Parallel Scientific Computation: A Structured Approach Using BSP (Second Edition)


Author: Rob H. Bisseling
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication date (UK): September 30, 2020
Pages: 416 pages
ISBN 9780198788348 (hardback)
ISBN 9780198788355 (paperback)
ISBN 9780191092572 (ebook)

Rob H. Bisseling
Photo by Nienke Meek



This is a complete set of class-tested lectures which are supplementary to the main text of the book. Each lecture corresponds to one section (or a few) of the book and has up to 25 slides, which takes about 45 min. It is given as a PDF file. The slides have been written in LaTeX/Beamer with most figures produced by TikZ or Gnuplot. If you are a teacher and want to use the slides, but would like to modify them, for instance to turn my jokes into better ones, then use the LaTeX/Beamer sources. All lectures have been updated in 2023.

All lectures are available here, as a package PSC2 Slides (42 MB), with the latest version released March 27, 2023. The format is gzipped tar. The LaTeX/Beamer sources are also available, as a package PSC2 Slides Sources (74 MB). The lectures can also be downloaded separately, through the following list.


I have recorded a set of videos on the theoretical parts of the book. These can be found on my YouTube channel, Professor Rob H. Bisseling, Utrecht University. Each video ends with a homework question. The answer to all these questions can be found in Solutions. But first try to solve the questions yourself, before peeking here!

A list of videos, in the order of the book sections:

Videos beyond the book

These advanced videos present research results connected to recently published articles. Often these are based on earlier videos from the book. The videos beyond the book can be found on the same YouTube channel.


The programs of the book, plus a set of test driver programs, are available here, as a package BSPedupack version 2.0, released September 2, 2020. The format is gzipped tar. To unpack on a UNIX system, use the command
tar -xzvf BSPedupack2.0.tar.gz


Any errors that have been found after publication of the second edition are collected in a List of Errata, last updated September 5, 2022.

Additional files


Page last updated on October 5, 2023 by Rob H. Bisseling.