All data sets are provided in dot format.
Les Misérables network (Download)
Undirected network modeling co-occurances of characters in Victor Hugo's novel 'Les Misérables'. A node represents a character and an edge between two nodes shows that these two characters appeared in the same chapter of the the book. The weight of each edge indicates how often such a co-appearance occurred.
- Number of nodes: 77, number of edges: 254
- Suggestion: use this dataset to experiment with force-directed and tree layouts.
- You can find more information on the structure of the network here.
- The network has been used to illustrate functionality of the force-directed layout here.
Rome graph (Download)
One of the graphs of the Rome graph collection, commonly used to experiment with general purpose graph layouts.
- Number of nodes: 100, number of edges: 119
- Suggestion: use this dataset to experiment with force-directed and tree layouts.
Jazz Network (Download)
A collaboration network between Jazz musicians. Each node is a Jazz musician and an edge denotes that two musicians have played together in a band. The data was collected in 2003.
- Number of nodes: 198, number of edges: 2742
- Suggestion: use this dataset to experiment with force-directed and tree layouts.
- You can find more information on the structure of the network here.
Small Directed Network (Download)
One of the networks we experimented with during the first lecture.
- Number of nodes: 24, number of edges: 27
- Use it to experiment with the layered layout.
- As an example, here is the layered layout generated by yEd.
Pro League Network (Download)
Results of football games in Belgium from the Pro League in the season 2016/2017. Nodes are teams, and each directed edge from A to B denotes that team A played at home against team B. The edge weights are the goal difference, and thus positive if the home team wins, negative when the away team wins, and zero for a draw. The exact game results are not represented; only the goal differences are. The data was copied by hand from Wikipedia.
- Number of nodes: 16, number of edges: 239
- Suggestion: use this dataset to experiment with layered layout and tree layouts.
- This is a very dense graph, i.e. the ratio of edges/vertices is very high! To obtain a readable visualization you can filter the edges by weight.
- You can find more information on the structure of the network here.
Argumentation network (Download)
The network shows a logical reconstruction of a scientific debate among 19th century geologists, namely the Great Devonian Controversy.
- Number of nodes: 335, Number of edges: 1015
- the nodes are of two types: statements and arguments
- nodes are arranged in clusters: "subgraphs" of the dot format
- A lot of additional information about this network can be found here. This was a network proposed as a part of Graph Drawing contest in 2021.
- Use this network to experiment with layered layout
- Here are only two clusters of this network to experiment with edge bundling.
Political blogosphere network (Download)
This graph contains 1,490 blogs and 19,025 links between them.
- Number of nodes: 1490, Number of edges: 19025
- Attribute "value" indicates political leaning: 0 - left or liberal, 1 - right or conservative.
- Use this network to experiment with edge bundling.
- Video of force-directed layout of this network
Robot graph (Download)
- Number of nodes: 120, Number of edges: 784
- Use this network to experiment with force-directed layout.
- Force-directed layout of this graph.
Mesh graph (Download)
- Number of nodes: 48, Number of edges: 177
- Use this network to experiment with force-directed layout.
- Force-directed layout of this graph.
2-snails graph (Download)
- Number of nodes: 104, Number of edges: 548
- Use this network to experiment with layered and force-directed layouts.
- Force-directed layout of this graph.
Pajek network (Download)
- Number of nodes: 47, Number of edges: 132
- Use this network to experiment with layered and force-directed layouts.
- Graph from Graph Drawing Contest.
North_small_graph (Download Δ)
- Number of nodes: ?, Number of edges: ?
- This graph is directed and has very few cycles. Use this network to experiment with layered layout. (coming...)
North_medium_graph (Download Δ)
- Number of nodes: ?, Number of edges: ?
- This graph is directed and has very few cycles. Use this network to experiment with layered layout. (coming...)
Additional Datasets
You can find many more exciting data sets under the following links.
- The KONECT Project
- Gephi sample datasets
- RomeGraphs dataset is classically used for the experiments with general purpose layouts (such as force-directed), see this paper as an example. On the same web-page you can also find many smaller directed graphs for experimenting with layered layout.