Recent Publications
Journal Papers
- Arcila Calderón, C., B. Aydogdu, T. Bircan, B. Gunduz, O. Ones, A.A. Salah, A. Sirbu, "Combining Twitter and Mobile Phone Data to Observe Border-Rush: The Turkish-European Border Opening," Journal of Computational Social Science, accepted for publication.
- Aydogdu, B., O. Bilgili, S. Gunes, A.A. Salah, "Mobile phone data for anticipating displacements: Practices, opportunities, and challenges, Data & Policy, accepted for publication.
- Hessels, R.S., P. Li, S. Balali, M.K. Teunisse, R. Poppe, D.C. Niehorster, M. Nyström, J.S. Benjamins, A. Senju, A.A. Salah, I.T.C. Hooge, "Gaze-action coupling, gaze-gesture coupling, and exogenous attraction of gaze in dyadic interactions," Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2024.
- Alajak, K., D. Ozkul, K. Leurs, R. Dekker, A.A. Salah, "The dangers and limitations of mobile phone screening in asylum processes," Forced Migration Review, vol.73, May 2024. (also available in French, Spanish, and Arabic)
- Hendrikx, N.Y., K. Barhmi, L.R. Visser, T.A. de Bruin, M. Po, A.A. Salah, W.G.J.H.M. van Sark, "All sky imaging-based short-term solar irradiance forecasting with Long Short-Term Memory networks," Solar Energy, vol. 272, 112463, April 2024.
- Peng, Y., I. Lock, A.A. Salah, "Automated Visual Analysis for the Study of Social Media Effects: Opportunities, Approaches, and Challenges," Communication Methods and Measures, vol.18, no.2, pp.163-185, 2024. DOI
Edited Books and Proceedings
- Salah, A.A., L. Colonna, F. Florez-Revuelta (eds.), "Privacy-Aware Monitoring for Assisted Living, Springer Cham, 2025.
Book Chapters
- Salah, A.A., A. el Ali, "Affective User Interfaces," in J. Vanderdonckt, P. Palanque, M. Winckler (eds.), Handbook of Human Computer Interaction, Springer Cham, accepted for publication.
- Colantonio, S. et al., "A historical view of active assisted living," in A.A. Salah, L. Colonna, F. Florez-Revuelta (eds.), Privacy-Aware Monitoring for Assisted Living, Springer Cham, 2025.
- Salah, A.A., H. Kaya, D. Iren, "Affective computing for AAL," in A.A. Salah, L. Colonna, F. Florez-Revuelta (eds.), Privacy-Aware Monitoring for Assisted Living, Springer Cham, 2025.
- Bircan, T., A.A. Salah, “Emerging Big Data Sources for Studying Migration,” in W. Allen, C. Vargas-Silva (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, 2nd Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, October 2024.
International Conference and Workshop Papers
- Sogancioglu, G., P. Mosteiro, A.A. Salah, F. Scheepers, H. Kaya, ""Fairness in AI-Based Mental Health: Clinician Perspectives and Bias Mitigation," in Proc. 7th AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES), San Jose, 2024.
- Doyran, M., A.A. Salah, R. Poppe, "Human Contact Annotator: Annotating Physical Contact in Dyadic Interactions," in ICMI 2024 Companion, San José, 2024.
- Doyran, M., A.A. Salah, R. Poppe, "Decoding Contact: Automatic Estimation of Contact Signatures in Parent-infant Free Play Interactions" in Proc. of the 26th ACM Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interaction, San José, 2024.
- Ruhof, J., A.A. Salah, T.J.P.A.M. van Loon, "Automatic pain estimation in equine faces: More effective uses for regions of interest," Proc. ACII Workshops, Glasgow, 2024.
- Lu, H., A.A. Salah, R. Poppe, "Compensation Sampling for Improved Convergence in Diffusion Models," Proc. ECCV, Milano, 2024.
- Karaca, B., A.A. Salah, R. Poppe, J. Denissen, S.M.C. de Zwarte, “Survey of Automated Methods for Nonverbal Behavior Analysis in Parent-Child Interactions,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Istanbul, 2024.
- Ning, M., M. Li, J. Su, A.A. Salah, I. Onal Ertugrul "Elucidating the Exposure Bias in Diffusion Models," Proc. ICLR, Vienna, 2024.
- Lu, H., R. Poppe, A.A. Salah, "TCNet: Continuous Sign Language Recognition from Trajectories and Correlated Regions," Proc. AAAI, Vancouver, 2024.
- Arcila Calderon, C., B. Aydogdu, T. Bircan, B. Gunduz, O. Ones, A.A. Salah, A. Sirbu, "Combining Twitter and Mobile Phone Data to Observe Border-Rush: The Turkish-European Border Opening," ArXiv preprint arXiv:2405.12642, 2024.
- Schoorl, K., T. Pinos Cisneros, A.A. Salah, B. Schouten, "Wrist movement classification for adaptive mobile phone based rehabilitation of children with motor skill impairments," ArXiv preprint arXiv:2401.17134, 2024.