Marta Pieropan

Mathematical Institute
Utrecht University
Hans Freudenthalgebouw
Budapestlaan 6
3584 CD Utrecht

Telephone: +31 30 253 9221
Room: 615


Here is a collection of resources regarding diversity, equity and inclusion in academia, which I update as I come across new ones. The list is by no means exhaustive, and suggestions are welcome. A list of related events can be found here

Equality, diversity and inclusion at Utrecht University

Equality, diversity and inclusion at the Faculty of Science, I serve on the EDI committee of the Faculty of Science.
UURainbow network
Women's Network

Dutch organizations

Colored Qollective
EWM-NL (European Women in Mathematics - The Netherlands)
LNVH (Dutch network of women professors)

International organizations

EWM (European Women in Mathematics)
Standing Committee for Genter Equality in Science

Mathematics in the time of Corona

Words of Women in Mathematics in the Time of Corona
Math-life balance

Resources from colleagues

Eugenia Cheng's inclusivity page
Federico Ardila's axioms
Greg Martin's research on the underrepresentation of women in mathematics
Izabella Laba's Gender bias 101 for mathematicians