Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems, Spring 2015
This course is part of the Mastermath programme.
Lecturer is Jaap van Oosten. Exercise classes are given by Jetze Zoethout (J.Zoethout@uu.nl).
This course will be given in weeks 6-21 (February-June 2015).
The course is on Mondays, 14:00-16:45, in Utrecht
The course will be concluded by a written exam. There are, during the course, 6 hand-in exercises, which may count for 30% of your final grade (it is not compulsory, although strongly recommended, to hand in these exercises). That is, your final grade will be calculated as follows: let H be your grade for the hand-in exercises and W your grade for the written exam. Your final grade will be the maximum of W and the number (3H + 7W)/10.
The hand-in exercises have to be handed in at the exercise class in the week they are mentioned below.
Here are model solutions for the hand-in exercises. These will appear a week after they were due.
Literature: We use Lecture Notes for the course. A printed and bound copy of the lecture notes is available at the A-Eskwadraat bookstore, Buys Ballot Building, second floor. Payment by bank card.
Overview of the material treated in the course
Not always there will be time enough to treat all material in the lecture. What is listed is the required reading for the exam.
- Week 6: Introduction: some history and philosophy, Hilbert's Programme. Conservative and definitional extensions of theories; omitting types theorem. Exercises: 18--21.
- Week 7: Primitive Recursive Functions. Chapter 3, pp.33--42. Exercises: 24 vi)--ix), 27, 32.
- Week 8: Partial Recursive Functions: remainder of Chapter 3. Exercises: 37,43,44,47. Hand-in Exercise: exercise 38 of the lecture notes.
- Week 9: Last bits of Chapter 3. The formal System PA (1). Exercises: 48,49,51,53,55.
- Week 10: The Formal System PA (2). Exercises: 56,58,59,60,63. Hand-in Exercise:Exercise 2
- Week 11: The Formal System PA (3). Exercises: 59,60,61,67,68.
- Week 12: Gödel Incompleteness (1). Exercises: 72,73,75,76. Hand-in Exercise:Exercise 3
- Week 13: Gödel Incompleteness (2). Exercises: 77,78,80,81,82.
- Week 14: Introduction to Models of PA (1). Sections 6.1--6.3. Exercises: 84,85,87,90,91,94. Hand-in Exercise:Exercise 4
- Week 15: No lecture on April 6: Second Easter Day.
- Week 16: Introduction to Models of PA (2). Exercises: 92,93,95,96. Hand-in Exercise:Exercise 5
- Week 17: Introduction to Models of PA (3). Prime models and McDowell-Specker. There are no exercises in this section; students can catch up with old exercises.
- Week 18: No Lecture on April 27: King's Day (National Holiday)
- Week 19: Recursive Aspects of Models of PA (1). Section 7.1. Exercises: 97,98,99,101,102. Hand-in Exercise:Exercise 6
- Week 20: Recursive Aspects of Models of PA (2).
- Week 21: Recursive Aspects of Models of PA (3).
- Week 22: No lecture on May 25: second Whitsun (Pentacosta) Day.
- Week 23: Exam, Thursday June 4, 10-13, Educatorium room Alpha Here is the exam, with solutions.
Old exam, with some solutions. Another one. Another one (without solutions).
- Week 26: Resit, Thursday June 25, 10-13, BBG room 201. Here is the retake exam, with solutions.
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