Supervised Students
Here is a list of works of selected students I (have) supervise(d).
Postdoc Students (current, former)
- Yalan Zhang. Non-Newtonian fluid simulation (with prof. Jiri Kosinka, SVCG-RUG)
- Zizhao Wu. Skeleton-based shape analysis (until 2019; with prof. Jiri Kosinka, SVCG-RUG)
- Xiaokun Wang. Physically-based fluid-solid phase transition animation (until 2020; with prof. Jiri Kosinka, SVCG-RUG)
- Lingyun Yu. Interaction techniques for scientific visualization (until 2019, SVCG-RUG)
PhD Students (current)
- Ilan Hartskeerl (VR serious games for hemianopsia revalidation)
- Sjoerd Vink (visual analytics for knowledge graphs)
- Jiamin Wang (data/model-driven differentiable fluid simulation; with prof. Jiri Kosinka, SVCG-RUG)
- Yu Wang (decision boundary maps for machine learning)
- Victor Stenvers (perceptual graphics)
- Emre Oral (visualization for decision making)
- Alister Machado (visual quality metrics for projections)
- Simon van Wageningen (algorithms for graph visualization)
- Jiao Jiao (visual analytics for energy smart buildings)
- Rahul Gannamani (visual analytics for motion disorders, with prof. M. de Koning-Tijssen, UMCG)
PhD Students (defended)
- Yanrui Xu Smooothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Fluid Simulation in Computer Graphics (2025)
- Yuncong Yu Multivariate Time Series Pattern Search (2025)
- Barbara Benato Pseudo Labeling and Classification of High-Dimensional Data Using Visual Analytics (2024)
- Zonglin Tian Explaining Projections of High-Dimensional Data (2023)
- Youngjoo Kim Visual exploration of high-dimensional data using dimensionality reduction (with applications in astronomy) (2023)
- Xiaorui Zhai Exploring and Explaining 3D Data Representations (2022)
- Jieying Wang Dense Medial Descriptors for Image Compression and Manipulation (2022)
- Eduardo Vernier Visualization of Multidimensional and Hierarchical Datasets (2022)
- Gerben Hettinga Arbitrary Topology Meshes in Geometric Design and Vector Graphics (2021)
- Xingyu Chen Analysis and Exploration of Large 3D Shape Databases (2021)
- Mateus Espadoto Learning Multidimensional Projections with Neural Networks (2021)
- Honglin Yuan A 3D photo-realistic environment simulator for mobile robots (2021)
- Samuel Martins Unsupervised Brain Anomaly Detection in MR Images (2020)
- Caio Rodrigues Visual Analytics for Machine Learning - Computing and Leveraging Decision Boundary Maps (2020)
- Lucas Pagliosa Exploring Chaotic Time Series and Phase Spaces - From Dynamical Systems to Visual Analytics (2020)
- Matthew van der Zwan Visual Analytics of Multidimensional Time-Dependent Trails with Applications in Shape Tracking (2018)
- Paulo E. Rauber Visual Analytics Applied to Image Analysis (2017)
- Cong Feng Shape Segmentation and Retrieval based on the Skeleton Cut Space (2017)
- Rafael M. Martins Explanatory Visualization of Multidimensional Projections (2016)
- Danilo B. Coimbra Multidimensional Projections for the Visual Exploration of Multimedia Data (2016)
- Renato R. da Silva Visualizing Multidimensional Data Similarities - Improvements and Applications (2016)
- Andre Sobiecki Skeletonization Methods for Image and Volume Inpainting (2016)
- Jacek Kustra Medial Descriptors for 3D Shape Segmentation, Reconstruction, and Analysis (2015)
- Bertjan Broeksema The Decision Exploration Lab - Supporting the business analyst in understanding automated decisions (2014)
- Ozan Ersoy Image Based Graph Visualization (2013)
- Mariam Sensalire A Framework to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Software Visualization Tools in Maintenance Activities (2009)
- George Byelas Visualization of Metrics and Areas of Interest on Software Architecture Diagrams (2009)
- Dennie Reniers Skeletonization and Segmentation of Binary Voxel Shapes (2009)
- Lucian Voinea Software Evolution Visualization (2007)
MSc Students (graduated, selection)
- I. Hartskeerl Large Weighted Graph Layouts by Deep Learned Multidimensional Projections (2024)
- C. Grosu Decision Boundary Maps for Supporting User-Driven Pseudo-labeling (2023)
- W. Castelein A viewpoint-driven comparison of 3D versus 2D projections of high-dimensional data (2022)
- J. Thijssen Interactive explanation of high-dimensional data projections (2022)
- C. Bredius Visual exploration of the generalization of neural network projections (2021)
- F. Libardi An End to End Deep Learning Approach to Remote Heart Rate Estimation Through Spatial Temporal Representation (2021)
- G. van Steenpaal Augmenting Reduction Plots with Localized Explanations (2021)
- D. Renders Dense skeletons for corner detection (2021)
- T. S. Modrakowski Visual Analytics for Improving Deep Learning Multidimensional Projections (2020)
- S. Bouma DTI Fiber Tract Simplification and Visualization (2018)
- M. L. Terpstra Dense Skeletons for Image Compression and Manipulation (2017)
- J. Kruiger Graph Layouts by t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (2016)
- K. L. Winter DimRedPlot: A Generic Visualisation Tool for Dimensionality Reduced Data (2016)
- H. R. Schubert Salient edge preserving noise removal using surface skeletons (2016)
- J. Koehoorn Shape Segmentation for Mesh-Based 3D Models: Unifying Part- and Patch-type Approaches (2016)
- S. Feringa Comparison of Features used in Automatic Skin Lesion Classification (2015)
- S. Groenewold Visualising large scale temporal geospatial multivariate graphs in a web-based environment (2015)
- M. Hofstra Multiscale Importance Metrics for Robust Skeletonization of 2D and 3D Shapes (2015)
- A. Hanjalic Visualizing Software Evolution with Code Clones (2014)
- T. Klein Real Time Multiscale Visualization of Flight Data (2014)
- J. van der Geest, M. Ettema Een toekomstgericht testplatform voor Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (2012)
- Y. Meiburg Dense-Field Skeleton-Based Image Representations (2011)
- B. Broeksema A Visual Tool-Based Approach to Porting C++ Code (2010)
- L. Kwakman Automatically Reducing Code Duplication (2010)
- H. Hoogendorp Extraction and Visual Exploration of Call Graphs for Large Software Systems (2010)
- F. Boerboom, A. Janssen Fact Extraction, Querying and Visualization of Large C++ Code Bases - Design and Implementation (2006)
- S. Moreta Visualizing Time-Dependent Software Artifacts (2006)
- G.L.P.M. Lommerse Code Structure Visualization (2005)
- M. A. Termeer Constructive Solid Geometry and Volume Rendering (2005)
BSc Students (graduated, selection)
- C. Govers Validating Visual Separation Metric Kappa: A User Study Questionnaire (2023)
- F. Westers A GPU implementation of the 1D and 2D Conservation Element / Solution Element scheme (2017)
- D. van Driel Automatic visualized explanations of multidimensional projections (2017)
- J. Koehoorn Software evolution analysis for Team Foundation Server (2013)
- C. Arnoldus Fast and Robust Extraction of Curve Skeletons from Voxel Models (2012)