do Recent Machine Learning Advances Impact the Data Visualization Research Agenda T. Ropinski, D. Archambault, M. Chen, R. Maciejewski, K. Mueller, A. Telea, M. Wattenberg. IEEE VIS Panel
12. Automatic segmentation and visualization of skin lesions J. Jans, R. Kiers, A. Telea, Tech. Report TR-13-06-2013, Univ. of Groningen, the Netherlands
11. Model-Based Analysis of Adoption Factors for Software Visualization Tools in Corrective Maintenance M. Sensalire, P. Ogao, A. Telea, Tech. Report SVCG-RUG, Univ. of Groningen, the Netherlands
10. A Client-Server Component-Based Approach for Health-Care Distributed Systems V. Valeanu, A. Telea, M. Tausel, D. Vizitiu, 3rd Intl. Conf. and Exhibition in e-Government & e-Health (eGeH)
9. An Open Framework for Reverse Engineering Graph Data Visualization A. Telea. Proc. WVRD (Workshop on Visualization of Relational Data), INRIA-LIRMM, Montpellier, France
8. Model of an Interactive Simulation System A. Telea, technical report, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
7. A General-Purpose Simulation Interactive System. The Design Path From Specifications To An Object-Oriented Implementation A. Telea, technical report, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
6. Design and Implementation of an Object-Oriented Finite-Element Simulation Library A. Telea, graduation project, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology/Polytechics Institute of Bucharest
5. The Close Objects Buffer A. Telea, technical report, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
4. Design and Implementation of a Radiosity Renderer A. Telea, Master's Thesis, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology/Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest
3. A General-Purpose Run-Time Type Information System For C++ A. Telea, technical report, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
2. An Object-Oriented FEM System A. Telea, technical report, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
1. Implementation of a 3D Viewing System, A. Telea, technical report, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology