UU seminars
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, past:
2023, 2021-2023
Utrecht Geometry Centre seminar
LENT (“Learning Enough/Extra/Elementary/Explicit Number Theory”) seminar
(Inter)national seminars
Belgian-Dutch Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Getaltheorie in het Vlakke land
Intercity Number Theory Seminar
Junior Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Reading seminars
Seminar on Algebraic Geometry Codes
Seminar on Log Stacks
Seminar on Arakelov Theory
Intercontinental Moduli and Algebraic Geometry Zoominar (online)
Online seminars
Number Theory Web Seminar
Nottingham University Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Past online seminars
Zoom Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Zoom On Rational Points
POINT: New Developments in Number Theory
Dutch Online Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Past seminar organization
2021 - 2023
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, UU
Past reading seminars
Seminar on Campana Points
Seminar on Lang's conjectures, Nijmegen
Seminar on Arakelov Theory
Seminar on Stacks
Intercity Geometry Seminar on Condensed Mathematics
Seminar on Derived Geometry, UU
The circle method, UU (online)
Logarithmic geometry and Gromov-Witten theory, UU (online)
Deformation Theory, UvA (online)
Algebraic geometry and moduli seminar, ETH Zurich (online)
Preprint Seminar
Positive characteristic algebraic geometry
Preprint Seminar
Working group on K-stability
Langlands correspondence for function fields
Berkovich spaces, birational geometry and motivic zeta functions
Rationality and decomposition of the diagonal
Motivic Galois groups and periods
Further topics in GIT
Algebraic groups (Lei Zhang)
Supersingular K3 surfaces are unirational, after C. Liedtke
Topological Hochschild Homology and the
de Rham-Witt Complex
Intersection theory