Visualization and GraphicsInteractionDept ICSFaculty of ScienceUU


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Current News

January, 2025 Alexandru Telea won a Pluim Award for teaching the Multimedia Retrieval MSc course for the year 2024.
January, 2025 Yanrui Xu defended his PhD thesis Smoother Particle Hydrodynamics for Fluid Simulation in Computer Graphics with Alexandru Telea as 2nd supervisor. Congratulations!
January, 2025 Yuncong Yu defended his PhD thesis Multivariate Time Series Pattern Search with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
November, 2024 Alexandru Telea held a keynote lecture and invited course on data visualization at the Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
November, 2018 Ilan Hartskeerl started as a PhD student co-supervised by Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
October, 2024 Alexandru Telea held the keynote talk at the SIBGRAPI 2024 conference.
September, 2024 Barbara Benato obtained the PhD Thesis Honorable Mention award at the SIBGRAPI 2024 Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD). Congratulations!
September, 2024 Sjoerd Vink started as a PhD student co-supervised by Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
July, 2024 Barbara Benato defended her PhD thesis Pseudo Labeling and Classification of High-Dimensional Data Using Visual Analytics with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
April, 2024 The paper Exploring Classifiers with Differentiable Decision Boundary Maps (A. Machado, M. Behrisch, A. Telea) won the Honorable Mention Paper Award at EuroVis. Congratulations!
April, 2024 Alexandru Telea holds an invited lecture on high-dimensional data visualization at the Debye ISSC Spring School
March, 2024 Angelos Chatzimparmpas has started as assistant professor in the Visualization and Graphics group. Welcome!
March, 2024 The paper Fundamental Limitations of Inverse Projections and Decision Maps (Y. Wang, A. Telea) won the Best Student Paper Award at IVAPP. Congratulations!
February, 2024 Jiamin Wang started as a PhD student co-supervised by Alexandru Telea and Jiri Kosinka (RUG). Welcome!
January, 2024 Alexandru Telea will be one of the program chairs for the SIBGRAPI 2024 conference.
November, 2023 Yalan Zhang started a postdoc at SVCG-RUG in non-Newtonian fluid simulation. She is co-advised by Alexandru Telea and Jiri Kosinka (SVCG-RUG). Welcome!
October, 2023 The VR4eVR project was granted by NWO. In this project (6 years, 3M EUR), we will investigate how VR, serious gaming, and information visualization can help hemianopsia patients better revalidate after a stroke. Alexandru Telea, co-PI of the project, will supervise a PhD and a scientific programmer
October, 2023 Zonglin Tian defended his PhD thesis Explaining Projections of High-Dimensional Data with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
October, 2023 Alexandru Telea held the keynote at the VISSOFT conference
September, 2023 Alexandru Telea held the keynote at the VizTig symposium (King's College London)
July, 2023 Youngjoo Kim defended her PhD thesis Visual exploration of high-dimensional data using dimensionality reduction with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
June, 2023 The paper Identifying Cluttering Edges in Near-Planar Graphs (S. van Wageningen, A. Telea, T. Mchedlidze) won the Best Short Paper Award at EuroVis
June, 2023 The paper ShaRP: Shape-Regularized Multidimensional Projections (A. Machado, M. Behrisch, A. Telea) won the Best Paper Award at EuroVA
June, 2023 Alexandru Telea held the capstone presentation at EuroVis 2023
April, 2023 Lucas Stankus has joined the Visualization and Graphics group as a visiting researcher for 6 months, supervised by Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
March, 2023 Yu Wang has started in the Visualization and Graphics group as PhD student supervised by Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
January, 2023 Yanrui Xu has started as PhD student co-supervised by Alexandru Telea and Jiri Kosinka (RUG). Welcome!
January, 2023 Barbara Benato has started in the Visualization and Graphics group as part of her joint PhD project. Her UU supervisor is Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
December, 2022 Alexandru Telea will hold the keynote at the 2023 VISIGRAPP conference
November, 2022 Xiaorui Zhai defended her PhD thesis Exploring and Explaining 3D Data Representations with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
November, 2022 Victor Stenvers has started his PhD project in computer graphics in the Visualization and Graphics group. He is supervised by Peter Vangorp and Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
November, 2022 Alexandru Telea held three workshops on image processing with skeletons, high-dimensional visualization, and visual analytics for XAI at ICEI, Univ. PUC Minas, Brazil
October, 2022 The proposal "Quantitatively mapping Deep Transitions in The Netherlands" was funded by the AI Labs UU. The grant will support a postdoc for a few years. Co-PI's: Alexandru Telea and dr. G. Heimeriks (UU Geosciences)
September, 2022 Jieying Wang defended her PhD thesis Dense Medial Descriptors for Image Compression and Manipulation with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
July, 2022 Alexandru Telea co-chaired the AniNex workshop on Next Generation Computer Animated Techniques (co-located with CASA 2022)
April, 2022 Alexandru Telea (together with Jiri Kosinka, RUG) obtained an ICPIT grant for six PhD students in graphics and visualization.
March, 2022 Peter Vangorp joined the Visualization and Graphics group as assistant professor in graphics. Welcome!
February, 2022 Alexandru Telea won two Pluim Awards for teaching the Multimedia Retrieval MSc course for the years 2020 and 2021.
February, 2022 Youngjoo Kim won the Best Paper Award at the IVAPP 2022 conference for her paper SDR-NNP: Sharpened Dimensionality Reduction with Neural Networks. Congratulations!
February, 2022 Mateus Espadoto won the Best Student Paper Award at the IVAPP 2022 conference for his paper SDBM: Supervised Decision Boundary Maps for Machine Learning Classifiers. Congratulations!
January, 2022 Eduardo Vernier defended his PhD thesis Visualization of Dynamic Multidimensional and Hierarchical Datasets with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!

Previous News

December, 2021 Alexandru Telea held a course on visual analytics for multidimensional data at the SIKS Dutch Research School.
December, 2021 Gerben Hettinga defended his PhD thesis Arbitrary Topology Meshes in Geometric Design and Vector Graphics with Alexandru Telea as second supervisor. Congratulations!
December, 2021 Alexandru Telea held the keynote presentation at the SweDS 2021 symposium.
November, 2021 Emre Oral joined the VIG group as PhD student, supervised by Evanthia Dimara and Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
November, 2021 Michel Wijkstra joined the VIG group as researcher, supervised by Evanthia Dimara and Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
October, 2021 Samuel Martins obtained the Best PhD Thesis award at SIBGRAPI 2021 Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD). See here his presentation. Congratulations!
October, 2021 Simon van Wageningen joined the VIG group as PhD student, supervised by Tamara Mchedlidze and Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
October, 2021 Alexandru Telea held the keynote presentation at the LDAV 2021 symposium.
September, 2021 Alister Machado joined the VIG group as PhD student, supervised by Michael Behrisch and Alexandru Telea. Welcome!
September, 2021 Alexandru Telea published an op-ed in UKrant on internationalization.
September, 2021 Alexandru Telea held the keynote presentation at the VINCI 2021 symposium. Topic: Visualizing the Black Box of Machine Learning: Challenges and Opportunities.
June, 2021 Alexandru Telea joined the Board of ASCI
June, 2021 Xingyu Chen defended his PhD thesis Analysis and Exploration of Large 3D Shape Databases with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
April, 2021 Mateus Espadoto defended his PhD thesis Learming Multidimensional Projections with Neural Networks with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
February, 2021 Mateus Espadoto won the Best Student Paper Award at the IVAPP 2020 conference for his paper OptMap: Using Dense Maps for Visualizing Multidimensional Optimization Problems. Congratulations!
January, 2021 Evanthia Dimara started as assistant professor in the VIG group. Welcome!
November, 2020 Alexandru Telea is the general chair of the 9th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2021)
November, 2020 Our paper Visualizing the structure of urban mobility with bundling: A case study of the city of Sao Paulo won the Best paper award at the SBRC conference (CoUrb Workshop)
November, 2020 Samuel Martins defended his PhD thesis Unsupervised Brain Anomaly Detection in MR Images with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
October, 2020 Caio Rodrigues defended his PhD thesis visual analytics for decision boundary maps with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
September, 2020 Alexandru Telea got the best reviewer award at IEEE VISSOFT 2020.
September, 2020 Dr. Tamara Mchedlidze joined the VIG group as assistant professor. Welcome!
July, 2020 Prof. Lynda Hardman joined the VIG group. Welcome!
May, 2020 The website of the VIG group is live.
Mar, 2020 Lucas Pagliosa defended his PhD thesis on Exploring Chaotic Time Series and Phase Spaces with Alexandru Telea as main supervisor. Congratulations!
March, 2020 Alexandru Telea held an invited talk on Opening the Black Box of Machine Learning with Visual Analytics at the Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
March, 2020 The PROVEE project, submitted by Michael Behrisch, Dong Nguyen, Alex Telea) was granted 25K EUR by the Research IT Innovation Fund of Utrecht University. PROVEE aims to develop scalable, generic, and easy-to-use tools for exploring high-dimensional data via projections.
Feb, 2020 Samuel Martins won the Best Student Paper Award at the BIOIMAGING 2020 conference for his paper BADRESC: Brain Anomaly Detection based on Registration Errors and Supervoxel Classification. Congratulations!
Feb, 2020 Alexandru Telea held a course on Practical Data Visualization for the PROMINENT project (attended by 35 PhD students in medicine and life sciences)
Nov, 2019 Michael Behrisch joined my group as assistant professor. Welcome!
Sept, 2019 Alexandru Telea lectured at the International summer school Visual Software Analytics - Software Comprehension through Analysis and Visualization (Univ. Leipzig, Germany)
June, 2019 Zonglin Tian has obtained a CSC scholarship for his PhD with Alexandru Telea on multidimensional data visual analytics. Congratulations!
June, 2019 Alexandru Telea held two invited lectures on visual analytics for deep learning at the University of Campinas and IME/University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
April, 2019 Xiaokun Wang got a 10-months CSC visiting-researcher scholarship in the SVCG group. His application was supported as host investigators by Alexandru Telea and Jiri Kosinka. Congratulations!
April, 2019 Alexandru Telea held an invited workshop on data visualization at the 3rd Key Scientific Leaders Symposium on Diabetes and Obesity organized by Novo Nordisk in Brussels, Belgium.
April, 2019 Alexandru Telea has a new appointment as of May 2019 as full professor in visual data analytics at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University.
March, 2019 Vacancy for a postdoc in machine learning and visual analytics for motion disorder classification, following a successful TOP-ZonMW grant acquisition. Contact: Alexandru Telea.
February, 2019 Best paper award at IVAPP 2019 for the paper "Visual Analytics of Multidimensional Projections for Constructing Classifier Decision Boundary Maps" (M. Espadoto, F. Rodrigues, A. Telea). Congratulations!
November, 2018 Alexandru Telea held a keynote lecture and invited course on data visualization at the Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
October, 2018 On Oct 5, Matthew van der Zwan defended his PhD thesis on Visual Analytics of Multidimensional Time-dependent Trails. His supervisor was Alexandru Telea. Congratulations!
October, 2018 We welcome in this month several new PhD students: Jieying Wang, Xingyu Chen, Xiaorui Zhai, Mateus Espadoto, Lucas Pagliosa, and Caio Rodrigues. Their supervisor is Alexandru Telea. Welcome all!
September, 2018 Our paper "Quantitative Comparison of Dynamic Treemaps for Software Evolution Visualization" (E. Vernier, J. Comba, A. Telea) won the Distinguished Paper Award at IEEE VISSOFT 2018. Congratulations!
September, 2018 Alexandru Telea held a keynote lecture at the Graph Drawing 2018 symposium in Barcelona (Sept 26-28, 2018).
July, 2018 Alexandru Telea held a keynote lecture on Visual Analytics Opening the Black Box of Machine Learning at the 3TU Summer School "Big Software on the Run" (July 1-6, 2018, Berg en Dal, NL).
June, 2018 Alexandru Telea got the Best Reviewer Award by IEEE TVCG for 2017.
May, 2018 Alexandru Telea held a three-day course on Data Visualization at the IT Academy Noord Nederland. The course covers building information visualization applications with Tableau for IT professionals.
April, 2018 Alexandru Telea is co-chairing 3DOR, the Eurographics workshop on 3D Object Retrieval.
March, 2018 Alexandru Telea held a keynote presentation at ICT.OPEN 2018 (Amersfoort, March 19, 2018) on visual analytics for opening the black box of machine learning.
April, 2018 Alexandru Telea hosts Barbara Benato, a MSc student from UNICAMP, Brazil. She will be working for 6 months on visual analytics techniques for active learning in biological image classification.
February, 2018 Youngjoo Kim joined as a PhD student in the framework of the DSSC COFUND doctoral programme. She will work on visual analytics for multidimensional astronomical data. She is supervised by Alexandru Telea, Jos Roerdink, and Scott Trager.
December, 2017 Alexandru Telea holds a one-week postgraduate course on Visual Analytics for Big Data at the University of Campinas, Brazil. This is the first course on this topic held in Brazil!
September, 2017 Alexandru Telea co-organized a 60+ participant workshop for collaborative funding at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The workshop aims to foster new cross-disciplinary collaborations around Big Data in health sciences, life sciences, and science and technology. The initiative is supported by NWO and FAPESP.
September, 2017 Alexandru Telea delivered an invited lecture on Visual Analytics for Big Data at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, Univ. of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
September, 2017 Cong Feng has successfully defended his PhD on skeleton-based 3D shape processing on Sept 22. He was supervised by Alexandru Telea (promotor) and dr. Andrei Jalba (TU Eindhoven, co-promotor). Congratulations!
June, 2017 Alexandru Telea is co-chairing EGPGV 2017, the 17th Eurographics Symposium of Parallel Graphics and Visualization, co-located with EuroVis 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
June, 2017 Best poster award at EuroVis 2017 for our poster and extended abstract.
May, 2017 Alexandru Telea is holding a three-day course on Data Visualization at the IT Academy Noord Nederland. The course covers building information visualization applications with Tableau for IT professionals.
May, 2017 Alexandru Telea delivered the keynote lecture to the WSCG 2017 conference in Plzen, Czech Republic. The topic is Image-Based Visual Analytics for Big Data.
April, 2017 Alexandru Telea holds an invited term lecture on Information Visualization at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium.
February, 2017 Paulo Rauber has successfully defended his PhD thesis on visual analytics for machine learning on February 20. This is a joint doctorate together with the Institute of Computing, UNICAMP, Brazil. His supervisors were profs. Alexandru Telea (RUG) and Alexandre Falcao (UNICAMP). Congratulations!
January, 2017 Jos Roerdink and Alexandru Telea have been installed as members of the Ubbo Emmius Colleghie as acknowledgement of their contributions to have brought a large international event to Groningen (EuroVis'16).
November, 2016 Leonid Borodaev has received the Best Thesis Award from the Dutch Test Days conference on November 18. The supervisors for his BSc thesis were Rein Smedinga and Alexandru Telea (RuG) and dr. Rix Groenboom (Parasoft). Congratulations!
November, 2016 Alexandru Telea held an invited one-week postgraduate lecture on scientific visualization at the Center for Image Analysis, Univ. of Uppsala, Sweden (Nov. 7-11).
October, 2016 Renato da Silva has successfully defended his PhD on visualizing multidimensional data similarities on October 18, 2016. His supervisors were Alexandru Telea (RuG) and Rosane Minghim (Univ. Sao Paulo, Brazil). Congratulations!
October, 2016 Joao Comba, from UFRGS Brazil, has held a CS colloquium on Visual Data Analytics of Unstructured and Big Data. Slides are here.
June, 2016 Alexandru Telea has obtained a 2-year grant for researching novel information visualization technologies for developing remote towers for air traffic control. The project, MOTO, is funded by the EU SESAR Joint Undertaking.
May, 2016 Alexandru Telea is holding a three-day course on Data Visualization at the IT Academy Noord Nederland. The course covers building information visualization applications with Tableau for IT professionals.
April, 2016 The cover of the Information Visualization Journal (April 2016 issue) features our work on 3D multidimensional projection explanations.
April, 2016 Andre Sobiecki has successfully defended his PhD on 3D skeletonization for shape processing on April 11 2016. His supervisors were Alexandru Telea (RuG) and Andrei Jalba (TU Eindhoven). Congratulations!
March, 2016 University of Groningen has featured a press release highlighting the PhD work of Danilo Coimbra. If you're curious to see what multidimensional data visualization has to do with football, here it is!
March, 2016 Danilo Coimbra has successfully defended his PhD thesis on exploration of multidimensional multimedia data on March 18. His supervisors were profs. Alexandru Telea (RuG) and Fernando Paulovich (USP). Congratulations!
February, 2016 Rafael Martins successfully defended his PhD thesis at our university (Feb 29) and at the partner university of Sao Paulo (March 11). His supervisors were profs. Alexandru Telea (RuG) and Rosane Minghim (USP). Congratulations!
November, 2015 On Nov 23, Alexandru Telea held an invited lecture on visual analytics for software big data at the Netherlands e-Science Center symposium on the Science of Big Data Analytics & Visualization.
September, 2015 Our paper "Explaining Neighborhood Preservation for Multidimensional Projections" received a Best Student Paper Award at Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) 2015!
June, 2015 The SVCG group will organize EuroVis 2016, the most important European conference on data visualization, and second largest worldwide. Alexandru Telea is the local organization chair and publicity chair.
May, 2015 Our MSc student, Joost Koehoorn, obtained the GUF-100 prize of the best student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in 2015. He will next compete for the RuG Excellence Award student prize on June 3, 2015. Congratulations and good luck for the final competition!
May, 2015 On 18 May, Jacek Kustra successfully defended his PhD thesis on 3D point-cloud skeletonization. He was supervised by Alexandru Telea and Andrei Jalba (TU Eindhoven). Congratulations!
November, 2014 On 28 Nov, Alexandru Telea held an invited lecture at the Ngi-NGN Noord Academy on big data visual analytics and its applications in software engineering.
September, 2014 The second edition of the book Data Visualization: Principles and Practice (by Alexandru Telea) was released by CRC Press! Check out also the extensive online material available (exercises, code samples, scenarios, datasets, and projects).
March, 2014 On 4 March, Alexandru Telea held an invited lecture at the Target seminar at the Univ. of Groningen. A live cast of the lecture is available here.
March, 2014 On 3 March, Bertjan Broeksema successfully defended his PhD thesis (director: Alexandru Telea). Congratulations!
November, 2013 On 21 November, Alexandru Telea will hold an invited lecture at the National Dutch Testing Day on Software Visual Analytics.
October 2013 Ozan Ersoy successfully defended his PhD thesis on October 25, 2013. Congratulations!
September 2013 The first working conference on software visualization (IEEE VISSOFT 2013) will take place on Sept. 27-28 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, co-located with ICSM 2013. The conference is chaired by Alexandru Telea.
July 2013 Nuffic and Capes have approved the SIIS project (Smart Interactive Imaging Systems). SIIS partners are the Institute Johann Bernoulli and the Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (UFRGS). The grant covers the exchange of 10 undergraduate Brazilian students per year as several senior researcher visits between the two universities. SIIS aims at the development of algorithms, techniques, and tools in the areas of image analysis, synthesis, and data visualization. The project is coordinated by Alexandru Telea (RuG) and Marcelo Walter (UFRGS).
February 2013 Our paper on Dynamic graph bundling received an Honorable Mention Award at the IEEE PacificVis 2013 conference.
September 2012 Our papers on extracting 3D curve skeletons and on view-fusion in dynamic program understanding have received the Best Paper and Best Student Application Paper Awards at the TPCG (Eurographics UK) conference.
May 2012 Andre Sobiecki has started his PhD into 3D shape reconstruction, processing, and inpainting. His work is sponsored by the Brazilian National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq). His supervisor is Alexandru Telea.
February 2012 Alex Telea has delivered a prestigious invited talk at the Hasso-Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany.
February 2012 Bertjan Broeksema has obtained, for the second year, the prestigious IBM PhD Fellowship award for his research on visual analytics on rule-based data.
November 2011 Matthew van der Zwan started as PhD student with Alexandru Telea as supervisor. He works in the i-VIRNA project on 3D image analysis.
August 2011 Alexandru Telea is starting a 4-year PhD research project on intelligent video-based robotic navigation (i-VIRNA) together with Lely Technologies. In this project, we will use 3D point-cloud surface reconstruction and shape analysis techniques for constructing the new generation of autonomous milking robots.
July 2011 Our proposal for a 4-year Dutch-Brasilian exchange programme at PhD and senior staff level has been approved by Capes-Nuffic. In this project, we will study image-based information visualization. The coordinator from the Dutch side is Alexandru Telea.
February 2011 Bertjan Broeksema has obtained a PhD Fellowship (20,000 USD) from IBM to support his Visible Rules doctoral research. IBM Fellowships are awarded by competition to the brightest PhD students who do research related to several topics of interest at IBM. The funding will support Bertjan's ongoing PhD programme.
November 2010 Bertjan Broeksema has started a PhD in collaboration with IBM Research, France and the University of Bordeaux on visual analytics for business rules. He is supervised by Alexandru Telea.
September 2010 Jacek Kustra (Philips Research, Eindhoven, the Netherlands) has started a PhD on robust 3D skeletonization and related applications. He is supervised by Alexandru Telea.
June 2010 The paper »Image-Based Edge Bundles: Simplified Visualization of Large Graphs« received the Second Best Paper Award of the conference EuroVis 2010.
January 2010 Heorhiy (George) V. Byelas successfully defended his PhD thesis on January 29, 2010.
May 2009 Ozan Ersoy started as a new PhD student in Alexandru Telea's group.
October 2008 Alexandru Telea started as adjunct professor in the SVCG group at the University of Groningen.