Marta Pieropan

Mathematical Institute
Utrecht University
Hans Freudenthalgebouw
Budapestlaan 6
3584 CD Utrecht

Telephone: +31 30 253 9221
Room: 615


Events organized

11/2021 - EWM-NL Annual Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands

Past and upcoming events on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

09/2025 - Women in automorphic forms, Bremen, Germany

08/2025 - Women In Numbers Europe 5, Split, Croatia

07/2025 - 4th Women in Mathematics Meeting in Portugal, Porto, Portugal

06/2025 - LG&TBQ2: geometry, topology, and dynamics, Montreal, Canada

05/2025 - Women in Mathematics Stockholm 2025, Stockholm, Sweden

04/2025 - Women in (Co)-Homology, Loughborough, UK

04/2025 - Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Highlighting Underrepresented Genders, Frankfurt, Germany

04/2025 - Women in Number Theory and Geometry Spring 2025, Haydock, UK

03/2025 - Women in Commutative Algebra, Toronto, Canada

03/2025 - Women and Mathematics: Algebraic Coding Theory and Cryptography, Ankara, Turkey

12/2024 - Women in Algebra and Symbolic Computation III, Bad Dürkheim, Germany

10/2024 - Black Heroes of Mathematics 2024, London, UK (hybrid)

09/2024 - Developments in Modern Mathematics: the 2nd WiMGo conference, Goettingen, Germany

07/2024 - Empowering a Diverse Computational Mathematics Research Community, ICERM Providence, USA

07/2024 - Women in Combinatorics Virtual Conference (online)

07/2024 - Women in Logic 2024, Tallinn, Estonia

07/2024 - Spectra Survey of Mathematics Conference 2024, Columbus OH, USA

07/2024 - Junior Female Researchers in Probability, Berlin, Germany

06/2024 - Queer in Computational and Applied Mathematics, ICERM Providence, USA

06/2024 - GABY: Equity Diversity Inclusion Session, Milan, Italy

06/2024 - Rethinking Number Theory, online, USA

06/2024 - Women and gender-expansive Individuals in Algebraic Geometry, Princeton, USA

06/2024 - Spec(Q(2πi)), Toronto, Canada

06/2024 - Queer and Trans in Mathematical Analysis, Bilbao, Spain

06/2024 - Queer in Math Day, MPIM Leipzig, Germany

06/2024 - Women in Commutative Algebra III, Oaxaca, Mexico

05/2024 - Women in Dynamical Systems & Ergodic Theory, Pisa, Italy

05/2024 - Generalized Functions Online Workshop (online)

10/2023 - Women in Commutative Algebra II, Trento, Italy

10/2023 - Black Heroes of Mathematics Conference 2023, Edinburgh, UK (online)

09/2023 - Spectra LGBTQ+ Mathematics Conference 2023 (online)

08/2023 - Queer In Number Theory and Geometry, Norfolk, UK

07/2023 - Queer and Trans Mathematicians in Combinatorics 2023, London, UK

06/2023 - Rethinking Number Theory (online)

05/2023 - A traveling exhibition about visible and invisible mathematics, Amsterdam, Netherlands

04/2023 - Good Practice Scheme Workshop: Diversity and Good Practice in PhD selection, London, UK (hybrid)

04/2023 - Women in Number Theory and Geometry, Brimington, UK

03/2023 - Women in Number Theory 6, Banff, Canada

03/2023 - Lead by example, Utrecht, Netherlands

03/2023 - Women and Mathematics: Geometric Topology, Istanbul, Turkey (hybrid)

12/2022 - Women in Geometry, London, UK

10/2022 - Coming out day, Utrecht, Netherlands

10/2022 - Black Heroes of Mathematics Conference 2022, Edinburgh, UK (online)

10/2022 - In/Equality at the Academy, Experiences at Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands

09/2022 - Women of Mathematics throughout Europe. A gallery of portraits, Groningen, Netherlands

09/2022 - Women in Arithmetic Geometry, Heidelberg, Germany

09/2022 - EWM-NL Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands

08/2022 - Women in Numbers Europe 4, Utrecht, Netherlands

07/2022 - Spec(Q-bar), Toronto, Canada

06/2022 - Gender Dimension in Physics and Math-Intensive Research and Teaching, Lund, Sweden

06/2022 - Women in Number Theory and Geometry, Spring Retreat, Norfolk, UK

03/2022 - SCGES Webinar (online)

02/2022 - SCGES Webinar (online)

01/2022 - LGBTQ+ STEMinar, Glasgow, UK (hybrid)

11/2021 - EWM-NL Annual Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands

10/2021 - Panel discussion: Promoting women in mathematics, IHES Paris, France (hybrid)

10/2021 - Black Heroes of Mathematics Conference 2021 (online)

09/2021 - Graduates Achieving Inclusion Now (GAIN) (online)

08/2021 - Spectra LGBTQ+ in Mathematics Conference (online)

01/2021 - (Inter)national conference Colored Qollective: Decolonization within queer communities of color (online)

01/2021 - LGBTQ+ STEMinar (online)

11/2020 - PRISMA conference 2020 (online)

10/2020 - EWM-NL annual event (online)

10/2020 - Coming Out Day at UU