fall | time | place | lectures | monday 11:00-13:00 | HFG 610 |
ECTS : 7.5 credit points
Our seminar is moved from BBG 017 to HFG 610
in the 6th floor of the Hans Freudenthalgebouw.
Dynamical systems describe the evolution of the possible states
of the system (forming the state space) as time varies.
In practical examples these systems depend on parameters:
for some coefficients the values are only approximately known and other
parameters enter from the outset as values to be controled and adjusted.
Bifurcation theory studies how the behaviour of dynamical systems changes
under variation of parameters, especially where a quantitatively small
change of a parameter value leads to a qualitative change in the dynamics.
This concerns both discrete and continuous dynamical systems.
Each week one lecture is given on a particular topic.
The lecturer also constructs an exercise for all other students, which is not
too difficult (at least, not more than one or two hours work).
Students have to hand in these exercises one week later, and who constructed
the exercise grades the solutions handed in on a scale from 1 to 10.
A good basic knowledge of differential equations.
The presentations (80%) and the home work excercises (20%).
10. September. Introduction, distribution of (remaining) talks
17. September. Normal form of the Hopf singularity. Homework exercise (pdf, ps)
1. October. Centre manifolds and the saddle-node bifurcation. Homework exercise (pdf, ps)
8. October. Matrices depending on parameters. Homework exercise (pdf, ps)
15. October. A Lie-theoretical approach to normal forms. Homework exercise (pdf, ps)
22. October. Bifurcations in volume-preserving systems. Homework exercise (pdf, ps)