Visualization and GraphicsInteractionDept ICSFaculty of ScienceUU

Grading and Rules

As indicated on the Assignment page, to pass the course, you need to

  • submit a detailed report describing all steps of your completed assignment
  • submit working complete source code to replicate your results
  • present your work by means of a demo / presentation

All above three components are needed to pass the course. That is, for example, you cannot pass if you submit a report but do not hold the final presentation.

Grading will involve two components

  • a grade for the assignment. This involves the technical report. The source code as such will not be graded. However, the lecturer has to be able to replicate your findings (that is, build and use the source code to see how your system works). Source code will also be checked against plagiarism, i.e. that students did not simply copy someone else's existing solution.
  • a grade for the final presentation. This involves the completeness of the presentation (all steps of the assignment covered); clarity of the presentation; quality of your answers to the questions posed by the audience; and the extent to which you fit your presentation in the available timeslot.

The assignment grade consists of points given for each step. Please see the Assignment page for details.

The final grade will be the average of the assignment and presentation grades. Also, you need a passing grade for each of the two components. If you don't pass one, you don't pass the course.