Course overview
The course is formed by several modules, starting with introductory notions and ending with advanced ones. The modules are described below. Note that a module is (typically) not 1-to-1 equivalent with a lecture.
- what is multimedia retrieval (MR)
- types of MR data
- the MR pipeline
- example applications
Data representation
- how MR data is represented
- sampling and reconstruction
- basis functions, grids, interpolation
- types of MR attributes (scalar, vector, color, tensor)
Perception in MR
- why human perception is important in MR
- challenges of modeling perception
- Gestalt principles
- visual illusions
Feature extraction
- concept of features and descriptors
- taxonomy of features
- features for image, 2D shape, and 3D shape data
- feature extraction challenges and good practice
- concepts of similarity and distance
- different types of distance functions
- distance transforms
- scalability challenge in MR
- solutions: indexing, k-nearest neighbors, clustering
- relation of MR with Machine Learning
- how to query and visually explore MR data
- dimensionality reduction for exploration
- dimensionality reduction for querying
- quality concept in MR
- quality metrics (FP, TP, F-score, AUC)
- quality measurement in practice